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  • in reply to: Mistakes #3652

    I often use the color wheel for color judging.

    Also, ‘technical’ indigo (used for computers and printing) is more on the violet side than the indigo pigment. As this swatch:


    I think of this indigo instead of the indigo dye when they talk indigo, though that might be wrong as this world is medieval which doesn’t have a unified color system.

    More technical minded individual will also list the color of the visible spectrum as:


    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2876

    The blue dots are likely to be the three archdemons: Exador, Ramses and Bess. Talarius describe the three blue dots to be close together and Tom and the Archdemons has never been close together. The dots is also not described to be moving. I couldn’t think of a situation given the circumstance where Tom will be close to two Archdemons for sometime (Talarius circle the Palace several times) without any of them moving around.

    Still, where is Tom in the mirror?

    in reply to: What do Gods get out of providing a afterlife? #2693

    It seems we aren’t capable of balance and satisfaction. We don’t seem to get content. Sad thing really. I had read a lot of stuff about this but the ideal just seems imposible to achieve.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3420


    I’m frutrated! ](*,) Especially when you say that lampshading makes things consistent when that is not what lampshading do. It also seems that you are ganging on me. Tizzy is giving a “hint hint’ now.

    I would read what you will write, but then I guess I would just end criticizing it. I try to answer calmly and give contributions instead.


    Those towns are preserved. There are laws against doing drastic changes there. There are even laws against building modern constructs there. The Court of Chaos obviously doesn’t have such laws. I don’t even think they have laws there. Without any opposition against change, those demons would have make the cityscape change all the time.

    Well, I doesn’t mind it that much too but don’t think that they don’t have impact to the story. Think of X-men. It was mutant genes that give them those powers. We know that genes don’t do that (control the weather, pffft!). Now think if, it was more ‘realistic’ then these mutants wouldn’t exists and no more X-men. These details have great impact and are vital, even if they are wrong. The story would not have existed without these details.

    I know its illogical but people here is trying to justify them so much. So why don’t you just accept that it is illogical? Why make excuses?

    [quote]Besides, even in our own real world things have been found to be true that would be considered weird and illogical before and it takes dozens of people and years of work to provide the asnwers you seek.[/quote]

    Wait man. It is simple observation. It don’t need much knowledge to know that silk would be ruined if exposed to high temperatures. That the piano would be damaged if put close to a radiator. And that people will die of heatstroke. Then whe are these things are not happening here?It is odd. We don’t need to be philosophical for this.

    And my suspension of disbelief isn’t jarred yet. I enjoyed it, haven’t I? And have read the book many many times. Again and again and again. And I still like it, and maybe that is why I see such things (there is lots). But there is nothing wrong to pointing out the flaw especially when we talk about the book itself.

    I said before that I hope that something good comes from this. In X-men we get super cool chracters like Wolverine and powers too. How about here? What to expect with all this? It seems to be of no purpose in book 1. I do hope something would come out of it in book2. The author break physics so he must have a plan or something for it. But what is it?

    in reply to: Beta Format/Book Format/Feedback #3869

    Epub, I think, would work. It is a standard format after all. So almost everyone should be able to read it.

    The raw formats though (.doc, .docx, .odt, etc.) or even plain text file might be more useful though to beta readers who might read it in a pc and use some advance tools to do their jobs.


    Hmmm… I think the beta readers might be too diverse to make a single app or system to work for all. Why don’t let each beta reader have their own thread or something, so that each differences would be catered?

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2642

    Well, those fatherly type men attracts lot of female affection but often repels some women (I think the slutty ones and the drama queens). These are demons though and they might not really get attracted to these type of men. Maybe they like ones like Antefalken, being great in bed and all. Many demons seem to be dedicated to pleasure.

    As for reading romances. First many of the books I read isn’t ‘teen’ they are more of rated xxx, adult, though I also read lots that are for teens and even children. I read them for many reasons. One of it is that my first experience with romance books is quite positive. I liked the story very much. However this doesn’t turn out to be a majority in this genre. Most of these romances are a little better that trash. Still, I continue hoping to somehow find gold. Nope, more trash. After a few dozens of books I only found maybe three or four that I find good, others not so much.

    Second, it is also because they are one of the most prolific genre. There is almost always something new in the romance section. The other genre not so much. Not to mention, the fantasy and si-fi genre rarely sound exciting. It often is just another space opera, another superhero, another bad guys vs good guys, another guy destined to great things, another prophecy tells blah blah. Really the fantasy and sci-fi genre is also filled with mediocrity.

    Third. I actually had stopped reading romances for a long time. I hardly read any fiction for that matter. I often read now reference books especially on arts and craft, computer graphics, drawing, architecture, history, etc. These I find to rarely disappoint me. For fiction, I often reread the ones I like. And I say I read Into the Abyss and others dozens of time.

    Fourth. There is always those times when you think you find some gold nuggets. Something that might be outstanding. Something that feels like you have to bet on. Then it turns out the gamble is wasted. It just really isn’t as good as it says in the cover. Also these Goodreads rating don’t really help much. Many seems to praise and give many of these books full five stars even when the story isn’t really that great after all.

    In the end, what I learned from history (and experience) is that these romances is just unrealistic. Records has show that this love thing creates intense pain, missery and tragedy than happily ever afters. That people would soon turn against each other. Than many men and women would be unfaithful. That many would end in divorce. That many women would become single mothers. That many children would live without one or both of the parents. That some children would end killing themselves. That some of these children would start buying guns and shoot people in schools and such.

    The real life is far more interesting that any fiction. Reading about the Nazi camps, is far more wholesome that reading about some womanizing alpha male ‘finding’ and then fucking his mate. The struggles of the occupy movement against Wall Street, is far more meaningful that the good vs evil tropes. Studying and practicing drawing human anatomy is far more reviting than learning the spell words Harry Potter uses for blasting his enemies.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2971

    Might have been a minor oversight.

    They should do notice the stench. Talarious was able to pick it up on the Astlan side even when the portal has been closed for a long time. This oversight is relatively minor and quite easy to correct.

    And I’m not being picky. Those are valid reasons not to go there.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3519

    Ummm. You might be a bit mistaken of calling this text based games or ascii art type (?) games as video games. I think they are not. If you want a very early representative of video games, then spacewar should be it.


    Well, it is true that we should distinguish between bad technology/special effects and bad story but movie making technology in those times is severely lacking compared to the technology we have now. Early movie making is very tedious. For example it takes several minutes of scanning, cutting, and pasting what we could do now in with a few mouse clicks.

    There is also the fact that movie making technology is very new then. There is little experience then of making a quality movie and how to use the medium to tell the story.

    I could understand if they make some horrid movies at those very early times due to its infancy. But that is not quite true now. At least they could make something at least middling with all the developments and experience, but shitty? In quite large numbers?

    But… then… I don’t know. It seems, even bad films (for me) seems to be quite successful still. Maybe story isn’t really that important in movies?


    Thanks for the clarification. That is quite confusing one there.

    Well, Exador’s cover is blown anyway. The others whould act by then.

    in reply to: True Names #2429

    Now try to make a Japanese person to pronounce and spell it.

    The spelling and pronounciation error might be becuase of difference in languages. Astlanian language is not clearly defined in the book but maybe they don’t have a sound or a letter that correspond to the English language. Think of the various languages and writing just here. In speach for example there might be a limitation of sound. Rotokas for example only has 11 phonemes (English has about 40). Writing is even more diverse. Try reading a German text. What are those weid letters?

    Though as I can see. Astlanian language has similar phoneme set as English but maybe lack the ‘TH’ phoneme that might make them replace it with ‘T’ when they speak and write it. Astlanian also seems to be writing in alphabetic like English but maybe they don’t spell words with -TH- or use the letter(s) that correspond to the phoneme (like θ) in their writing which might also cause them to misspell Thomas’ name. It might even be not possible to spell his name right if Astlanians use Semanto-phonetic (like Chinese and Ancient Egyptian) or Sylabic (like Hiragana/Katakana Japanese and Thai). :-k

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2942

    You tried the mushrooms there? Oh no.

    What? Is poison mana now? Maybe it’s the ‘mana’ in Toms weeds that make him vurnerable to demon binding. Poor Tom.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2269


    He he! Maou started it.


    No! That is not what I mean also. The book itself describes the demons level of abilities to be static. When the demon is level 1 they stay at that level. When they are level 5 they stay at that level too. They don’t get stronger or weaker. They just don’t change.

    This is not what most people really thinks/reacts nor was things really this simple. You might be overgeneralizing things too much.

    First, you say that that failure leads to insanity. Then you say insanity could be the peak of innovation. That is what doesn’t make any sense.

    Is it really that surprising to you that no one decided to permanently kill Tizzy? Do you really need more reason for Tizzy for living that long asside from from others haven’t decided on permanently killing him yet? Do you really also think that Tizzy is that annoying that the other demons wants to really excert the effort or permanently killing him? Also, permanently killing a demon isn’t like swating a fly you know. It do require a great deal of effort.

    Well, true, coincidences is very strange in real world, but not in fiction. Authors has always intercept with logic in the stories to make things interesting. Meeting their true love, meeting a person who just have the skills to solve the problem, someone saving the hero at the nick of time, etc. There are a lot of small and big coincidences staple in fiction. Many authors overdo it and it just kills the story. But you have to acknowledge, without these coincidences, the story would just become mighty boring.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #2000

    I don’t have much knowlege about this so I think I have nothing to comment.

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3245

    Are there any damsel in distress in Astlan? I never heard any in the book.

    Oh! If dragons are demons too, could they do magic like how Exador and Ramses and Tom does? Are there Wizard and Animage dragons out there?

    Also are there dragons that don’t hate non dragons?

    As for Knight Rampant and Paladin, it might be a title thing. If you ask me, the rampant part indicates a very active and unrestrained connotation. Maybe it is given to the knights who acts a lot, constantly dealing (and killing) with the ‘evil’ of the world, not like the other knights who are often just knights in name only. I could see though that Paladins are of quite similar nature though I see Paladins as somewhat helpful and protective in nature which our Knight Rampant doesn’t seem to be. So Knight Rampant are more like berserkers and Paladins are more like romanticized (ideal) hero.

    Well, that is my take of this issue.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3320

    Really, I wondred how you survived that long. You have been messing with the gods long before Tom did his thieving.

    Not to mention, poor people, they would have been receiving their god’s wrath because the sacrifices never reach their destination.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2961

    Well, maybe the wizards can create a variation of the demon binding spell that essentially rebinds a demon to a weaker body. It seems possible based on the magic system here.

    Hmm. Pipes. Like those ‘umbilical cords’ Tom have shunted? If there are more of those pipes them Tom have more to ‘steal’ mana from. Though if Tom needs those arrows to do the trick, it would just become too obvious and be easily averted. He needs a more subtle approach if the trick needs to work long term.

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