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MemberWill the god be out on this third strike? Permanently dead?
Do gods even play baseball?
Interesting, I’ve heard that on some planets they have been teaching dragons to do that.
Wonder if they have any of those dragons on T-A-G’s world
Remember she’s got her sights on Gastrope’ although, I’m sure she’d be up for a “Devil’s Threesome” in this case, literally.
MemberOooh, I checked it out last night.
You didn’t tell me that Paul Muad’Dib was in it!
Haven’t seen him in years, we used to go worm riding together! Lots of fun. I hadn’t heard from him in sometime, and I’d been getting worried, he was in a rather hostile situation, you might say, so I was afraid he might have bit the dust, or desert in his case, but turns out he just moved to this Twin Peaks town. Lots more water there.
I try very hard to not judge people by their appearance, but to be fair to Hrothgar–complete douchebag-asshole that he was–I seriously doubt he slept with Grendel’s mother. Again, not to cast aspersions, but she looked nothing like Angelina Jolie, not even an animated one.
I won’t say she was ugly (not sure that word would do her justice), in hindsight I suspect she had some Denubian blood….however, she had an amazing and incredible personality!
And as pissed off as Grendel was, I sort of think he’d have mentioned that little tidbit.
Obviously an alien then.
I don’t know about you, but I am appalled by cruel and heartless, unsportsmanlike slaughter of veggiekind by the vegans.
Did you know vegetarians and vegans typically eat their prey alive? Ever notice how onions and potatoes and lots of other veggies keep growing once you pick them, and even after you brutally cut them up in pieces? If they are growing, they are still alive, and the evil veggie-vegans eat them that way!
Further, when you hunt animals, they can at least run away and attempt to flee. When was the last time you saw a potato or cornstalk try to run away? They can’t! The poor things just stand there, stuck in the ground, waiting in terror at the approaching farmer (murderer) who wants to pluck them from their home and feed them alive to some crazed vegetarian.
I’m sorry, but if you are an intelligent being, and insist on ‘eating’ the only sportsmanlike thing to do is to eat other intelligent beings who are capable of escaping you, outwitting you or even eating you back.
In fact, if you go out for dinner and their isn’t at least a 50/50 chance that you’ll be the dinner rather than the diner, then you are cheating and being unsportsmanlike!
MemberI resent the assumption that just because someone is my friend, they are a masochist!
I am a very nice, pleasant, easy going person! [angry]
I am sick and tired of people telling my friends that they have to be gluttons for punishment to put up with me! [glare]
MemberThe key trick on the balance is gods can come, if invited/no one complains.
1) Bess & the Outpost are a clear violation, however, only Tom and friends know this. The other gods believe the Nyjyr Ennead to be dead/missing/AWOL.
2) Sentir Fallon would be a problem, except he was invited by Lilith, or has been at times. Since Lilith (and/or Sammael) are sort of the de-facto rulers, if they don’t tell anyone, it’s fine. It’s actually a far bigger problem for Sentir, that he is working with Lilith than the that he’s in the Abyss.
3) Phaestus, Volund, Loki, Singkun & others were/are Orcus’ guests, arguably his Court. He invited them. Those who are aware of Tartarus are generally aware of their connection.
4) Technically an Olympian in the Abyss (Orcus) would be a problem, but he’s been there for millions of years and most people don’t get the connection (do not know he’s a god) and consider him a permanent resident, and as one of the Princes of the Courts of Chaos, he was considered part of that signatory group. I.e. he got grandfathered in. This is true of a few other gods that live in the Abyss, he is not actually the only one. What is true, however, is that none of the gods living there have access to their god pools (if they have one)Tizzy
MemberOK: Have not yet read, but this looks to be right up GelCube’s alley:
[url=]Chronicles of a Royal Pet: A Princess and an Ooze (Royal Ooze Chronicles Book 1) [/url]
MemberGood idea, I’ll have them fire up Earth’s Doom.
If you have any relatives in Auckland New Zealand, you might want to warn them to leave…
MemberSo, you are saying I swept you off your feet?
Wait? How does a crab fall over? That would be pretty weird.
I gotta see that again….one sec.
MemberYou should believe me because I am the only trustworthy, honest and reliable demon in the Abyss!
All those other bozos are malicious malapropers who don’t know what they are talking about!
MemberWell to be honest I’ve lost track. No idea what level they are. If only there were some device I could use to measure a D’Orcs ranking.
That would be mighty convenient.
MemberWell, well, well, quite an interesting theory.
He shows up in v.IV so maybe I should ask him?
MemberAh, yes, that makes sense.
Audrey II lived in a little Shop of Horrors and ate people. It’s a really great musical. Unfortunately, it’s also a tragedy. I did not like the ending. I hate the whole “happily ever after” stuff.