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MemberI been reading and rereading books since I begun to read. I still remember reading and rereading my small collection of fairy tale stories when I was little, with the tale of Cinderella being my favorite. And there is also my first encyclopecia set that I have read countless times. I even had noticed some spelling errors in it.
And I symphatize with the experience of reading those badly written books. My worst experience come from the Romance genre. Spelling errors I could deal with; horrible love story, @$%D(!*. Those Romance novels are the strongest cringe generating, vomit inducing writing I ever behold. And it seems that the authors are actually doing all they can to produce such ^%$F%^&* constantly!
Not that other genre doesn’t have their share of horrid stories. But often they are just sleep inducing and at most, their a bunch WTF!!!!
MemberI’ve been discussing this issue a long time ago. In reality it is quite very common to mispronounce foriegn names.
We can make hundreds of sounds for our language (also known as phonemes) but in a spoken language we limit the number of phonemes we use (the phoneme set). Spoken languages have from a dozen to more than a hundred of phonemes in thier phoneme set.
Added some natural complexity of the language, the problem here is that it requires practice to be able to pronounce a phoneme properly. This is especially troublesome when a person has to produce a phoneme that is not part of that person’s native language’s phoneme set. What often happens is that they replace it with a similar sounding phoneme. Japanese speakers for example has trouble creating the /l/ phoneme as it is not present in the japanese language phoneme set and often replace it with the /r/ phoneme. Of course saying ‘rock’ instead of ‘lock’ (unrock it!) results to confusion.
In Tom’s case, his name must be Astlanian enough so that natives there can pronounce it properly.
Of course if there are aliens, as Tizzy implied, then they might just have names that humans physically can’t pronounce. Say what if the alien speaks in supersonic? What if the aliens are birdlike and uses birdlike tweets and calls in their language? Humans can’t speak that!
Well, while we are also speaking about languages, how many languages are there in Astlan? Also are there French speaking demons, Cantonese speaking demons, and Latin speaking demons? Do Ramses still remember how to speak Ancient Egyptian? What is Exador’s native language? I should have ask about Tizzy’s original native tongue, but I seem to be uninterested about it somehow.
MemberHuh! You demons lack culinary skills.
MemberI never heard of religions requiring virgin sacrifice. Life or human sacrifice? Yes. Virgin sacrifice? No. What religion is that that requires such sacrifices?
MemberI haven’t really made a hand for this model. I find it more easier to model the hands separately then attach it later. I also haven’t made the tail because I still lacked geometry at the back. I have made a tail in my first attempt as the model was dense at that time but I messed up. The front tail… I was planning on not modeling it (like many other models) but might have been bad.
This figure is about 8 heads tall. And I’m talking about proportion not height. Cute anime characters are shorter, say about 4 to 5 heads tall. That is, their body is as tall as 4 to 5 times the height of their head. Chibi character are about 2 to 3 heads tall. Hello Kitty for example is two heads tall. Regular dude, 6 to 6 1/2 Ideal heroic proportion is about 7 1/2heads tall. Many comic super heroes is 8 heads tall. Some monster are 9 to 10 heads tall or even taller. The Hulk is one of the character that is often made over 8 heads tall nowdays.
So for Tom, I opt for 8 heads tall. That is a comic super hero proportion. I planned on making his head smaller puting him to the extremely exagerated proportion but gues not. Dont want to make his head bigger though because that would make him look move regular dude.
As you are not commenting on the wings, guess I get it right?
As for the modeling package, I’m using Blender. It is free and quite good in basic polygonal modeling.
MemberIs Darkness a reference for demon Tom? I don’t think I seen the film before.
As for anatomy. Tom is already 12 feet tall, proportionally his head would also be larger, which means a roomier place for the brain. There should be no problem for the brain size in that area.
As for horns and big head, see this creature for a size:
[img=]That is a big horn[/img]
compared to his more normal relatives:
[img=]Normal doesn’t mean small[/img]
I’ll take a look at daz3d, though I already heard about it, just doesn’t taken interest in it.
You also had a great point at “Movie Stars” not acting and playing a character. Some just doesn’t play their characters right and just feels fake.
MemberHmmm. Daz 3D seems to lack much in creating original content lacking much in modeling functions. They have a lot of good models though. I’ll look deeper into it.
MemberReally? I though it was your coping mechanism. There are things more worse that being a bit insane. Also if you think about it, everyone is a bit insane in some way or another. Some are just more adept at hiding it than others.
Well, people say you are unsound but, from what I can see, you are quite sane compared to say Exador and Ramses. Maybe it is because they are powerful demons that make people zipped their mouths (except Lenamare) and their power makes other people more tolerant of their craziness.
The two is nothing compared to you!
MemberWell, I kinda agree that the cover was a bit ugly but it is not exactly the ugliest I’ve seen. There are quite a lot of technical errors in the image that should have been addressed. At least some overpainting in photoshop should have been made.
Still I’m going to make a 3D art, had started already… and they are not neccisarily bad! Do you think just because you work in 2D your work would be beautiful? Both 3Dand 2D have their shares of ugly, traditional media have them too. It is really up to the artist how their work comes out.
By the way if you want to look for more great digital artworks try this site, it is one of the site I go often. It constantly inspires me:
And great 3D works find them here:
MemberWell, there is this capability of 3D. You can reuse the models. Get one, pose it, render. Pose it again, render. You can use such model again and again and again. Now, nothing is wrong with this, I will also make use of reusing models one day, but often times people are sloppy at reusing the models. Often they don’t correct, alter, or do post work. Often the results are stiff and bizzare or outright freakish.
I also think it is not the over exposure but ignorance. When it comes to traditional work, people are very well acquainted to it. They know about Mona Lisa, Girl with the Pearl Earing, The Starry Night, Creation of Adam, etc. They even know the master artists who make them. There a lot of documentaries about them too. the general people just know a lot of these.
Contrast with 3D works. Being a new one on the feild, many people fail to recognize great 3d works as great examples of 3D works. They see them and fail to recognize what it is. Those gigantic dinosaurs? Godzilla? King Kong? Iron man suit? The Hulk? These are popular 3d works out there in the movies but many would fail to point them out when they think of 3D works.
When people talk about 3D most would think of those sloppy 3d works instead of those the often seen ones like movie posters (the Hulk, Transformers, Iron Man, Avatar), animated films (like Pixar and Dreamwoorks, love How to Train Your Dragon), IKEA catalogue (those pictures you see there are 3D renders), comercials (how about those talking toothbrushes?) or even Video games. Great 3D work abound they just fail to label them as 3D works.
On the other hand no one would pick their sisters drawing Sailor Moon, their own attemps of drawing human figure, or their school art project as traditional artwork examples but insist on exquisite ones like Mona Lisa, The Starry Night, and The Girl with the Pearl Earing as examples. They pick the best for traditional but choose the worst for 3D, so unfair.
MemberTizzy, you would be called out for blasphemy. Don’t make fun of other people’s religion.
MemberSigh… Tizzy. [-x
MemberI just have to ignore that.
MemberWell, I don’t intend that, sorry Rupert, but it do look ridiculous. I kinda have vivid visualization and I almost laughed at my vission of Demon Tom and Demon Rupert walking side by side.
MemberWanting something doesn’t make that object useful.
Well, at least in this book, Lenamare’s book is essentially a macguffin, a plot device. It do no other purpose than to drive plot. It might be of more use in latter installments but not here.