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  • in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3251

    Eating humans… isn’t that what demons are also wont to do? Not much different from dragons.

    If such knowldge cause wild panic, then Tom’s display of shapeshifting in from of the public would bring such.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1814


    Scienctific method… we are talking about Science! Don’t confuse the two! And don’t confuse it with science theries and science facts either.

    Yeah, I’m quite unnerved.


    No they are not!

    What we are talkin here is book 1. Book 2 doesn’t exist yet. It might not even get published! The author can’t change his mind from what he writen in book 1. Look at the many comic books out there. Thier constant change of mind, create a mess that even the fans can’t make sense of.

    Research “continuity snarl.”

    [quote]What if he wrote himself in an corner in book 2, should he not be allowed to change anything in book 2, because of an forum post?

    Of course he can. I think, there is nothing in my post that tells that he can’t. Where did you get this?

    @The Author Guy:

    So… Tizzy doesn’t know much about Demon anatomy? Or where those cars, elevators, escalators (and probably TV, computers, and gasoline) in The Abyss came from. He seems to be sure. Is he not necessarily lying or is he really lying?

    You must understand. I’m a person of knowledge. I love gathering them. It is really a discomfort to me that what is presented as fact is really not.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3404


    It is not actually a little thing. Such things as pianos, fabrics, cars, and other luxuries abound in the Abyss.

    Also it is an ctual physical piano. Demons can bring in objects from Astlan as stated by Antefalken when he was investigating Tom’s cave. That also means they make no modifications to the objects they brought in. It result to a situation akin to placing your stuff into a walk though oven. Even to such temperature as half the boiling point of water as Tizzy claimed, it is still hot for most objects to remain undamaged, especially such instruments as a piano is concered.

    The Abyss is also very hot as experienced by Gastrope, Jenn and Maelen. They actually need spells to keep themselves from cooking. And that is in Tom’s cave which is said to be a ‘cooler’ part of the Abyss.

    As for experiencing temperature change, it is a bit strange to me that they can’t feel such drastic difference in temperature. Still if they can’t, indications like a certain pentagram, if magical, or an actual airconditioning unit if physical. Since the room has no indications of such, we are left to wonder.


    Since demons are immortal, there would be many who would know who you really are. Unless you kill of those who does know you , which include such demons as Lilith, the probability of that plan’s success is zero.


    I use a computer and I also experience someting like this. If you take so long typing your message, posting it results to an error message and the fact that you are now not logged in. Sometimes have to save my message in the clip board or text editor, log in again, and copy paste the message.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3047

    You are cherry picking. Of course there are examples of immoral people who aren’t wealthy and good people who are wealthy. Your question is quite loaded too you devil.

    in reply to: Next Book Time Frame? #2581

    Your explanation isn’t really very satisfying but that have to do.

    You haven’t really directly resolved the reason why people seem to know about quarks, which in essence is the building blocks of elementary particles like electrons and protons. Essentially the knowledge of quarks and QFT is far more advance than nuclear physics but it is quite strange that people know a lot about the more advance stuff but almost none about the less advance one.

    As for the knowledge of atomic model. How come that happens? The atomic model is far more easy and sane than quarks and QFT, yet very little know about the formers and lots about the laters? It just doesn’t make sense no matter what universe you came from.

    As for the glass. Not just flat glass, it is quite common, even in the past. Its the large, flat and smooth glass. A dining table has to be several feet in length. It would be quite amazing a feat of control and concentration for wizzards to keep the glass liquid and maintain it liquid while shaping the unweildy liquid to mold flat. Not to mention there is also those “conflicting elemental affiliations” that Jehenna said that should have added another layer if difficulty for such a feat where various magic dicipline are combined. In a world where magic users could kill themselves for minor mistakes (an accepted fact), it is astounding that they don’t end up burning themselves or encased in glass instead.

    Now you add mirrors to be also common. They are even more difficult to make that just plain glass. How could that fact clear up anything?

    Also medieval mirrors aren’t actually made of silvered glass but polished metal. Its the foolish Hollywood that make a mistake of those large wall mounted mirror to be the ‘usual’ silvered glass. Such mirrors are an impossibility in medieval times.

    There are silvered glass at those times but:

    [img=]silvered glass on the table[/img]

    Look at the table, there is a silvered glass mirror there. This is what these glass mirrors looks like in those times. They are tiny and very not flat.

    As for paper, the basic process of making paper remained the same, modern paper making just utilize machines to create paper in large scale.

    Hmm, Jenn isn’t really that improvished. Still:

    “the two text books she called her own, paper and pens, nothing of real value, but it was all she owned in the entire world.”

    Gosh! Textbooks, paper, pen… and they are nothing of real value! In medieval times, any of the three would be greatly treasured and are a clear indication of wealth. But here they are of no value to a person who doesn’t have much of anything.


    “Except for the little brown leather book, with the gold embossing, her diary.”

    Wow, gold! Such a decor just for just a diary. Either Jenn is very very rich to waste such thing for a diary, or the book is not that expensive. At first I thought it was a hard bound book because of the gold embossing, I’m quite bemused that it turns out to be the kind you illustrated. Longstitch binding isn’t really very durable. The gold embossing would be wasted in such books that isn’t really designed for durability and long lastingness.

    Note, there is quite a clear personalization of the book in the form of gold embossing. Yet:

    “Carefully she examined the book; true, it looked like her diary at a glance, but on closer inspection she could see that this book, although of the same size and style was considerably older than her diary. Now that she looked at it: it was obvious. This book was much more worn than hers, and considerably more scuffed up.”

    And you said:

    “The main differentiation between them is that one is nearly impossible to open.”

    That means the books are so similar even up to the gold embossing. How could that happen? How could the books hundred of years and hundred of miles appart have similar design and decorations? It is just improbable.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2258

    Well, it would be inconvenient if the prepared concrete parts keep exploding, that is just wasted.

    Well, Rupert was actually not trying to see through Exador’s illusion. He just happen to notice it.


    That is assuming that demons do study magic extensively and that they share knowledge with each other. If Tizzy is correct that Demons are slothful, then extensive study and experimentation would be something demons is not in the want of doing. Sharing and cooperating is another things that Demons seems to be not much capable of. In such conditions, knowledge and crafts are more in the risk of dying and be forgoten than being upheld and kept. New ideas and innovation is also something that won’t thrive here.

    More likely, as Tizzy is oft to say, the Demons steal these ideas.

    And by the way. Where do you get all these ideas Maou? Are studying the arcane or something?

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3410


    These technologies are not made by demons, they stole them. Demons open gates to another world (say Astlan), grab what they want, then bring it to the Abyss.

    >Magic has issues since very few demons could do magic.
    >Different law of Physics. So somehow the physics collaborate such that things the demon stole works fine in the Abyss? Why not say they explode instead? Or become dangerous to demons? Or turn to gas? Or infinite other such possibilities that makes what they took useless? Why such specific and rather helpful law? This is esseentially a hand wave.
    >Different construction techniques. Won’t work, the problem here is materials. For example many plastic would melt at high temperatures. No matter how you construct that plastic chair, since its plastic, it would melt.
    >Psychic ability. The demons don’t have that abilty. And if they do, they need to focus their atention to it. What if their master called them? Goodbye plastic chair?
    >Fluid reality. Eh? Do you know what that means? You taken too much liberty with it. Its like X-men where genes enable mutants to control the weather or control magnetism.

    [quote]It might not work on Earth, but clearly it works in the Abyss.[/quote]

    Huh! A hand wave.

    Well, the demons actually stole those things probably even those buildings. Therein lies the problem. the author seems to asume that you can take anything from Astlan or other world and expect it to work or stay fine in the Abyss. As I say the author blatantly ignore physics.

    Lampshading it doesn’t resolve the it, but then… oh well.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3023

    Wow thats a lot. I read a lot of fiction but I prefer non fiction so have more of those non fiction books in my arsenal.

    Jane Austen I quite like her books. Not really a fan, but hers is more preferable that the junks we have now.

    Frank Baum: Read all of his Wiz of Oz books and a few of his other writings. It was fun to read.

    JRR Tolkein and Terry Brooks: Oh! The copycat issue. Lol.

    I read many books when I was a child and I never really get interested in identifying the author, even now. Being lazy I guess. Could have searched and have tried many times but I just tend not to do that.

    Some books that I really like are:

    Around the world in Eighty Days – Jules Verne: It might be one of my favorite adventure story I ever read. Almost none could compare.

    A Little Princess – Frances Hudgson Burnett: Read it when I was little and read it occasionaly now. Still a favorite book of mine.

    The Call of the Wild & White Fang – Jack London: Incredible animal stories. Just love that wolf/dog.

    The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Fairy tales – Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith: Talking about ridiculous. This one have topped many.

    Piers Anthony, continously disappoint me. His books kinda become more incredulous after some time. You are right, the first books of his series is great, the rest of the canon not so much. I kinda hate him for ruining his many series. Kinda stop reading his books after I read a handful of them.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1916

    I think he’s a wizard with the cape and other things.

    The robot has a very big head and realistic face.

    What are they doing anyway? They are going to invade a planet?

    (critique to the non cg work: The alien’s pose is off balance would have toppled over or is very uncomfortable)

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2208

    Oh! That is what happens in the second book. Lenamare gathering up his gang. I think you might be giving too much spoilers. =p~

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1970


    Well, very hard substances are very important in industrial applications. Polishing, drilling, cutting, grinding, etc. A patch of demon hide would protect you better from bullets than Kevlar, not to mention lighter too! The industrial and military application of the demon hide is astounding! Imagine the possibilities! If humans could unlock the secrets of demon hides, it would be a revolution!

    LOL! I can be creepy if I want too. Well, it is kinda strange that the topic change from interior decoration to skinning demons. Discussions move in mysterious ways. At least it is still related to killing demons which these is all about.

    Joking aside. I think there was these coaches that is pulled by some sort of creature in the Abyss. Are there other living things there aside from demons there? Or are these creatures demons themselves that are just bound in servitude. And there was a mention of excrement. Do demons poop?

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3364

    Hmmm. Being a beta reader seems interesting. Hope I’m picked!

    Those Oostemoth are hillariously crazy. And they being serious in their craziness just multiply it hundred of times. Well, I now know that serious and insane could go together.

    Those romance writers are just in to it for the O.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1822

    Again you are defining scientific method not science itself. Again the two are not the same. If you keep defining scientific method and not science then we can’t make headway.

    Also they are rudiments of science method, as you say, but that does not mean they are scientific methods.


    OK. I was over reacted at that time. Really I was so dismayed by what The Author Guy says. He kinda hit my berserk button and I go all out. Now that I have cooled down (it was so long ago), I kinda almost forgot it.

    Huh? I never said anything in this line. I checked my posts and nope there is none.

    Also, things that doesn’t add up is very important to science. If things don’t add up, then it is worth investigating. The popular example would be the particle-wave nature of light. The facts just don’t add up and has befudled scientist for years. The research into it lead to rather amazing discoveries.


    I concede. I agree with your statement about this site. Never should have made an outburst like that. Sorry for making a rukus.

    As for mana… I can’t really just accept your statements now. The Author Guy warns me so. I have to study what you say and separate the truth from the lies cross referencing it with other sources and make some more studies. Maybe able to make a proper conclusion few weeks hence…. Aargh! Why does everything has to be made complicated.

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2637

    Huh? Am I the only human here? Talking to demons and maybe vampires is fun and all but I think I need charms when any of you decide to give me an ‘accident’ in the future.

    I’m really looking forward how people freak out in book 2. Who knows… a few misunderstandings and misinformation could create such paranoia?

    Still the scene where hundreds of demons flying out of the castle like bees from a beehive would bring terror to any people’s hearts. The people on the docks in Hoggensforth are intimidated with only little Tizzy here. Hundreds and hundreds? Jenn’s prediction about the whole city getting empty while in Hoggensforth might not be too far from the truth.

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2630

    Noooo! So the book will be published late! That sucks! Can’t you terrorize him to go faster?

    Humor aside, really looking forward for book 2. Can’t wait to see how things go with Tom and his buddies.

    Also, don’t be too concerned about spelling and grammar. Shucks, William Shakespear makes terrible spellings! Mark Twain isn’t really that good either (and he had some great fight with one of his editors becuase the editor dare to correct his writings, lol). Read one of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s popular books and you’ll be shocked by the terrible grammar. Still, readers seems to be blind to the faults essentially worshipping their books.

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