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  • in reply to: What do Gods get out of providing a afterlife? #2704

    Which character are you referring to as 2-dimensional for book two?

    in reply to: Time differences between planes #2820

    Does Astlan have other planets, and if so why hasn’t a free demons just left the planet, found another planet or moon to settle on, created a gate back to the abyss, and then just stayed their so as to avoid the summons of the AM’s.

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2130

    So horny virgin teenagers who want to have a good time or have a demon that can then hide its demonic features and pose as their attractive boy/girlfriend to make other teenagers jealous. A very common occurrence when you mix power and hormones with any means to use that power to satisfy the hormones.

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2134

    Yes he does shape change his human form to look more similar, but I speak of the demonic form, which should be unique for all demons as no two look alike.

    Also breeding doesn’t often work well. Two demons breeding makes both of them weaker, especially the female, which is why they often abstain from doing so. Demons unlike humans have control over if they will conceive, thus they can have sex as often as they wish.

    Most energy comes from the father, so most half demons are from male demons. The child will then in most instances normally at most be a 3 if the parent is powerful. The child can be in rare instances a normal human, but will more often be a human with demonic traits/ abilities, or a rank 1 or 2. Not a significant threat, so most don”t do this. If they could on a regular basis breed 4’s they would, but most don’t like to think of Rupert as a half as that terrifies most of them as the child is always weaker than the parent.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2243

    I know that most of it is stolen and jerry-rigged, but with so much time, some of them must have devoted themselves to science like Len and magic. Knowledge is power, and many demons seem to love power. The abyss is mostly devoid of entertainment, so some demons must have decided to expand intellectual pursuits in the hope of permanently improving their living standards for both profit and safety. If somebody down their is capable of making a tv and channels, all others will allow them to live as it would relieve some of the monotony of their eternal lives.

    The abyss is one of the least interesting places one can go given enough time due to the unchanging environment, population, and uniformity. Astlan changes at the very least with the deaths of its people. People know that a greater level of knowledge and technology would lead to better conditions for all, which is why I think their is a library in the abyss somewhere. People hate the place anyways and view the exercise as monotonous in many situations. Perfect for the abyss and some knowledge has to be shared to quickly expand it. Keep what you want hidden, but then let others improve the understanding of something so that you might use it later yourself.

    in reply to: Theory Crafting #2765

    Thank you for your recommendation, I will look into it.


    Making mana constructs from dead things with animus is a description of necromancy, which is a branch of wizardry which is frowned upon.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1775

    Also I was curious as to what happens when a demon progresses enough down their continuum of power to achieve new rank as it were. A really strong 1st could maybe take on a weak to middling 2nd, but would lose to a strong 2nd. However demon ranks can be noted to some extent by their appearance, so they might on occasion rank up as some of the more powerful did in the past. If so do the demons then go through a metamorphosis into a new form with hints to their prior form, take on a new form, or remain bound to their original form?

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1928

    What would happen to a demon who had their connection to the abyss severed? And would this reaction change base on location?

    My theories are the demon becomes easier to kill, the link restores itself quickly, or something very bad occurs. I will elaborate on these thoughts at a later date as I wish to know others opinions on these matters.

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2128

    I know the typical demon is unappealing, so how did succubus and incubus come to be? I know they were mentioned by you and they are very likely to be quite attractive due to their nature. Also what do they naturally look like in the Astlanian mythos?

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2241

    Tom came from a mid-tech variation of Earth, so some high tech iterations, which met the progenitors of the dragons must have tech beyond are own. And if so should it not be in the Abyss somewhere, perhaps the boom gate is an example of this tech.

    Does that mean that they perhaps posses quantum computers, interactive holographic projections, virtual reality games, spacecraft capable of exceeding the speed of light, massive wifi hotspots, A.I’s, or anything else that might indicate that the demons posses the technology to travel the stars as some of them in their previous mortal human form?

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1770

    So what other branches of animastery is Tom likely to learn? He’s experimented with some things he’s viewed as useful. Also some Mystic Martial Arts thats been briefly experimented with but just a fist projection so far and no body strengthening or enhancement.](*,)

    Will he also learn other forms of magic?

    Wizardry takes awhile to learn and he doesn’t seem to have any desire to study it in the present beyond how he can break it.#-o
    Bardic wizardry? probably not:-({|=
    Conjuring: without protection which makes it much simpler=d>
    Necromancy? know idea, could help him better grasp how demons are formed and acquire knowledge about himself as this is what occurs to demons, but without religious connotations other than it being wrong to drag souls back to the world of the living and forcing them to be subservient to you is bad. But it is would detail how demons are made.:-k

    Divine magic, just no.o:)

    Druidic? He can already see the energy around plants and animals, which are scared of him, but draining the life force out of the surroundings for energy sounds both extremely demonic and pragmatic.
    Also Animistic druidic magic sounds like something an animage could both learn, manipulate, and appreciate.:d/

    These are all just theories but animistic druicic magic, more animagic masteries, and mystic martial arts seem like the most probable things for Tom to learn in the near future. Necromancy seem like something demonic and could possibly allow a demon to further understand how their body works and possibly how to modify it.

    I am pro-soul-altering transformations that lead to incomparable pain and increased power. As true strength can only be obtained after hardship, pain, or suffering. It brings out the best in all of us.
    I also think of tom as a balor at most times.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1926

    Does a demon with a physical body with a silver cord attached to a demonic soul need to be killed twice, have the body weaken and constrain it, or does the body protect them from things that would normally detect, enslave, or kill them?

    in reply to: warlocks #2041

    So would elementals equate to
    fire= beings of pure energy
    air= gaseous energy beings
    water= liquid energy beings
    earth= solid energy beings
    man= gods

    with the element being named as the thing closest to the core concept that can be observed in nature as the truth of its pure most fundamental essence would escape man, but some of its properties could be understood.

    I am a heretic. As are all demons as gods just don’t seem to like them for some reason.

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2126

    Why haven’t the demons summoned a large number of demons themselves that are protected by the more powerful demons and free from wizards as some sort of contingency plan against wizards or as some kind of demonic hoard.

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