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MemberNo its not relative. Old transportation doesn’t need to be aerodynamic because they travel slowwwwwly. Now jet planes and airplanes and racing cars are different matter. A sphere might work very well say for an hellicopter, which most doesn’t really travel very fast, but with jet planes, it is a disaster!
And then you point at the problem. The demonic scale is unscientific based on belief and crazy shits. Then how can it be exact at the maximum and minimum? Mohs scale used a lot of studies and scientific stuff and still it proves inexact and nonlinear. the scale being based on inexact and crazy shits but result to an exact measure is preposterous.
Talarius mirror also has this flaw. It is more refined, sensitive and accurate but it still follows the crazy shit based demon scale. If it was based on an inexact theory then it is also inexact.
People faithfuly believe that the earth is flat and it is the center of the univers. Such belief and faith on such would bring ridicule today.
MemberWell, if Tizzy could shapechange, the first part he would change might be his privates.
If I had a super power, shape shifting would be it. It just have soo much potential especially in deception.
So Tizzy, demon shape shifting isn’t of much use in a fight isn’t it? Shape shifting is tasking it seems, but can’t partial shapeshift be easy? Shapeshifting your claws larger and longer, or increasing your arms length isn’t really that big a change. So why can’t they? Or maybe as Willis says: “If you ask me though, I’d just say the guy didn’t think of it at the time.” Really if demons haven’t thought, they might be just dumb in some areas.
And, as it seems, that other species wouldn’t be of much importance in the book isn’t it? More like background characters?
Maou have a good point.
Member@ Tinchog:
Well, there was the Anilords and the Time Warriors a thousand years ago which is really lead by an arcdeamon. It nearly succeed in inslaving entire Astlan I think. Still, there are people who rises up who are able to defeat the demon.
these ‘Demons’ also are still quite human in heart and body. Not to mention demons seem to be fighting with each other. So essentially these things might not really get into their mind that much.
There is also those people who seems to be dedicated at slaying them like the Rods. Wizards also arent’t really that helpless. There are really a large number of people who could fight demons.
Also there are demons who breed with humans. Antfalken seems to be a womanizer, sleeping with countless women and siring countless of children. He is an epitome of a deadbeat dad, creator of fatherless children it seems.
MemberThe theories here are getting weirder and weirder.
Soul being absorbed by the river sounds very much like the ‘Gia’ stuff in that Final Fantasy CG Film. Well, if there are souls in the river couldn’t mage/wizard/demon sight see them? Wizards seems to be able to see souls. Also shouldn’t mana be still attached to the soul or something?
Never heard of soul meld spell. Wonder if necromancers of Astlan could do it. Still quite impractical a spell if you ask me.
Member@ Maou:
Are you trying to insult me with that last sentence? It seems like you want me dead.
Well, I think you are not trying to, but a lot of information from body language and sound patterns doesn’t really translate in text. What you communicate might not be what you want to say.
Well, for the rest of the message. Well, it seems too convenient a spell. It can essentially render almost any living soul harmless. It is very much like the ‘render beautiful image’ button in 3D CG or instant big muscles tablet or unbeatable god like hero (like Superman) in stories. Aren’t there time delay needed to cast the spell? Aren’t there some form of weakness in the caster when casting the spell? Don’t it take too much energy?
Not to mention, there should also be some counter spells for it. It is quite unbelievable for people not to desire and create spells against it especially to a spell that dangerous.
Also why is it so easy to snatch souls from the body? Wizards seems to be having trouble binding Thomas, then why can necromancers do it with a snap of the fingers?
MemberWell, Talarius has slayed many demons before. Him being in The Abyss would generate lots of interest.
But I wonder if his armor and sword would work there. I read somewhere here that people’s connection to their Gods are broken when they are in the Abyss. Since Talarius armor and weapons are ‘blessed’ by their Gods it seems, then the blessings might not hold for long if he is in the Abyss.
Also, wouldn’t Talarius be in Tom’s protection? What would Tom do when face with these demons with grudges.
MemberOh! So he likes to have fan stories? I was planning on a fan art but fan writing sounds good too.
Also are there summoners from Tom’s earth? maybe Tom could let someone from there to ‘capture’ him just to see how things go there.
MemberThere was a dicussion about demon shape shifting to humans. I had a question though, could a demon shape change to other ‘demonic’ form? Could they take a shape that is even larger than they where? Can they shape shift part of themselves (say make their claws bigger and longer) to make themselves more dangerous. Or use their shape shifting abilities in fighting (say extending their arms reach, or ven like Mr. FAntastic in Fantastic 4). Cause really these changes are what would I had tried first if I was capable of shape shifting. It seems the demons don’t seem to do so. Maybe this kind of shape changes aren’t possible in some way? Why not?
Also, if demons had infiltrated the humans (like what Exador did), then it stand to reason that they also had infiltrated other species. There might be a demon shapeshifting to an elf, a demon pretending to be a dwarf, etc. Humans, like Talarius, become very paranoid after knowing that, now, if the other species know about too, wouldn’t that also bring paranoia to them? By the way, it would be a big laugh to me if Tom shapeshift to be a dwarf. Hehehe.
MemberI was also wondering too where the other ‘intelligent’ species are. There is almost no direct mention in the first book except those two naked satyrs and vampires which are really backgound roles. Looking around this site, there seem to be a large numbers of intillegent species. I especially favor minotaurs and other anthormorpic animals. I wonder if Tom will meet any of them.
Also, such difference in races tends to result to war. Are there factions of these creatures (including human) who are in war with other speices? Will such a war appear in book two?
Also, how are succubae and incubae created? Creation of normal demons like Tom and Bog is well explained in book 1, but how succubae and incubae be different from normal demons isn’t really explained.
Also, would Rupert become stronger? I know he is a type four demon but still he is very young so the possibility of power increase is possible.
MemberI think Lenamare does know Edwyrd exist. The ‘leave it to your bettere’ debacle while they were having a meal together should make the name Edwyrd stick to Lenamare’s mind.
As for Talarius. Sigh. He might had just become an ornament in the next book I think. He has nothing to do in the abyss lacking the necessary method to be able to travel practically in the abyss.
By the way. Tom pretending to be Edwyrd is a very powerful animage, as it appear to Maelen, wouldn’t that attract other animages attention? Powerful people never escape the spotlight really. In Edwyrd’s case, it seems that Maelen is gossiping about it with other wizzards and animages drawing attention to Edwyrd. That would mean that other powerful animages might appear and take Edwyrds measure. That might also attract some junior animages who wants to be tutored by skilled animages, which Edwyrd seems to be.
MemberWhaaa! The books story world is way way big. The author could get easily lost with everything demanding attention. Hope the story don’t become so boringly and confusingly complex that my mind go numb and exhausted with all like many books that I have read. Please don’t make that happen!
By the way how many planes are there, especially the ones that have enslaved and use demons?
MemberWell, the engine is pushing the air and in return the air pushes the engine.
As for the air shield. I assumed that it was not aerodynamic in desing because ‘shields’ really aren’t design to be aerodynamic. Shields are essentially flat pieces and I assume that the air shield is of the same form. My bad.
I think I have to abandon that. It seems to be going nowhere. lol.
There was the assumption that Tom was Rupert’s father. Rupert is a half demon, a forth order half dememon. And according to Antefalken, a half order demon is about half as powerful as their sire. Since Rupert is a forth order demon, then Tom is an eight order demon? No wonder Antefalken can’t get his head about it.
An eight order demon is just inconcievable. To have too much power. Other demons would really be paranoid with that concept. LOL
And if Tom is really an eight order demon. How will he appear in Talarius mirror?
As for Tom studying magic, sometimes self study is a good thing. Many innovation and briliant ideas come from people who search knowledge by themselves. Einstien, Newton, Tesla, Graham Bell… these people are not hindered by preconcieved notions that they might get from teachers and tutors and ‘formal’ education. This lead this people to explore unseen avenues, roads no had had traveled by that lead them to amazing discoveries that are often ground breaking.
MemberWell, may I ask a question? Will Edwyrd work with Lenamare on this? It seems to in the first book. It might be good though.
And there is Talarius who might have become indentured to Tom. Would Tom use the knight to fight his enemies?
And yes I’m fishing for spoilers. LOL.
MemberNow the author will be writing Vampires vs Werewolves I guess?
Well, there isn’t really much of an avenue of originality, the ‘not been done before,’ when it comes to wrting. Still, it is much better than the Twilight Turd.:-&
MemberWell that is cheating.
Still, if the story is good… why not?
And his making lots of $ for that i guess.