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  • in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3308

    You kind of stretching the definition of human sacrifice. People offer sacrifice to propitiate or gain favor from a god or gods. Your examples, doesn’t really abide this. Even the Pharaoh’s treasures and utinsils because it is essentially owned by the Pharaohs. Slaves aren’t really valued that much at those time either. They are valued like horses or cows, they aren’t really considered much as ‘people’ those days.

    Also, as I mentioned before. Human sacrifice is very rare. It might seem common because people just know very few religion. Many could say with some certaintity of knowledge about Christianity and Islam. Some others also are familiar of Judaism and ancient religion of the Greeks and Romans. Some might even recall Buddhism, Hinduism and Mormonism. Anime lovers would know Shinto. Then there are also those dead religions like those of the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Mayans and Vikings which have some somehow survive as Comic Superheroes (like Thor) and Mythology. But then there are hundreds of tribal religions and other minor religions that are given a blanket name even though these religions are vastly different. Really, people have very limited knowledge about other people’s religions. You will be surprised at whats out there.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3310

    Again you are focusing on those that do human sacrifices but you doesn’t make a mention about those that don’t. This form a bias that makes it apear that human sacrifice is common when it is not. Very similar thing happens to plane crashes. Though it happen far less often than car crashes, media reporting which focuses more on plane crashes (because it is dramatic) make it appear that it happens often. People fear plane crashes while they gladly ride a car when they are more likely to die in the car than in the plane.

    Hmmm. There is very little known about why Aztecs and Mayans do human sacrifices. Though I wonder why human sacrifice should power a demon conjuring. How does it work? Also, these sacrifices are for their Gods.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3383

    Tizzy? Really? Then how did the Nuclear Reaction/Quarks issue got out? And it was all because of a single paragraph that the narrator says. If the narator just haven’t said that students study quarks, it would have been a non issue.

    Of course there are some more mistakes that had really embelished the story so I really doubt the truthfulness of your last sentence.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3385

    I’m not talking about you! After all, the story is not about you. You don’t even have a POV there.

    It is incongruous that people there should know Quarks but know almost zero about Nuclear reactions. It just don’t make sense

    There of course more things that don’t make sense but those are for another time.

    And of course it doesn’t follow.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2341

    Been looking into it… and it made me dump my project and build again.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2343

    Essentially yes. What I’m trying to redesign my model. I’m still basing some on the cover and my design but I’m going to integrate some aesthetics from various balor design I found.

    I’m also having problems with musculature of my model. Balor designs seem to work so I’m going to get some tips from there.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2344

    Oh! By the way. Do demons have belly buttons?

    in reply to: True Names #2498

    Oh! I misunderstand things.

    Though, after some considerations, the not-good-guys thing might not be that correct. Afterall evil creatures could still band together to fight the good guys.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2955

    Yeah, I wonder of that too. Do demons have exercises that enhances their abilities? Do they experience atrophy?

    in reply to: Fall Is Coming #3180

    Hmm. Should have said this long ago. Thomas’ torso is twisted strangely in the image. I tried contorting to match and I find painfully that it is not possible.

    About the post… maybe keep it for ‘historical’ purpose? It is and interesting event after all.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3302

    That is why I’m asking resources because I never really have come to a religion that requires virgin sacrifice. I also read about other civilizations. I especially study a lot about Eastern Civilization like India.

    There are of course such sacrifices here and there occuring but not religious. Mostly they are dome by cults. Well, unless we consider cults as religion, then you might be right.

    Also most virgin sacrifices I come upon are made up by Christians like those demon sacrifices and so, and I’m almost sure they are not real.

    Also many religion doesn’t really use blood/human sacrifices. Many use animal sacrifices. Some offer food and wine. Mostly they just create a place of worship. The fact is, even though human sacrifices does happen, it is very rare. Many religion doesn’t really do that.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3304

    That was a interesting twist Tizzy.

    Well, your version matches closely to Roman Catholic. There are other various religions that is based on this mythology though and most don’t agree with the Roman Catholic’s version.

    Also, while the missiah migt be virginal, the sacrifice isn’t a virgin sacrifice. The virgin part isn’t technically necessary it seems for the sacrifice.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3369

    This is gaining momentum. I wonder how many will sign up?

    in reply to: True Names #2493

    I also really like to meet the other species in this world.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3300

    Yes, I have heared of this virgin sacrifices. A wellknown one is the sacrifices for the Minotaur. However, these sacrifices is not religious in nature. Of course I would not accept the media like films, fiction, blogs and gossip. For most part, they are made up and doesn’t really have much truth. It also often is not religious too. They are actually not related to religion at all like sacrificing to satan, or to gain youth and power, to pacify dragons, etc.

    I haven’t really come across a religion that have a tradition of giving virgin sacrifices. Of course there are those that sacrifice children, whom we could assume are virgins, but their virginity has nothing to do with the sacrifice.

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