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MemberWell, it’s more a statement of his political beliefs and world view rather than an irregularity in his eyesight.
The mirror shows what’s on the other side of it, like a lens, but with the auras around demons. It reflects a heightened reality, is what they say, but it’s pulling it from the other side of the mirror (so it’s not really working like a mirror–but then neither is the mirror on the wall in Disney movies)
So when looking at Rupert, he see’s Rupert with a demon aurora. Think of it as using the rear camera on your phone with weird instagram filters highlighting people.
It’s a mirror because that’s the most common thing they make viewers out of. Long tradition of mirror mirrors on the wall, then hand mirrors as well as scrying bowls, fountains, ponds lake. In book II there are people using ‘lenses’ but for handheld communication devices, mirrors are their camera phones.
They can and do use some mirrors like facetime. But unlike an iphone, most mirrors are single function devices. E.g. they are a mirror of communication or of demon auras or long distance surveillance.
We will also see a lot more of Crystal Balling. You recall that the Oorstemothians were recording the battle on Crystal Ball.
MemberActually, I should clarify and simplify
If I am saying something:
You should understand that I am interpreting what I say in the most positive way for me and mine, and the most negative way for thee and thine.
If you are telling me something (instruction, order, etc)
I will always interpret it in the most positive way for me and mine, and the most negative way for thee and thine.
If I am replying to my accursed master, I will always phrase it as if I mean:
The most positive way for thee and thine, and the most humble/subservient way for me and mine. But in reality, it’s just the opposite.
I should point out, this works the same way for djinn’s and wishes etc.
MemberAuthor guy needs to start a real list…by the time he’s ready this will be a long post to read and collect names from.
MemberWell…not sure if this is technically a virgin sacrifice (probably depends on who you talk to, but considering his best “girl” friend was a prostitute…he might not have been a virgin..)
The religion I’m talking about is one I found on an Earth. There was this man, about 33, going around with a new message about his culture’s god. While there’s a lot written about him, no mention of any sexual activities in the mainstream documents. Anyway one thing leads to another, and the “God” of the religion arranges a series of events so that this prophet/messiah type gets executed by the local government.
This execution ends with his blood being let from his side by a spear wielder into a large cup/bowl. Imbuing it with mystical powers.
Anyway, this ended up being a martyrdom that started a whole new religion surrounding this martyr.
In this creepy religion, his followers gather regularly to ritualistically consume his flesh and drink his blood. And according the the older version of his church, the bread and wine they drink in remembrance of him literally transubstantiates in the mouth of the worshiper to become the actual flesh and blood of their messiah. If you don’t believe this, they kick you out of the religion.
After the death of the messiah, the religion said they no longer needed to kill goats or lambs as sacrifices because their messiah was one big human/divine sacrifice, a “lamb of god” so to speak and its sacrifice, and the ritualistic drinking of his blood and consumption of his flesh banished the need for more sacrifices.
So anyway…this creepy cannibalistic religion started with human sacrifice, and very possibly a virginal sacrifice.
MemberWell, in the next part of the arc, the Incubus will “Bring Sexy Back”
MemberVarious points:
1) No one in Astlan would be making demons out of humans, they KNOW it doesn’t work that way. Demons are primordial beings who are innately evil. You can’t make one.
2) Demon princes often reshape lesser demons in to other forms, other types of demons for their own purposes…this is generally a very Chalkeresque experience and not something one wants to happen.
3) Women often summon Incubae. But remember, Incubae carry the seed of other demons, by default without another demon, they shoot blanks so the woman doesn’t get pregnant…and incubae have other characteristics (long prehensile tongues, funky tails, multiple sets of arms, etc) that make them super lovers. So they make incredible secret lovers behind a husband’s back.Spoiler: this is basically what’s going on with that shifty, untrustworthy, lying incubus in Book II.
MemberAre you talking about my on and off girl friend, Steph Meyer? She is quite the fiend, I’ll give you that.
I’d rather watch a drawing and quartering than read 1 page of her books. Talk about a demon that knows how to torture people!
And then there is the Demon Georgerrmartin. He writes great books, but he is clearly EVIL with a capital E, V, I and L. Never met a more murderous person.
The problem, as mentioned isn’t so much the writing, as the medium to contain the writing. There aren’t a lot of good, lightweight portable mediums to write on to make books, that can withstand the conditions in the Abyss.
Clearly archdemons and princes have books in their air conditioned chambers (ans some use spells, others probably have AC).
You note that Antefalken rides an escalator in the Cathedral of the Notorious dame, and that there are cars in the Courts.
But again, heat is a problem. The Courts are kept at a much cooler level than the rest of the Abyss, around 50C or so, just so we can operate vehicles and have paper…however the rest of the Abyss is much hotter. So cars overheat very easily out there, and computers melt down…
I am old, and I can testify as to luck. Helps a lot.
I can’t tell you the name of the oldest demon in the book as she would certainly cook my privates over a hydrogen flame…let’s just say, she had this epic romance and then break up when her husband cheated on her with this ‘(rib) bone headed’ other woman.
The demon princes(es) are clearly the oldest demons, and generally power and age go together.
if you look at the timeline, you can see Exador is probably a few thousand at least. Ramses is over a thousand as well, and he didn’t just pop up that way….
This Bess person I’ve never met, so no idea how old she is.
Boggy is some 400+ years…he says exactly (or at least how long he’s been a demon)
Antefalken is a lot older than he looks. Check out the timeline for some ideas…plus Antefalken’s Reack on the map is named after him…really long, really old story…
Otherwise, I sort of have trouble remembering. I don’t think anyone is over a billion years old though…vast majority are several hundred to several thousand
Cthulu is really old, but I think he’s technically a god, as are his poker buddies, like that guy who gets really pissed when you mention his name, no, not that piss ant snake nosed Voldemort…who isn’t even a demon…just a necromancer…and not THE NECROMANCER (the one that had the rings made) who I have mentioned before…he’s really old too…but again…not sure if he counts as a demon…
MemberThe biggest problem demons have with writing is that paper dries out very very fast in the Abyss due to the heat and gets brittle
Plus there are random acts of flame throwing, exploding gas balls…in all not a really conducive place for books and parchment.
Now, the advent of m-books, (mirror-books) has helped, but to write in that, you have to use a speech to text spell, so it’s more like dictation than writing.
Antefalken’s writings are done in Astlan.
Actually, the various Exadors have published numerous texts, dissertations and research notes, again in Astlan.
There were writings by Ramses….so when demons write it’s mainly in Astlan or some other plane of man.
The topics are about what you’d expect, sex and violence things going boom. A number of demons have sold scripts to Michael Bay.
Also lots of HBO…well…OK, that and Cinemax After Dark….
MemberThat question is answered, by me, explicitly and exactly, in Chapter 86.
MemberDefinitely not omnipotent!
They wish!
Well…all I can say about those mythologies is this…at one time those stories were part of what people called religion. The stories of Zeus, Heracles, Aphrodite, etc. That was what human beings in ancient Rome and Greece, in all their so-human folly, believed to be ‘gospel’ those stories were their Bible. it was mainly oral, but eventually written down.
If you can question how those people could believe in that non-sense, they you must also see why someone from outside of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim world might say the same about the stories in the books of those religions.
So it’s interesting that you ask if they are omnipotent, the ancient gods were never omnipotent, the JCM G-d is omnipotent, and if you ask me, an omnipotent, omniscient deity brings up even more questions than those posed by the ancient gods…
But then, I am a demon, it is my job to spread heresy in all forms.
But, of course, it’s always better to read non-fiction, like DoA than to read fiction like these other books.
That’s a very good question. I wonder if Tom is holding out on me?
Astlanian based dragon’s do seem to have a lot of treasure on hand, according to all reports I’ve read.
However, this Abyssal one did not, according to Tom. I’ve been in his cave, unless there is a secret door, what’s there is what’s there.
I have to be honest I don’t know much about Abyssal dragons, other than what’s been said in the book. They are very anti-social and no one I know has ever killed one before, usually it’s the other way around.
The cave wasn’t marked, perhaps that wasn’t the dragon’s main cave?
The other thing is, I don’t know what Abyss dragons do socially/economically to get treasure.
I also don’t know what the exact relationship between Astlanian dragons and Abyssal dragons is. Maybe they live in both worlds and keep their money in Astlan?
Very interesting question indeed.
MemberI don’t remember now.
Maybe I think Tom is so powerful that he registers as Ultraviolet or maybe even X-Ray!
Or maybe I was voting for the 2D map thing, the place has a heck of a lot of floors, I mean an insane amount.
Or wait, maybe I was voting for me as a blue one, or an X-Ray colored one
I do like the glitch and no new demons idea though.
MemberI’m a bit of a hero???
Is that a reference to my height? Just because I’m like 6 feet shorter than Tom when standing on all 4’s doesn’t mean I’m too short. I’m almost as tall as him if I wobble up on my hind legs!!!!!
Glad you like the book though. This author guy lost a few things transcribing my story for people in your world. I’m thinking that’s why people don’t realize that I’m actually the protagonist!
MemberAs in the Monster Manual Type VI?
[img=]Balor[/img] -