Forum Replies Created
MemberAck! Ack!
I’ve been hacked!
Someone stole my identity!!!!
Someone call Multipol (Mutiversal Police)!
I hear rumors that people will be talking about this horrible identity thief in book iii…..
MemberWell, based on what I’ve dictated to The Author Guy, I think the power level question might get more complicated as other beings begin to enter the picture.
I think an important thing to remember is that the whole power level thing was pretty much devised by wizards for their own classification system.
We demons have basically adopted it for ease of use, but really relative power is very hard to determine. Sure, there are obviously weaker demons and obviously stronger ones, but if you were to ask, was Orcus stronger than Asmodeus or Sammael for that matter? Perhaps he was, but he’s dead and Asmodeus and Sammael are not. So part of “power” is knowing when to extend yourself and when not to. Orcus pushed too far and got his ass kicked in Etterdam, Smody and Sammy have been smart enough to not go head to head with Tierhallen. [Tierhallen is where Tiernon makes his home, so I’m referring to his host/forces]
MemberHmm, that does make a lot of sense.
I’m sure they often feel overwhelmed by my effervescent personality.
Too much of a good thing.
We are most grateful your T-Rex majesty!
Hey anybody out there ever have roast dinosaur?…oops…that was a spoiler from book ii…(it really is–I didn’t realize it until after I typed the joke)
MemberInteresting point.
Coming back to Poseidon as well.
Googling images, most are modern representations of the “devil with a pitchfork” but most of the time they are 3 prong and do look more like tridents. Probably were tridents originally.
I am sure over time there was confusion and misinterpretation.
I would note that in Christianity at least, Jesus is a Fisher of Men. Clearly, a fisherman might use a trident to spear fish, or in this case people/souls.
Thus his adversary a.k.a. “Satan” [i](which is a title or description. NOT A NAME–it literally means ‘adversary’ so when thousands of people in the middle east call the US, the Great Satan, they mean the Great Adversary–they aren’t necessarily saying the US is the devil…although of course, some may mean that given they know what people in the US think it means)[/i] would like use a trident to “fish men’s souls” be they could be saved.
MemberShameless also makes one drink.
MemberYes, things have been pretty simple and straight forward to date. They are about to get complicated.
And of course, even if Tom etal try to tell people the truth, no one will ever believe them.
Would you? 🙂
MemberSomething like this does actually happen once every few millennia when someone gets their cord cut, they need to find someone to either create a new body or reattach them to some other body.
The library article that discusses the astral plan does mention this as a risky possibility.
Further certain types of Resurrection spells, do exactly this. While the priests don’t know the exact details of what’s happening, an observing animage could probably observer and note that what a “resurrection” spell is doing is going out, finding the spirit of the dead person, presumably in the planes of the gods, bringing it back, relinking it to the dead body, infusing the body with the spirit’s animus, plus lots of mana for healing and regeneration and presto new body.
And when an animage or hermetic druid does this, they have to go through this process. Think of other books that talk about Spirit Walkers, Shamans and Curandera’s doing this.
There are also cases of rising from the ashes style Miracles/Resurrection where all that’s left is dust or less, that requires recreating the entire body from scratch.
Now the question as to has any twisted wizard thought of this? That will have to wait for book II!!!
MemberOh dear god…
Understand I don’t ever use that term lightly….
It’s for this very reason we don’t tell them the truth!
I am sure someone like Tom with all his silly ideals of demon rights might want to tell the truth to the wizards, but we demons have purposefully stayed silent for just sort of reason. Plus, they really wouldn’t believe us, and any that did, would probably figure out exactly how to do this and then become the overlord demon of the demon that told him/her.
MemberWhat they want a book? Wasn’t aware of that.
There is an entire library in that giant wizard fortress in Freehold. Saw it myself.
It was really a creepy place what with all those wizards all in one spot. The only redeeming thing was that they had pretty much wall papered it with demons, you know, to give that cozy ‘lived-in’ feeling.
Of course, speaking of books, I probably better go looking for my diary. I left it someplace, now I just gotta remember where. Haven’t seen it in centuries…
MemberWell, technically I think Vaselle is a groupy.
There may be some others that were at the battle that we haven’t seen yet.
I think you’ve given me a good idea for a new business for Boggy and I, we are always looking for good businesses to start. We are business partners after all. I just need to find some artistic demons and some painting supplies and really tiny brushes…
Probably need to get imps, most of them are small enough that a trading card would be notepad sized….
MemberAdmission to the Beta Demon program requires an application signed in blood.
Since blood is hard to transmit over the internet, we’ve substituted the use of [color=red]red fonts[/color] in place of blood. So we just need you to request it in a [color=darkred]red font![/color]
Thank you in advance for your soul.
MemberYes, I’m not an alcoholic, I just like my TV.
MemberWho says you haven’t already met them?
Bwah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah.
Now, I’m not saying who or from what pantheon may show up, but given the name Heavenly Host, there will definitely be some avatars that have met gods, and it would not be that far out of the blue to have a deific cameo…
MemberWell…it’s complicated, but in short yes.
I say this because look at traditional astral travel.
If you are doing it the “right way” which is very mana intensive the following happens:
1) The astral traveler’s spirit leaves it’s body on it’s home plane and wanders the astral plane as a spirit.
2) When it gets to the plane it wants to be on, (assuming it’s the case), it creates a body on that plane (via one of several mechanisms)
3) It then animates that body. There is then a silver cord going between the two bodies and spirit hops between them.
If the traveler with two bodies is on the astral plane, he/she/it will have two silver cords (or three)
4) However, this is tricky to do as it’s very expensive and both bodies need to be kept safe and fed, bathed, relieved etc.The unoccupied body, in other words appears to be a sleep or in a coma. It will die if not cared for.
Tom was out on the astral plane with his body in a coma. The wizards had to sever the silver cord, otherwise Tom could have eventually escaped back to earth and just stay there and it would have been very hard/expensive to get him back/off of earth (even if they knew that’s where he was)
Remember the comment about “he’s got a body stashed out there somewhere!” They knew Tom had a body somewhere, so they had to sever his ties to it in order to truly bind him.
So yes, what you are saying is definitely possible and in some cases being done.