Forum Replies Created
1. Hmmm. Tom might just avoid this one. Tom doesn’t seem to like confrontation but the Rod does. So I look forward to their actions than Tom’s.
2. Tom rehabilitating Talarius? Lol. If he could.
3. I don’t think they will be dancing. It does show something bad, the greatest center of wizard activity are infiltrated by demons for no one knows how long. That is a big fault in the eyes of ordinary citizens. Not to mention, there is the abduction of Talarius which is known to be one of the greatest warrior at that time. Everything just went wrong.
4. They probably will be extremely stressed. Lol.
5. Lenamare could, probably. Tom is already in the Abyss which is a requirement to summon the demon but I think the wizards would doubt the wisdom of the act. Well, not that they had shown any wisdom so Lenamare would probably do it. No danger though, Tom is tame.
6. Yeah, but where? The Abyss is just a big NO. Maybe he will live as his Edwyrd persona in Astlan and earn some money… well lots of money… build a house or something. He could become a tutor or teacher, he seems good in using magic.
7. And maybe Tizzy will have his own point of view this time around. Or maybe not. He will not be interesting anymore if he had, I guess.
Oh!! And not to mention new characters! The Heavenly Host… whoever it is… seems like an awesome one.
Why not invite the whole gang to your place?
And its not Paladin. He hate to be called that.
And new characters. WOOO!
Also if he is a bard. What songs did he write/make? Bards make songs right? Or you will not really be a bard.
MemberOr maybe you take the other belief where we just disappear when we die. No souls, no other life, nada.
MemberWhen do they have the right to put a lien to my soul. It is mine damn it! I can do whatever I want with it.
MemberThis is quicky filled with virtual red ink.
MemberTom is just too gentle. I mean, Lenamare’s order has so many holes, though he did take a little advantage of that, but at least he could have some fun.
Well, I’m a Major Demon now. Hahaha!
MemberAs for being a demon, I will not tell. I think to myself as a master manipulator and holding back information is a great way to manipulate people. Also, such information is a great advantage in many situation, I will like to keep my advantage for now.
Hmmm. From what I understand in psychology, creatures want another creature dead if they fear it or feel that the creature is a danger to them (to their health, power, wealth, sanity), like how humans kill snakes and spiders (they fear them). You might be, from being nosy it seems, gathered knowledge that other demons don’t want to share with others. They fear that you might divulge it to others. Getting rid of you is a great way to do that, though they might not feel it urgently since it seems you aren’t spreading those (except is certain cases like pointing out Bess to Tom as being a demon even if she is in her disguise).
There is also those who love to kill and/or hunt but it doesn’t seem to apply to your situation.
Also, if there was a proof about the effect of the compulsion on the demons, then the ‘purge’ that is done on the city is a mighty proof. Tom isn’t able to withstand it. The archdemons isn’t also. I was also trying to see if the ‘purge’s’ effect correlates to the power of the demon. That is the weaker the demon, the stronger and faster the effect of the spell will be. It seems so. The weaker ones are the ones who fled first and the stronger ones last. Of course there is a margin of error. Some weaker demons might stay longer due to circumstances or will alone, and the stronger ones might just fled even if the compulsion is not that strong enough (like the case of Tom).
Member@Dirk Flamberge
Oh a top hat! It almost become a cliche, hehehe.
Is that from a manga? What manga is it?
Tom is quite lucky to have Lenamare as a master because Lenamare is just over confident. Lenamare is overly proud with his skills that he take very little precaution. No planning, no back up plans, no extra measures.
MemberGuys versus girls? Girls win hands down when it comes to talking. Just have a few of them together and they will non stop.
MemberHah! Twisted logic.
Hey! When humans speak of ruins they mean this:
[img=]Temple of Hera[/img]
[img=]Chacchoben Mayan Ruins[/img]
[img=]Collapsed Building[/img]
They have very different aesthetics. They are technically all ruins, but since the book says collapsed buildings, the latter two is what applied. These actually shows that the owners are destitute. I mean, building more palaces rather than breaking them would made more of a statement. After all to an outsider, it would look like their enemies had got them and made havoc of their domicile.
Member“Why are collapsed buildings against somebody’s vanity”
I gather that this is a joke.
MemberSee? Can’t justify it. Trying so would just raise more questions and inconsistency. I do hope that something good would come out of this as the author is blatantly ignoring physics.
At 30,000 feet people would die, not just for lackof air but by the lack of air pressure itself and Tom’s cave being higher than the Court of Chaos. Jenn and Gastrpe should have drop dead, or at least experience the Bends. Assuming that the air pressure at sea level in the Abyss is sme as in earth.
Also, when people talk of boiling point of water, that means its boiling point at sea level, which is 212 degrees, just like the speed of light is when light travels through vacuum, not through glass or diamond. It is so unless said otherwise.
I thought there is no day and night in the Abyss, so say Antefalken.
As for Superman reversing time by using his super speed. There is just alot of wrong with it:
>high speed can’t reverse time, in fact, at speed of light time stops. Though, it is a scientifically accepted way to time travelling to the future.
>Reversing earth’s rotation won’t reverse time. It could actually end the world as we know it.
>What Superman did should not have reversed earth’s rotation. He doesn’t make contact with earth while he was circling the earth so it would not have been affected. Gravity pull won’t either since his mass if to miniscue to affect earth visibly.
>Why don’t he use his supper speed to stop the missles in the first place?The Superman example is just there for its incredible stupidity. The writers of the script must have left their brains outside the studio when making it.
MemberFirst I think it should be mana, not animus that influences reality. It was explained in the book.
Why things changes so fast in the Abyss can be explained by simple saying that the changes is aesthetic/appearance only. It is not reconstruction but redecoration. The Court actually seems to be in constant disrepair, which should not be if it is constantly reconstructed. The buildings are still there (find Trump Tower) but the appearance/aesthetic constanly changes to their whim. And there is also such things as vandalism that demons seems to enjoy to do.
As to how Tom flies, it is explained in that chpater and that it is because he has wings:
[quote]…He lost altitude. Quickly he tried flapping his wings to bring himself back up to Boggy. This didn’t work, in fact he began to fall even more. Unless he could get the proper rhythm, his wings wouldn’t support his massive bulk. …[/quote]
I know the physics means it shouldn’t work. You could just add it to the list of how law of physics is broken.
As for how Tom contain heat, Magic. Tom is a natural Pyromaster. In Animages and Animagic account of the boook, it says.
[quote]Pyromastery is the study of the element of Fire in its aspects of fire, light, and heat.[/quote]
In effect, Tom uses his pyromastery skills to control the flow of heat. He just lapsed at times and didn’t contain his flame/heat causing the wood to char.
Also, his shapeshifting is not mana manipulation.
And you also essentially say that they used magic (mana manipulation) to maintain things. This is very similar to Tizzy saying that they used airconditioning. And I said before, magic has issues since very few demons could do magic. It is also not set and forget thing. There are varous indications in the book that a spell casted gradually erode (Jenn binding Exador’s scout, Lenamare’s sheild dome) though there seems to be way that these can be made more permanent (Jenn breaking stone to make her binding last long, the lock spell on the book).
Even if that is possible, there is still a hiccup. When Antefalken was investigating Tom’s cave has this:
“By this point, Antefalken had reached the main area of the cave. The furnishings weren’t much, mostly hand carved, literally. Stylistically he’d seen better, but O.K. for a first try. The chair and table were functional, the bookshelves too, although empty. No real sign of any Astlanian materials; either this Tom wasn’t able to do physical transport or hadn’t figured out how yet. Not surprising, not many demons could. The majority of fours could manage something though, maybe not much, but at least small things.”
Tom’s cave is outside the Court so preserving magic would not be there, but Antefalken expect Tom to just bring things in, and he adivices such things as silk. Using magic to change reality in the Court of Chaos would not compensate for this as Tom’s cave in not in the Court of Chaos.
At that, point #1 still does not stand.
The living flame isn’t really about manipulating mana. According to Maelen:
[quote]”True union, the Living Flame was the ultimate joining of Anima and the Element of Fire.”[/quote]
“he learns that demons don’t have to consciously maintain a shape once they know how.” – not true, they had to conciously maintain their shape even if they know how. This was a difficulty Tom have because simple distraction would make him turn back to demon form. Rupert also has this, he once relaxed in Tom’s presence and started to loose his human shape, in chapter 31:
[quote]…He reached up to scratch his head which had been itching him all morning, and felt a slight swelling above his temple. He was slightly surprised, apparently he’d relaxed more last night than he’d thought. …[/quote]
Clearly, they can’t auto-maintain it as you say.
There are indicated ways that spell would remain more permanent after the spell is cast. One is when Jenn bind Exador’s scout. She breaks a rock to make it last longer. Another and more effective one is the unknown lock spell used in the contested book. It has lasted for centuries which indicates that a powerful wizzard uses a rather powerful technique.
The only problem I could see is that, there are very few demons who could do magic. Exador is one of them and I don’t think that he is one that would cast the preserving spell on clothes so that those class two demons could have their dress ups or for Tizzy and others to havetheirs wine. Just think tedious would that be.
So, though the revised point #2 is possible, it is not viable.
Point 3 is still in jeopardy mostly because of viability.
The application you sought out is in this part of the quote:
[quote]…or a particularly blatant use of a trope,…[/quote]
Tropes like Mary Sues (an annoyingly perfect character), McGuffin (a element to move the plot forward but otherwise has no other purpose) and Made of Explodium (everything just seems to explode).
Fluid realityNah! I don’t want my head to ache.
Yeah lets conclude it.
Yeah. And with hundreds of demons that seem to have swarmed the sky. The citizens whould have been deserting. One demon is quite scary enough. Hundreds? That’s insane!
And I thought demons can always see through illusions with their demon sight alone. You are able to see those hundreds of invisible demons without the help of such magical devices. Why need it now?
MemberI would love to go there just to meet you and Tom and Rupert. If I have more resources, I would also like to make and expedition there and study the Abyss. The nature of those fireballs would have been great interest to me.
What I mean about the no mention thing is the lack of airconditioned features that should have been noticed, like say the great difference of temperature of the air outside and inside the room; if it was magical then there should be a pentagram for Exador to note, and it that big room, a form of air circulation system like fans, etc.. We are given a long discourse of Exador making careful observation while in that room but failed to note airconditioning elements which should be very noteworthy in the situation. So the assumption that it is not there is good.
I think that the author might not have considred such things when writing the story which result in him putting such delicate instruments like pianos in such environment.
Also of course that would not explain areas like ‘The Ripe Young Maiden’s Surprise’ where a western style swinging doorway would not have keep the cold air in.