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  • in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2744

    Unless you count those extremely old ones. Old Cadillacs isn’t really that aerodynamic.

    Yes many cars are not aerodynamic even today (mini van, double decker bus) but then they aren’t race cars and thus aerodynamics aren’t really critical. Race cars (formula one, those cigar shaped cars), airplanes and jet planes are different beasts. Aerodynamics is critical to achieve great speed.

    Also, I don’t really say that non aerodynamic cars won’t travel fast or travel at all. I just mean that they aren’t efficient by creating drag and wasting lot of energy at high speeds.


    Okay, no demon gods. Well I was thinking it was just to much if that is possible.

    If a god has no worshipers? I think the god would still survive. The god should have some capability to produce mana bu its own I think and that should be suffice for survival. The god won’t have that much power though.

    Hmmm, the power dynamics of Gods are very different from Demons.

    in reply to: What happen to the minor characters? #2794

    That would be nice. Those three has some horrible experience and a demon showing up isn’t likely to improve things.

    There was also the smugglers. They seem to have been dragged into something very big. They are being interrogated (tortured) I presume?

    in reply to: What happen to the minor characters? #2795

    By the way. Tom seem could follow his link to Lenamare. I guess, he can use it as an anchor or something to make him go to Astlan? Just like when Rupert and Tizzy ‘summon’ him? He uses this ‘summoning’ link to go to Astlan.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1914

    Well, it would have been confusing if they land their ships in Astlan.

    Is the guy in the middle a wizard? And what is with the brain in the right side? Such a big brain. It must have come from a giant.

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2647

    @ Tizzy:

    Well, the events that happen is fantastic. No one would believe it is real. I even have doubts that it is real.

    @ The Author Guy:

    Well, I don’t really depend on the average number of stars anymore, I also look for the number of ratings, view the rating statistic and read reviews. I especially gained a lot of insight from the reviews. The rating statistic also give some info especially when it show some who dislike the book (1 or 2 stars). It usually indicates that the book has some serious flaw.

    in reply to: What do Gods get out of providing a afterlife? #2679

    Hmm. Planning on making a 3d fan art. Has some months before the second book is out. Lot of time for a project.

    Not that good and skillful yet do so might not be that good.

    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2742

    Huh? Vehicles in the 60’s and 70’s are quite aerodynamic and the science of aerodynamics are quite well understood at that time.

    Aerodynamic design is very much abused in those times. Many appliances (like toasters and radios) are aerodynamic in design even when there is no need to be so.


    Hmm. It is just mysterious. Well, how TV works is mysterious for me as well (not really, but for many it is). The mirror is very unique in all the magical objects I’ve seen so far.

    Wait, are you implying that there isn’t really much of a difference between a God and a Demon? A Demon can be a God? Serious stuff there.

    in reply to: What happen to the minor characters? #2792

    What happen to the man woman and child that Tom found in the clearing when he was playing mailman to Lenamare. I’m really concerned with the boy. The tax collector guy is quite dead, the old man seems to have fainted and the old lady is fine; but I’m especially very concerned with the boy. He got seriously injured at that time. Is he dying?

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1743

    Tizzy are you implying that Gods are going to appear in book 2. Wow! Looking forward to that.

    I also would have included priest in my previous post but then the Rods quite include them.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1912

    Scary aliens! Are these creatures going to appear in the book?

    As for the dark picture, why need a flash, you could just adjust the exposure settings. Also if your camera is advanced enough, you could just take a HDRI picture and adjust the exposure afterwards and even do some cool stuff.

    By the way, isn’t it dangerous in such darkness. With such uneven floor and those steps and such, you are very likely to trip over.

    If you want some critique to your CG work, well that is a different matter.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2219

    I know the feelign. I really hate the spotlight, the interest of many individuals. Womanizers and politicians (often both) might like it but not me. It is creepy. I prefer to spend my time alone thank you.

    in reply to: True Names #2431

    If you consider the complexity of languages, mispronunciation and misspellings is more that likely. It probably happen often.

    Well, I will explain things further to you Tizzy.

    Language is extrememly complex. Lets start with speech/spoken language

    In speech, you communicate with sound we create with our mouth, throat, nose, etc. We are able to create different sounds with our speaking devices. Sounds like |s|, |b|, |p|, |e|, etc. These different sounds used in speech is called phonemes.

    We are capable of making hundreds of these phonemes but each language only use a fraction of these available phonemes in its phoneme set. English for example uses about 40. Other languages uses up to more than a hundred phonemes. Other uses less to about a dozen of these phonemes. This difference of phoneme sets creates problems. Essentially it makes it impossible for one language to actually pronounce words from another language correctly.

    There are also rules of how these phonemes are combined for each language thereby creating another layer of complexity making it the impossible even more difficult.

    Say let say a Japanese person would speak the name Rupert. One characteristic in Japanese language is that they only use a limited set of syllables. They had a sylable ‘ru’ but they don’t have the syllable ‘pert.’ These makes it impossible in their language to pronounce these correctly because they don’t have the ‘pert’ sylable. The closest they could get is to pronounce it like this ru-pe-ru-to. Now that is four sylables not two as like the original. ](*,)

    You could try and experience how difficult this really is, try speaking a language that contains phonemes that isn’t used in the English language (you’re Eglish speaker right?:-k ) and have a different speech pattern. Try following this How to Speak Mandarin tutorial:

    Notice the letters with strange markings bellow the Mandarin texts. Can you read them?

    Or try this strange language, the ‘clicking’ language these natives in the documentary speaks:

    Now imagine what the names of these people would be. Could you even speak them? :-s

    Also there are very interesting rules that other languages follow that are quite alien to English speakers. For example, in Mandarin a difference in pitch of a single sylable could change the meaning of the word even though the words are the same phonically. You might not be calling the person in their correct name because you don’t get the pitch of a sylable in their names right.

    There is also the language used by the deaf and mute. The Sign Language. This don’t use sounds and, yes, these people do have sign language ‘names’ they use which is just a bunch of motions and has no corresponding sound attached to it.

    Not to mention, these people might not even know how to speak their names. How could they when they can’t speak or hear their names. Even if they are magicaly given the ability to speak and hear, they don’t have the skill to do it. The mute never have spoken it would have as much dificulty as a baby speaking their first words. And the deaf never even know what their names sounds like. Then you ask them to speak it?

    Now these is just human speech. In the book, it is clear that there are non humans. One is reptilian in nature. Now these nonhuman species would even have even different sound and phonemes in their languages.

    Think of the dolphins. They are said to have a spoken language, in all their clicks, and razz, and whistles. Many of the sound the dolphin makes is even supersonic and out of humans hearing range. Now how could you even speak language like that when your mouth and throat is not even designed to make those sounds? Not to mention, you can’t even hear many of those sounds.

    Now, mispronunciation? Hahahahahahahah. LOL. LMAO. I have to laugh at that.

    Now, we don’t even touch about writing yet. :d/

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2640

    I really hope Tom won’t have ‘romance’ of any kind. For one, romance isn’t really the ‘happy ever after’ people often believes it to be. Many often results to the opposite. There is a reason why ‘Love Hurts’ songs are so popular. Not to mention those murderous lovers and such.

    Second, such daliances would distract Tom from doing more fun stuff, like terrorizing humans, and taking care of Rupert. Kissing scenes and sex scenes isn’t really great to read. Kisses and sex are really same old, same old, no matter who did them. Also reading pages and pages about Tom mooning over a woman or so isn’t something I would like to read about.

    Third, many writers, even those said Romance writers, just write shit when it comes to romance. Their writings often just disappoints me, makes me want to vomit (the vile or the rainbow colored ones), frustrates me, or bore me to death. I had read romance novels before and I found that I rate them often with two stars or less in Goodreads.

    The author really makes the call but I hope that whatever decisions are made it would not be excecuted as to cause terrible disappointment.

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2644

    Well I don’t do amazon much. I’m one of those people who preffer to be physically in bookstores and touching the books. Also because of my subject preferences, I actually find lots to read online. Drawing, History, Anatomy, articles and tutorials, lots of them online. And I never said that Romance is always fresh and original. romance is probably one of the most carbon-copy-like genre of all. That is why I stop reading it and often browse in other section.

    As for reading speed, I was able to read Watership Down in 2 days. Each Harry Potter books in a day. And I sometimes read without sleeping.

    And it is not a view of life. Everything I said was truth. Each sentence in that paragraph is true. I find people who are unaware of such things to be naive or willfully ignorant. No amount of optimism would make any of it false.

    Well, I find many people quite unsympathetic to other people’s misery. Many likes to be in their happy place and believe these dark miserable world other people have lived in is an aberration of sorts. That their plight is their own fault or those can’t possibly be real and only exist in books for us to enjoy. That is what a sad, not to mention, unrealistic view of life really is.

    And then, I never said that there aren’t books like those. But then, you can find more of those ‘great’ stories in real life. No fictional character and events required. No need to suspend disbelief. Reality is great author as it is.

    I’ll look further into the book. Can’t find anything about it in goodreads and Google search returns Spanish. used Google translate. It seems that its about Hitler and Erik and their interest in the occult.

    And the person in the video, I think he appeared in CNN. He is a really awesome guy. Many people with Down syndrome really live a hard life, often desperately hard. Many aren’t able to even live a life. Their life end while still in their mother’s belly. I’m glad that he is not aborted and found a place where he can be happy and fulfilled. Would love to read in more detail his life too.

    in reply to: What do Gods get out of providing a afterlife? #2677

    They might be the reason for those wet dreams.

    I’m looking forward for the accomodations for the fan artists and writers. And the earth summoning thingy.

    And also hope that the book would give us fresh things to talk about. We are going to run out of topics soon you know with just one book to supply them.

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