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MemberLong live Tizzy!
Well, looking forward to book three… if it is ever getting published. By I pray with all my might that it would be… do wish it would be published quicker.
Aren’t we talking demons, not humans. Read Korwin’s post.
And how do you know those stuff by the way. i always find myself beffudled by your statements and apparent knowledge.
MemberIs that what happen?
I thought that when they thought that it was a unbound minor demon, they try to bind it, but then it turned out to be something else and they change tactics. The wizards has taken his name and is calling for him to submit. I thought that was part of the binding and when Tom fought them they make a change of the spell. Guess I was wrong.
Looking forward for Jenn’s diary entry so I can really make sense of what happen there.
MemberIn the manga ‘Death Note,’ the user of the notebook also has to know the face of the victim for the notebook to work. That is the extra stuff that is needed. How about with the true name? What is the extra stuff.
MemberOh my goodness! Kill a god?
Well, history. Did you know what Americans did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor?… Yep, Americans nuked Japan.
Now. What would the gods do when one of them is killed by demons? They will do more than nuke the demons I tell you.
MemberAre we going to meet a necromancer in the second book?
MemberWhy don’t they make a magical device that gathers mana from its surrounding and then send it to its maker? This kind of thing is something Runic magic seems to be capable of doing. A device like that would have been easier and less hassle to use that clones.
MemberFrom what I can read, they are actually excecuting two binding spells. The first one is for a minor demon. When it turns out (or so they thought) that Tom isn’t a minor demon, they excecute a binding spell for a level 4 demon. That itself could have supercharged the binding.
There is also the fact that, while they are prepared for the minor demon binding spell, they do the level 4 demon binding spell in a hurry. And as the saying goes, haste makes waste. They might actually work more on the level 4 demon binding spell than if they had done the spell properly.
Then they are also surprised and scared when Tom fight back. Surprise and fear usually cause our fight-or-flight response to kick in. These could caase the spell casters to cast more mana than neccessary for the spell and thus supercharge it.
The haste, the surprise, the two binding spells, the fear… a lot of thing actually goes wrong.
Just my theory, but that is what I get from that situation.
MemberIsn’t the name writen in your birth certificate your true name? Or is it something different entirely?
Member“Talarius would be able to get out of his armor.” – surrounded by demons, I think, that is the last thing he would do.
Cooler, so you say, but 50 degrees centigrade still isn’t going to be kind to many of the machinery.
I wonder who is supplying the energy/mana to aircondition the Dame? I like to do some mathematics on it, calculate how powerful an airconditioner is needed to do that.
Also, you say they are slothfu, but the work necessary for building those metal and concrete buildings (and obviously, changed often), maintenance for cars, escallators, elevators and other machinery, and of course the job of supplying energy for the airconditioner just sounds like a lot of work to me.
The scene where Antefalken walks around describing many modern conveniences really astound me. There are lot of issues with the idea of the Abyss using very obvious modern conveniences specifically when such devices should have trouble operating there. I always had thought it was extremely absurd but then the scene was rather short and not much of importance in the first book.
And oh! Where do demons get the water to mix all those concrete?
Member@The Author Guy:
Illusions? I wonder where. Rupert was able to see through what Exador say was his most potent illusion on the door, could he see through these illusions too? Could Tom see the through the illusions too?
I thought of that too. Prefab was the most likely solution. Though, prefab still need onsite preparation of the foundation. They have to be careful in bringing the pieces in. Concrete could explode when exposed to heat if not prepared properly. They might also need special concrete mixes to withstand the high temperature in the Abyss. High content of sulfur, carbon dioxide and other substances in the air is also damaging to concrete, no solution there, maybe that is why the structures change often as described by Antefalken.
Theft from other worlds couldn’t have happen that much. There aren’t really that much number of demons who could do those tricks (gate, switch) and they are really very unlikely to be cooperative as to supply the lower demons with such things.
And I hope I would not be hearing some demon using an xbox in the Abyss. That is just nuking the fridge.
There are a lots of things we could derive from the situation. There would be other demons having great interest in him… powerful people always does have their followers. However we couldn’t really get the details of what would happen. I was thinking a lot of scenarios. One of it even has an assassin in it. Many powerful people has one (JFK?).
Though, I think Tom might not be as bored as you think. He seems to be gathering friends and companions. Spending time with friends and companions are one of the most un-boring thing to do. Though, his interest on the safety of his friends and companions might be difficult for other demons to concieve and would likely interpret wrong.
They are likely to send an assassin or attempt one. Who like to be disrupted?
Then at least the two of the blue dots should be moving. There are actually many variables against Tom being the third blue dot. Edwyrd is having dinner with Lenamare. He then was wondering around until he found the storeroom. Then he was exploring the palace with Gastrope. Exador is also seen rushing alone to his hidden room after being intruded by Rupert. Just check the events around those times. The likeliness of Tom and two of the three demons being close to each other in the evening for sometime is just very unlikely.
There is also the possibily that Tom is level three and would just show as a yellow dot. There could also be a possibility of the mirror having a glitch when it view new demons. There is also the possibility that Tom is a level 6, which is purple or indigo. Such color is easy to miss around hundreds of red and oranges because its hue is close to red and oranges and our eyes isn’t really sensitive to that color. Talarius could just have missed it especially when his attention is focused on the green and blue dots.
What gets your vote?
MemberWell, sorry about me, I just can’t get these descripancies in the Abyss out of my mind and it is all to one thing: Temperature.
Most of our technology is so sensitive to temperature. Read the box of your mobile phones and it will show you its range of operating temperature. Buy medicines and in the box it tells you the temperature it must be stored. Buy a clothing and the tag will tell you at what temperature it should be ironed with.
For example, lets take the escallators, one thing that make them work is GREASE. However, at high temperatures, grease fails to become grease and acts more like oil. Oil as lubricant in machinery isn’t really going to work. That should have make any escallators (or almost any such mechanical devices) to malfunction.
Its quite simple really, most materials just behave differently at different temperatures. Most of our devices are designed to work at ‘normal’ temperatures. If Demons just steal these technology without major modifications, and if the Abyss is as hellish as it is described, many would not function at all.
MemberWell, I hope it would be, you know that thing about sequels.
I’m kinda not interested in that character in Book II your talking about. That character seems 2 dimensional and overall unpleasant. Well, at least the others should compensate for that.
Still looking forward to it.
MemberOne thing that really hooked me was the vast possiblity ingerent in the magic structure that is lacking in most books. Tom seems to be in an adventure of discovery and invention. As a lovers of crafts and knowledge, this kinds of adventure is what I root for and desire most. The similar adventure of discovery that Einstien, Tesla, Newton, Edison, etc. have ventured.
Tom had already tinkered with magic and had some success already with stealing mana from a God, which it seems to have not been possible, or so thought. He might gather similar infamy as Ramses and his Time Warriors.
I really looked forward in what Tom would do with his magic abilities and the discovery he will find therein.