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MemberLol. The topic gets sidetracked… as it always does.
I only use two email address. Doesn’t like to keep track of many of them at once. I had tried before and just delete them.
As for writing slow… I quiet symphatize. I’m quite impressed that The Author Guy manage to write such a big project. I tried writing before (I’ve write some short stories and tried to write a novel), and it is damn difficult. Sometimes I had the desire hit my head with the keyboard to alleviate my frustration. Never finished my book and is still now haunted by it. It keep popping back in my head and I often found myself working it in my brain.
MemberYou have them? Won’t they have melt in the abyss?
What your describing is just an assumption and completely baseless. There is nothing actually in the book that describes astlanian god’s culture.
But, it is said many times that Tizzy’s words can’t be trusted either.
You are a bit wishy washy.
MemberJust ask Tom to whollap your. Then you can tell easy.
Or you could also steal the mirror.
MemberTell me.
MemberMaybe a better description would be comic relief. Really you are more comic that intimidating. Jenn isn’t even scared of you. Well, she is a fried of sorts but being a demon, not being feared is quite…
MemberAlso why would be angels that vicious? Or is it all only of your jealousy, they being admired and worshiped and all. Is this one of those ‘not to be believed’ part?
MemberHowever, it is just an idea. It is not the fact/truth. It would be scary too if you are indigo.
Why is Tom’s power lever withheld tough? Why can’t you just tell us. It is quite a bit frustrating not knowing.
MemberThat IS a wonder.
Could be justified though. The book says that dragons hates demons. It could have been living nearby and when Tom ‘invaded’ and enter that cave, the dragon went in after him.
There is also the possibility that the dragon is also looking for a cave to settle in. It was unmarked and the dragon went in…
Also the dragon could just wanted to fight and since Tom is a newbie decides to crush him.
The of course there was that discussion that the dragon lived in that cave but apparently the cave haven’t been lived in. It has no marks of being occupied by anyone. That also begs the question, why there aren’t demons living there and around it? Sounds suspicious.
MemberHmmm. Very limited fauna there.
Talarius at least would be very exotic there.
How could a basilisk pull a coach? How could you even hitch it to a coach?
No mention of poop.
MemberWell basilisk seems to be too inconvinient. Why would anybody want to hitch them? You demons seems to be a master of absurdity and pointlessness at times. Is it a problem with insanity?
MemberThat is one convoluted story. The reference to Mobius strip is very cheeky. That story sound more outlandish that Alice in wWonderland but without its charmingly silly flavor.
As for Rupert, I prefer that it remains a mystery. I feel that mysteries doesn’t have to be explained always. I’m quite satisfied at not knowing why Rupert is so.
MemberWell, just imagine the possibilities! Demon hide is just amazing.
And why are you skittish about this? I read much worse from your brethen! And you call yourself a demon. Exador would not blink at this. Would have even thought it a great idea.
MemberWell, I guess its ok for demons to torture, maim and (permanently) kill other demons but not to skin them. I can’t really see the logic. Maybe skining demons isn’t demonic enough?
And looks who is talking about immorality. That is rich!
Hmmm? From what I can gather, gods doesn’t need anybody to worship them.
Huh? 1,500 posts? If you make a post once everyday, it will take you more than 4 years to reach that. 10,000 posts takes more than a quarter of a century! I really doubt anybody will be able to reach the 1,500 here. The topics to be discussed is very limited you know. And 10,000 that is impossible unless you troll or something.