Forum Replies Created
MemberFor the record, I’m still interested!
MemberI don’t think there is an Demon corpse there when you kill his body (or even if the Demon dies the final death), so no skining the demon.
Member[quote=Rosver;950]And the reason for why I want to leave is because The Author Guy essentially just says that the discussion here can’t be trusted in anyway. That anything here is deceptive. That what you, Tizzy, spouted is just lies. The whole thing is one big prank. What are we going to do when what we are discussing earnestly turns out to be just crap? Hmmm?
[/quote]Also don’t forget, an Author is allowed to change his mind!
At least while the book is not published. [-x
What if he wrote himself in an corner in book 2, should he not be allowed to change anything in book 2, because of an forum post?Korwin
MemberSeeing the picture at the main page, I hoped for the second book…
you tease you… [-(Korwin
MemberVoted for the end.
While reading the book, I wanted to read how the story goes on. Some small infoblock where informative to the story, but the longer ones I skipped.Additionally I would place an link to the Appendix in the chapter where Tom is reading the magic books. To explain his increased understanding.
MemberLate this year still an accurate ETA?
eARC? Beta Reading?Korwin
I’m under the Impression what you describe (Manipulation of Animus) is an big part of what necromancy is..Korwin
I suppose in theory, you could have Never Been Bound Demon who has been incarnated, just not familiar with that happeing.
Pretty shure this will happen, as soon as Wizards know the Origin of unbound Demons and try to become Demon Princes themselves…
It’s for this very reason we don’t tell them the truth!
[/quote]Are there Necromancers who also conjure demons, or vice versa?How similiar are the spells to first bind an demon and the one where you become an lich?
Would an Conjurer and Necromancer be able to see an similarity (if there is one)?Korwin
MemberSo, lets asume an Demon will want to become an God.
He gets to an high tech world where there is
1. cloning technology
2. mind download and/or artificial personalities for the clone bodies
3. steal itIf there is only the possibility of mind downloads from existing minds, then he would need to brainwash someone to be his first disciple and then download his mind into the clones.
He [u][i]might [/i][/u]need to import his clones into an mana rich environment, but looking at the imported building thats seems doable – over time…
MemberI always wondered about the first binding of Tom. Lenamare used an Lvl. 4 Binding spell.
But he also used an circle (multiple wizards to Combine their power)Was the Lvl. 4 binding spell supercharged by the circle?
[b]Dragons[/b] would be the best bet, I would think. A demon too, mainly because they are immortal and don’t need to eat or breath (like [b]demon dragons[/b])…but the demon would sure get tired and bored flying millions of miles at less than 100 mph.
[/quote]Is the first Dragon an shortening of Demon Dragon or are there two kind of dragons?
One demonic one not?Korwin
Member[quote=Maou;737]Yes he does shape change his human form to look more similar, but I speak of the demonic form, which should be unique for all demons as no two look alike.[/quote]They are also able to shapechange their demonic form (see Catwoman, eh Bes?).
A subconcious wish to look like Tom might do it. Especially since Demonic Children never look like their parents.
At least we heard that a few times in ‘Into the Abyss’.[quote]Also breeding doesn’t often work well. Two demons breeding makes both of them weaker, especially the female, which is why they often abstain from doing so. Demons unlike humans have control over if they will conceive, thus they can have sex as often as they wish.
Most energy comes from the father, so most half demons are from male demons. The child will then in most instances normally at most be a 3 if the parent is powerful. The child can be in rare instances a normal human, but will more often be a human with demonic traits/ abilities, or a rank 1 or 2. Not a significant threat, so most don”t do this. If they could on a regular basis breed 4’s they would, but most don’t like to think of Rupert as a half as that terrifies most of them as the child is always weaker than the parent.[/quote]Uhm, what? Did I miss that?
I only red, that the child is the average strength of father and mother. (F+M)/2
If your theory where correct than Antefalken would be an human powerwise at this time. At least I think I remember numerous children by him with human mothers…Korwin
Member[quote=Maou;677]Why haven’t the demons summoned a large number of demons themselves that are protected by the more powerful demons and free from wizards as some sort of contingency plan against wizards or as some kind of demonic hoard.[/quote]A faster way to get more demon (unbound souls seems to be pretty rare) would be by breeding them…
[quote=Maou;729]Yes as an obviously new demon Tom seems to have managed to father a miniature version of himself roughly ten years of age. He was clearly working quite fast. He is likely related to Rupert somehow, but I don’t know how. Their has to be a powerful connection however as demons don’t normally look so much alike. They are balors and they can potentially rule over all lesser demons.
[/quote]Since we know Rupert can shapechange, I would guess he looks like Tom, because he (Rupert) thinks he should look like him.Korwin
Member[quote=Maou;692]Rupert is what I assume is an unbound demon as he lacks that black thing in his chest. The book didn’t go into much detail, and from what I know it is unlikely Rupert’s true name is his given name, and it is unlikely a god gave him a true name. All the other demons had the black thing in their chest and all demons with a wizard they were bound to had a link to the wizard as an extension of this black thing. You can view the bar scene with Tom, Rupert, and Boggy for clarification of the event of which I speak.[/quote]
I would guess unbound and not bound are not the same thing in this case.
Unbound = not an Demon(body). Only an soul out of its body
not bound = currently (or never) has had an (wizard)master. -