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The Author Guy
Member[SPOILER]Actually, that is mentioned by Chancellor Alighieri as they prepare to leave. They don’t have any reliable maps of the Abyss, documentation is quite sparse. They take the Inferno up to about 35,000 feet (assuming altitude remains the same in the Abyss–not sure how good that is but…) to very specifically avoid popping up in the middle of the Courts of Chaos. [Or any other local topography or demon hordes]
The assumption, and this is the reason for the alliance is that the priests of Tiernon should be able to locate the only other “Tiernon” attuned source in the Abyss.
Of course, this assumes that Asmodeus’ “guest” a former High Priestess (and beloved of Talarius) is not also lit up as Tiernon Beacon
[/SPOILER]The Author Guy
MemberTiernon believes that Zeus does not know where Eris is, or Aetherus.
What he really knows or doesn’t know is a different question though.
The Author Guy
MemberActually I was addressing that this afternoon in yet another rewrite on the Torean and Tiernon discussions.
We don’t, they don’t, yet know. But when people find out, it will be pretty clear cut cut. You will definitely want to check out the new version of the discussions.
There are a number of “curses” that influence behavior, these typically fall under Enchantment, although in some cases Sorcery.
We are talking things that influence emotions, reactions. They (they are individual spells) inspire Fear, Greed, Envy, Lust, every deadly sin there is.
Minor versions of these, are often in potion form. Love potions, courage potions, etc.
Pieces of jewelry are often used for more permanent effects. Crowns can be imbued with spells that cause admiration, loyalty, fealty to those viewing the wearer of the crown.
The “corruption” isn’t necessarily permanent, in fact as we are seeing, once the dagger is gone, people revert to normal.
The Author Guy
MemberSomething wacky is also happening with the forum, every time I post, it posts, but get an error message.
All I did for it was change theme back to the original colors.
The Author Guy
MemberHow does this sound?
The people he had talked to, and trained, had all been good people who had not believed they were lying to him when they praised the D’Orcs and Lord Tommus. While he did not have Holy Truth Sight; his visor could accurately measure changes in body temperature, subdermal tension and other minutia that could give him an indication of whether or not the subject was lying; at least for humans whose physiology he understood. He did not know enough about orcs to be able to interpret their honesty. Alvar were even worse to judge based on his experience.
[/quote]The Author Guy
MemberAnother interesting thought.
If the djinni was there and had died at Etterdam, chances are the djinn do not know who to blame, Aodh, Sentir Fallon, but then does that mean Tiernon and Net?
If the djinni was there, it would have been able to flee after Orcus’ death. It would have just turned to air/cloud/steam/smoke and left the battlefield and returned home. In which case the djinn have very good idea as to what happened, and Tamarin would too, if she’d researched it.
If the djinni was at Doom then it probably would have left at some point soon after Orcus’ death without an anchor; although it could have gotten another anchor if it wanted to remain at Doom, but it did not, since the Djinn lost access to the Abyss.
In either of the cases where the djinni lived, that djinni would have died of old age by this point, however its memories (or most of them) and knowledge would have been saved and thus accessible to Tamarin; however, she may not have accessed all of them due to the fact that it would have been a lot of information to scoop up and study very quickly when the opportunity arose to go back to Doom.
She is, btw, a young djinni, a student. Her age would be about the same as Crispin’s was when he first went to work with Randolf.
These anchorings are typically like journeymanships for djinn, at least with mortal anchors, meaning that the mortal anchors have the same djinni for life, that is only a small part of the djinni’s life. Not so sure about immortal anchors or long life anchors (e.g. elves, even dwarves, and gods)
The Author Guy
MemberGot it!
The Author Guy
MemberThe implication is that nothing was out of the ordinary. Damien is looking to see if anything is odd with the two, but since he never says anything, we assume he sees nothing suspicious.
I could add a line to indicate that Vaselle understood no reaction to be “nothing wrong”
The Author Guy
MemberCan you rate these on a scale of 0 to 10
0 Cut for space
10 Cut for slowing down the plot/boring/unnecessaryAnd in the case of higher numbers, maybe which it is slowing/boring/unnecessary
The Author Guy
I think it is hindsight, but is it earned hindsight. I am not sure that Talarius knew what it was, or was blind to it. Note there is or should be a freak out conversation between him and Ruiden about using EM and “how did we condone this”
Pretty sure I wrote that.
Now the question is, is it clear that Heron would have this information?? Might be better to call it a blade of demon slaying??
The Author Guy
MemberGreat stuff!
Going to go over in the morning!
The Author Guy
MemberYeah, I think I did do that a couple times; however Search no longer finds Herod so I must have fixed them.
The Author Guy
MemberI know and I really want to get it out, the last six weeks or so I’ve just been insanely busy with my “day job” and have accomplished far less than I had hoped.
I am still hoping to keep the actual release date to within 1 year of the last book, but that squishes beta and editing. We shall see, quality will come first though…
The Author Guy
Getting brain fried with writing some “heavy scenes” I am going to work through this thread in the morning.
It’s about time for Lucifer (TV show based on Vertigo comic about Sammael), which, as you can imagine I watch irreligiously.
Interestingly, as much as people referring to the devil as Lucifer/Lucifer Morningstar drives me nuts, as it is completely wrong, a translation error, a missing comma in the bible.
The show actually does correctly identify that Lucifer’s actual name is Sammael in the first season.
Right now his mother is visiting, and it seems he has mommy issues with Mrs God.
Seems oddly relevant to Eris and Orcus.
The Author Guy
MemberGood point on the torture, need to clarify that better.
Lilith uses it for punishment, not information, it is the “fear of punishment” that keeps the demons in line etc. They tell her the truth because if they lie, and are discovered to have lied, they will be severely tortured.