Forum Replies Created
MemberI think the major clean-up should occur in this book, then we could maybe have a small scene or two of people doing clean up, you know burning zombie parts or hunting down escaped vampires in the next book.
By major clean-up i mean the political ramifications.
MemberI bet the link between the Djinn and Orcus allowed the Antimus to infect the Djinn
MemberGOD HAS SPOKEN, LET HIS WILL BE DONE!(preferably in a timely manner, but better quality is always better than sooner)
MemberMaybe the storm lords have a few leftover major antimus weaponry from the Dark Apostle’s armory? Like an Animus blasting death ray? It could totally ko a saint or human with the briefest exposure, but has a severely limited power source and they planned to use it when they had surrounded the city? Deploying it now would allow them to push all the way to the Citadel and perhaps banish/kill a few saints or D’Orcs, but then they would still have to contend with the Citadel itself and its renewed illumination streams.
MemberJean did somewhat choose a “girly” mage path, since she is kinda a magical gardener. Plus she did faint when Tom took off the demon controlling ring. I think the whole romance deal for Tom should involve Rupert/Dis Pater’s unknown mother, who has potentially Pheonix Cycled into someone new.
MemberNah, I don’t see this working. Talarius is too busy with Nysegard and stuff, so he’s not going to have time to immediately go hunting for Mellisance. The inferno scenes could be crammed together a bit earlier in the book, but honestly I’m fine with how that has played out so far. They offer some tension relief, and we need some inferno scenes because it was a big reveal from book 2. My biggest issue has been all the random scenes with the Orc groups. Tal-Gor and Jenn’s scenes are fine, since they most directly reveal what is going on on Astlan(where we readers are more invested). The others should have their scenes moved to book 4 when the major battles for the Doomalogues occur.
MemberHows it looking on the next beta?
MemberImagine Knightly Saints/Holy Knights are the nukes of godly warfare. Now imagine that the Unlife are the terrorists of the Astlanian localverse. The threat has to reach a major threshold before they could be deployed, like having an entire continent solely populated by the Unlife.
MemberI think that the whole interdiction think should happen much closer to sunset. Perhaps the avatars were planning some sort of massive holy mana blast that required the unlife to be within a certain range, but then they were cut off just when they needed it most. This would allow the fighting to get pretty heavy without allowing too many people to realize the philosophical implications of being cut off. Perhaps this would be when someone from Hilda’s group dies, or comes very close to death before Tom shows up. He could then toss the nearly dead person into the abyss(one of the rooms in the Mortal Suite) and thus save their life and earn Hilda’s goodwill(maybe). The moat would prevent them from being instantly overwhelmed.
I have an idea about fixing the whole “The inter-planar interdiction shouldn’t affect links between different planets” thing. What if instead of making the spell an “Inter-planar link-breaker”, what if it just exponentially increased the mana required to form a link/gateway from the current location to anywhere outside the spell. A “Local” gate would require significantly less energy than a gate between planets/planes. Perhaps this is also why none of the avatars can use any of their links priests outside of the interdiction to act as an anchor for a gate since they couldn’t muster the mana for creating a gate to them. Also, Tom’s links would go through the gateway, not through the air. The gateway to the Nysegard Doom could act as a “Window” to outside the Interdiction. Creating the gateway in the first place would be very strenuous for Tom, but he has the full resources of Mount Doom to call upon.
MemberSo did Lenamare actually give them a Nuke, or was it really just recording equipment?
MemberWhen did he weather control outside of the abyss?
MemberTom should just unexpectedly open an abyssal portal(or maybe an oubliette enhanced one) right next to lenamare while he’s inside his wards. This should occur while the council is in session, and tom should then say “Thank you, Warlock Lenamare, for your assistance. I will now take the book off your hands.”
MemberGRRRR. Warn us about the SPOILERS!!!! But I’m glad progress is being made on the book.
MemberI think one issue is that since the book is fairly large, it is difficult to keep reading the whole thing over and over again with each new version. Perhaps you could post the locations of some of the more significant changes that need revision so that we can skip straight there?
MemberSo just wondering, will there be another update with further scenes beyond the wedding reveal, like the actual battles of the siege? or will that stuff be relegated to the next book?