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This is the full version of the strip image from drawcrowd, forgot it was posted on FB by T-A-G.
:d/ However, the purpose of a book’s cover art is to attract attention, and it certainly attracted theirs…so it did it’s job!
Hah! It’s a fun discussion though. I like the cartoon!
T-A-G says he’s going to pay for a traditionally illustrated cover for next book, and probably for 2nd Edition of Book 1
MemberAnything that puts you in a higher state of mind to the point of having an out of body experience that takes you to the astral plane will make you vulnerable.
Fasting will do it for some people…we have gotten a fair number of guru’s over the years…
MemberFortunately for you, he doesn’t know how to get online yet. Nor does Tom.
But I will admit, it is a sight…
MemberI don’t think Tom “gave it away” he didn’t even know it existed. Jenn thought it was her diary, until she discovered it was locked and realized it was Lenamare’s etc.
It would make sense for Jenn to return it, since she worked for Lenamare (so to speak) and she knew he needed/it wanted it. All part of the team thing.
Also it’s not clear that at first, the students knew why Exador was invading, they thought it was a land grab or other political move.
MemberAt the root level mana is just mana, and animus is just animus what changes is how it binds to different substances, and raw harvested mana can have some residuals from where it was harvested. For example the pure god mana has been filtered through a lot of Illuminaries and thus purified/filtered of impurities.
Plants have animus since they are alive, therefore they can attract mana, and some plants (i.e. magical plants) have a lot of mana.
I’m not an expert, but Druids are, they harvest excess mana etc from plants and animals in a manner similar to clerics. There is some discussion of it in the Druids part of the library.
And yes on the demon human thing, it’s just how it’s constrained to the body. As Maelen notes, Edwyrd appears to be a big mana blob, not very tightly contained or controlled, something that would be very sloppy for a wizard or even another animage, symptomatic of someone very powerful, but poorly organized/disciplined/etc.
MemberYou don’t so much do it in a city, as you do it over a city, but really more like a village if you are only 90′ tall. if you are 900′ tall you can do it over a city.
Those sound tasty!
MemberBy this world you mean your Earth.
yes, identity theft is like stealing a person’s true name and using it for ones own purposes and the detriment of the victim.
MemberLots of delicacies…it’s a lot of fun. Shrooms are generally suspect vegetables…they often have a lot of mana and can do unpredictable things, even in more mundane realms.
MemberNo, that would hurt his feelings.
You know he’s very proud to look just like his father, a true chip off the old block, if you will.
MemberI do!
I wish more people recognized it!
MemberYes, that’s a big difference. You can usually reason with a demon. Dragons are very unreasonable.
MemberYou asked about plants with mana? Clearly spinach is one.
Remember, I don’t type nor can I spell, you are just getting what I mentally dictate to my Dragon Naturally Thinking App.
MemberThat happens…you should gets some potions of endless commenting…those help. Really annoying to your friends and family but…not as bad as a “Curse of Kvetching” but pretty close.
MemberYeah, that’s what a lot of non-wizard humans think.
Soon enough, you’ll learn better…