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  • in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3363

    I’m afraid the Oorstemothian’s aren’t going away…

    They’re not only back, but escalating their craziness to heights that any rational person would consider insane.

    T-A-G will comb through the forums and add beta list volunteers first from here.

    Perhaps the romance writers have so many typos because they are writing in the throws of their own personal passion.

    in reply to: True Names #2490

    My experience is…bingo…Madfoxx…

    Any demon conjured by his true name will know the tongue of his master, sort of automatically. Built into the spells/magic/I have no idea, just is.

    Now different masters can summon in different tongues…

    So, those of us who’ve been around the Astlanian block a few times have picked up multiple languages, in many cases.

    Plus there is a common tongue for merchants and academics, and pretty much any region that was part of the Vargosite Empire speaks it, although maybe not exclusively. The various Etonian religions have also exported it to other continents that weren’t part of the Vargosite Empire. So if the Etonians are there, someone will speak it.

    It’s what they speak in the Council States, it’s what Tom speaks.

    You might call it Vargosian, except that it’s derived from Anna-An the language of the Anilords, which is in turn derived from ancient Anian (of the An empire) Not sure where it came from before then. Modern Vargosian isn’t actually that similar to Anian anymore, other than some root words, but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone speak Anian (other then a few demons) in close to two thousand years.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2953

    Well, I’d have needed to get a look at that stupid mirror to know what he was looking at.

    But it does seem to me that if there were big piles of demons higher up in the cathedral, they could block the visibility of demons in the lower regions…and of course there were a lot down there….

    I believe Maelen was higher up in the Palace when he encountered Ramses & Exador walking around, so they’d be on “top” and possibly lots of others stacked below in the 2D project of a 3 dimensional space…see Interstellar for a similar discussion of 4D and 5D spaces….

    Of course, you might wonder how I know this, but I was hanging out in this wormhole when…

    OK, back to the topic…hmm…I forgot what I was talking about…

    ..hmm…well lots of people seem to have had trouble placing an exact level on Tom. We know Lenamare thought he was a minor demon, then suddenly he’s greater and who knows now….of course I was not aware that demon levels could jump like that (they generally can’t) so it could also just be a lot of people who can’t take a good reading…

    I have to be honest, after hanging out with this guy in Tom’s cave…I don’t get the impression he’s overly fastidious about accuracy and the scientific method….he’s more like “judge guilt first and determine crimes later…”

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3256

    Took me a minute, I was thinking you were talking like a wizard. You mean serve as entree…

    I prefer raw and screaming, but that’s just me.

    I think Boggy prefers them scorched on a rotisserie first….

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3259

    Tonight is your night for Bingo, Madfoxii!!

    Yes, remember demons don’t need to eat, we generally only do it for dramatic effect. To inspire fear and terror and enjoy the sensation/taste of the victim’s fear and that of any witnesses.

    One of the things that Antefalken explains to Talarius in a book you haven’t read….is that humans (and other mortals) sent to the Abyss regenerate like demons.

    Hence if we drag a human down here we get ourselves an Infinite All We Can Eat buffet. We just have to leave enough scraps for the mortal to regenerate.

    So the pain and terror never stops! It’s so much fun!

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3298

    Not sure how many there are on Earth, but on many planes it’s quite common.

    For example in the original Dragon Slayer, they sacrificed virgins to Vermithrax.

    Very typical on many of these planes that have Kindle based travel guides to have youth, virginal youth and sacrifice them.

    It’s often a great incentive for teen sex and pregnancy. Keeps them out of the lottery. It’s almost always a lottery.

    I also know a lot of demons, e.g. Lillith, Asmodeus, Sammael etc who enjoy virgin strains in the various Blood Wines.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1860

    I’m just tossing out hypotheses…

    Remember sanity is relative, like time and space…it’s all perspective.

    But you are right in that I’m far more sane than Exador and Ramses, and Lenamare, they’re all obsessed with a really boring book.

    And yes, power and fear make people afraid to open their mouths and tell them that they have no clothes. Exador in particular has an explosive temper…

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2331

    Yes, I was teasing about the hands…I knew why.

    Tails are harder than they look.

    As for head height, consider Darkness in Legend. Darkness is one of the best looking demons in movie history, and his head is huge. The reason demons like darkness and Tom have such big heads is because they’ve got huge horns, which require a very large/stable base. So unless the brain is bird sized, the head has to be really big to fit both brain and hornbase/bone structure.

    Assuming, of course the rules of biology apply to Abyssal demons, because I note that Tom’s brain seems to work, even when he’s insubstantial fire, so maybe he doesn’t require an organic brain in his body.

    Blender is great, it’s one of the better (if not best) free tools for modeling. You could also check out DAZ Studio Pro at it’s not a great modeller, but it does do rigging, morphs and rendering….of course it’s free so they can tempt you into buying their content….


    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2332

    BTW if you have not seen Legend, then you definitely should

    It’s old school special effects, not CGI and it is absolutely gorgeous….the story is a rather generic story book fantasy good vs evil with a hero and a damsel, and the hero is not a professional actor, he’s played by Tom Cruise….

    However, Darkness is Tim Curry and he is phenomenal….as are the other faerie creatures…

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2333

    And to be clear when I say TC is not a professional actor…he’s a “Movie Star”

    the difference between a “Movie Star” and an “Actor” is that:

    Actors play different characters in different movies
    “Movie Stars” play a version of themselves (names changed) in every movie. I.e. movie stars don’t “play characters” they are the character.

    So for example, in Batman and Robin (and the one before that) George Clooney does not play batman, he plays George Clooney in a rubber suit with bat nipples and goes around saying “I’m Batman”

    Similarly, Jack Nicholson was fantastic as the first Joker, incredible even. But it was really still Jack Nicholson in a clown suit, and everyone knew it. Whereas, Heath Ledger was the Joker. When you look at HL’s Joker, you see “The Joker” not HL when you look at JN’s the Joker, you see “Jack Nicholson as The Joker”

    That’s the difference between an actor and a movie star…

    And is this ever off topic…fortunately, being insane, I can do that.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2336

    I wouldn’t say Darkness is an inspiration for Tom, but definitely an influence.

    Tom had seen Legend (and Labyrinth), and he’d also seen the original ADD Players Handbook with the budha demon on the cover…plus minotaurs, satyrs etc.

    Yes, DAZ’s content creation is a bit weak…they have/ate Carrarera which they drastically reduced the price on…but haven’t done a lot to advance and that does creation better and Hexagon as well I believe.

    They started out selling models and are probably the biggest or second biggest model store, being the major competitor as is And of course ContentParadise for the Poser crowd…

    in reply to: True Names #2487

    I suspect this is, in fact, the reason wizards never seem to summon dragons.

    Pretty sure those can’t be pronounced by humans.

    Now of course, there is physically unable to pronounce and there is mispronounce.

    Mispronunciation can be dangerous because if it’s a powerful demon (like Tom) they might hear you calling it, but not be bound, and decide to show up anyway.

    And then, maybe silly wizard will help pull it through and then try to bind it, fail and die a gloriously horrible bloody nauseating dismemberment and death over a very long and involved period of time. The demon is then in Astlan and able to run around and wreak havoc.

    That’s what one hope would happen at least.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2950

    Well, I’ve never met an angel so I don’t know.

    My guess would be is that they are something like demons, PLUS they can channel mana like a priest, only more of it.

    Which, in general, might make them more powerful. Again don’t know any, so can’t say for sure.

    If you want to understand humans, you are asking the wrong demon….

    Yes, most all species have beliefs, some are atheists…a lot of stuff that doesn’t fit the standard model is religion specific and those beings, I assume live on outer planes provided by their pantheons.

    But almost all races/groups believe in demons/evil spirits/djinn/etc. They often get them confused or mixed up, but this is just misconception, missr-ecognition, and simple ignorance/etc.

    For one thing, most “people” have to admit to facts on the ground, and if a demon was summoned with a mispronounced name, killed its summoner and is now free to roam Astlan, that is generally a fact on the ground that is hard to ignore.

    in reply to: Character Back Story #3235

    Are you sure you aren’t a Mind Reaver?

    You sound like a Mind Reaver….

    in reply to: Spammers are thrown into the River Styx #3278

    Pretty sure it’s infinitely long…I’ve never seen either end.

    Or if I have, I’ve somehow forgotten it? Not sure how that could have happened though?

    My laptop got dumped in the river styx on thursday, and it no longer remembers anything so I am reteaching it stuff and so my replies are running late. I’ll have more time for full replies on Monday….once my laptop remembers stuff….

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