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  • in reply to: Archdemon Trump #7955

    Sure thing.

    in reply to: Volume IV Title #7826

    Yes, but David Boreanaz is Unlife! He’s a vampire! And he liked to fight demons as I recall! Although he did sometimes help them…hmm

    Very complicated.

    Although, full disclosure

    I was once sued by someone retaining Wolfram and Hart as their lawyers.

    Spoiler for crude reference to Adult Situations.

    [SPOILER]On the third hand, these titles might hint at a Tom/Hilda ‘ship. Just saying.

    Tomda, Hilmus? Hilcus? Orda? [/SPOILER]

    in reply to: Archdemon Trump #7949

    I cannot tell you how many people in the Courts are so relieved that he’s got a new full time job that will keep him out of the Courts.

    You think his twitter stream is bad?

    In the Abyss he has an impstream. He’s got this army of mimic-imps, each one is pretty dim-witted imp, but they can remember about 40 words or so and can parrot them back in an impression of him and really high volume. He gives each of these imps a single message and sends them flying around the courts shouting out their memorized words.

    Everyone is going to be so glad to not be woken up at 3 am with a screaming imp outside their window!

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7666

    I think i’ve purged the hide it in a temple thing with Beta 2 Going back to book 2 where it was not lost. Idea being that Tiernon never examined it himself, he’d had others do it.

    Not sure he’s banging Lilith, he’s gone over the Dark Side, but not quite that dark….[laugh]

    We really aren’t sure exactly how it got made yet, we have conflicting stories, and that’s on purpose.

    We are going to explore the whole Exador/Sentir Fallon thing more in the next book. I see Sentir Fallon getting quite a bit of make up time and background motivation, he is clearly a conflicted character which always makes great drama.

    the scaling back of Avatars on Nyseguard was Sentir Fallon in a combination of trying to save avatars and also help the the SL (we assume)

    When he was attending archon of Etterdam and then Astlan, he could only recommend caution, once he took over as Elder Archon he had more power to influence Nysegard, and yeah, that’s the right time frame.

    Not clear that Sentir Fallon ever lost track of it, he had just been telling conflicting stories on it.


    Oh, Tom, Tom of Finland!

    Given these boys, that would certainly make sense.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5419

    So that’s with the profile update broken emails I emailed you about.

    When we moved the server where it is, behind a real firewall, we started getting DNS rebinding issues with the avatars because of how the system stores them.

    It’s been a pain in the butt that I can’t seem to fix.

    So, what you need to do is delete your avatar first in the “main site” user profile and then in your forum profile. Make sure both are blank.

    If you have trouble, I can do that.

    Then you go to (Globally Recognizable Avatar) and create a free account, add the email address that you use here (the one that had deliver issues a bit ago) and then upload the avatar you want and associate it with the email address.

    BTW if you don’t know about the email bouncing it’s probably because my personal email to you forwarding one of the bounce messages probably bounced, you may want to check to make sure your email address is correct/current in your account here.


    in reply to: Verifying Account #5442

    OK, I’ve got Vaselle to add some cryptic runes to my mail server’s DNS records; Vaselle tells me that by the time the records “propagate” the evil SPF counter spell used by these wacky wizards will be broken and my emails will go through.

    Or maybe nothing will get through ever again.

    We shall see.

    in reply to: Alpha-1 exador Ramses and the undead #6263

    Hah! That’s likely! NOT

    That’s as crazy as those people that think I’m a book!

    Do I look like a book?

    Do books smoke pipes?

    Not a good idea! Book+fire=no more book!

    in reply to: Alpha 1 – Chapter 139 #6347

    Well for my two cents….

    He and his buddies did slaughter something like 16,000 Dorks permanently/ate their souls with that dagger–as it says somewhere, maybe HH, maybe AoD–it followed all his links and ate their souls….

    Or so we believe….

    And there were probably around 100,000 orcs,giants, trolls, etc. All killed.

    So that’s not very nice.

    But that’s all OK, because those types are “evil” and Sentir Fallon is a ‘good guy’

    in reply to: Alpha-1 exador Ramses and the undead #6260

    [quote=Korwin;4404][quote=EyeDeKay;4383]Read a different series with demons that had a slightly similar classification. [/quote]
    Name of the series? Please.


    Indeed! I was so distracted by the fact that EyeDeKay takes hirself apart every night at bed time that I completely missed the part about another demon classification system.

    I am always looking for an upgrade. Maybe I can be a Major Demon in their system!

    in reply to: In regards to mana generation #6151

    Interestingly along this line, many types of druids get their mana from plants (and animals). That is one big difference with druids (and some shamans) vs clerics. They get their mana from flora and fauna whereas priests get it from sentient races.

    I would suspect that there have been druids who have experimented in this regard, not sure how many on bacteria, but many would have experience with lichen and other very small organisms. Might be able to provide some insight.

    in reply to: In regards to mana generation #6144


    I love the way you think!!!

    Now that we are back in business we have some job openings for mana engineers at Doom.

    You are going to be very high on the list!

    I just need to snail mail you a package with some stuff from my garden so that you can apply in person at Mount Doom!

    Probably need to find you a wizard as well. Hmm, not sure, maybe I can get Vasselle to summon/bind/enslave you!

    in reply to: Verifying Account #5437

    Well, technically I don’t throw the intestines themselves…

    The goal is to throw a person at the wall and see if you can get their intestines to stick. Most of the other organs don’t have enough surface area to stick after the squish….

    in reply to: Verifying Account #5435

    Apparently they do…

    I authorized the second one the 2401 one….if you want the other, just let me know!

    in reply to: Cover Preview #6090

    Actually, Gel, I would think you, of all beings, would realize that the phrase should be “hir Maelstrom”

    Hir being the preferred gender non-specific term for his/its/hers. Although I think its is probably more modern….

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