Cover Preview

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    Will do an update with some shadow text in the next day or so…


    I think the text is still a bit hard to read….you might want to try removing the black outline around the text and just have plain yellow / gold text


    Upped the lighting.



    Here is just the back cover at about the book size.


    I uppped the lighting on the first paragraph, but not sure it’s enough.


    Hmm, I think the letters got darker, or they did when I shrunk the image.

    Blown up the letters have a better gold to black border ratio. Hmm…maybe lighting effects…


    Here is a new front and back with both lettering changes (black border) and suggested corrections.

    The red lines are only there to delineate front and back cover regions and will not be in the final image.

    Click to expand and read better



    Actually, Gel, I would think you, of all beings, would realize that the phrase should be “hir Maelstrom”

    Hir being the preferred gender non-specific term for his/its/hers. Although I think its is probably more modern….



    [quote]Lilith, meanwhile is preoccupied by a Baron of Chaos who wants to know where [u]is[/u] Maelstrom went.[/quote]

    Switch Lilith and meanwhile. Get rid of “is”[/quote]

    Actually, I think the “is”, should be “his”.

    “Meanwhile, Lilith is preoccupied by a Baron of Chaos who wants to know where [b]his[/b] Maelstrom went.”


    I played with this a bit after your last comment…not working any better.

    I might just go for pure white unadorned text if I have to, but even so not sure that will work everywhere.

    I almost need to custom color the text as the background varies (i.e. have the text change color) That will give people a headache, but looks cool from my limited tests.


    Suggestion for the layout of the back cover….

    [img=]Back Cover[/img]


    if you can get his original gold with that blur thing Game it would be excellent, I think that went well with the darker tones they were looking for maybe


    Agreed – but I don’t know what font & color scheme that TAG is using….and the copy of the original version seems to have multiple colors of gold for the text…..makes it a bit hard to sample a color from it to use for the text in my version…

    mine was more a test to see what it would be like without the black outline on the text, centered & with dark blur behind the text.


    Yeah my text is from a rather funky program that is only barely still available.

    It was Ulead PhotoImpact X3 which I’ve used for decades. Ulead got eaten by Corel who sold it for a while and then sort of discontinued it, but allowed another company to repackage and sell it, and it’s sold but no new work has happened on it for years.

    For certain things I like it much better than Photoshop. In particular it’s funky text effects.

    I wrote a reply to your post with the solidified background, and the server decided to do windows updates and reboot at that moment. I had not realized it had been set to do that….so lost the post.

    So a solid background will be the last resort, given that I paid 60% more for the wrap around cover I’d love to use it….

    However, the real reason for the wrap around cover is for Facebook ads/posts. Those have to be landscape and so portrait images all get cropped unless you do sidebars.

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