Forum Replies Created
MemberWell, my time estimate is based on the fact that carrots don’t poop, so I assume D’Carrots don’t either. However, they do eat people, I think…
It might be very difficult to do. Probably impossible.
Maybe you should borrow a trick from your cousin, the “stuff” like fellow.
Give someone a bit of yourself on a plate and ask them to try it (you probably don’t want them to know it’s actually you–unless they are really stupid) and then, before your extrusion starts digesting them from the inside, ask them what you tasted like.
MemberNope, not at all, if you are correct, you will be considered a psychotic errr psychic not sure which is which.
But be ware, there is a special place reserved in the Abyss for psychics, err, psychotics and I’m pretty sure it’s in my smoking lounge…but be grateful, we don’t have cancer in the Abyss! We’ve got Lilith instead!
I have zapped you to Registered/Authorized user, should be good.
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;4383] Well rest in piece sleep.[/quote]
So you disassemble yourself before going to bed? If you are in pieces, how do you reassemble yourself? I am guessing you can animate your detached limbs like some zombies and such.
I really do not understand human behavior. I was just emailing with Azrealomega who had to “get back to work” painting his newborn baby….and wishing they had self-applying paint.
MemberYes it will be a very joyous homecoming event.
Ripe with opportunities to watch Gastrope’ squirm and turn different shades of gray. And for Jenn to freak out!
Ooh, I head about this book called “Fifty Shades of Gray” I wonder if it’s about Gastrope’?
I think I’m going to see if I can get tickets for the event so I can see it up close.
You know that tormenting those two is one of my greatest joys!
MemberThat is theoretically true, however, that is a very long term view that only truly old demons have.
Most of the younger demons (<3,000 years) are too recently traumatized to take this perspective.
In part this is because writing systems tend to only reliably last for so long, so eventually, most demon's true names are forgotten. I.e. once a wizard's civilization is existential dust, their old demon slaves don't get summoned and bound that much, since they've been forgotten.
Interestingly, of course, this is something that is discussed in more detail in Book 3...or so T-A-G tells me. I wasn't part of those conversations, so I don't know...well, maybe a few of them, or maybe all of them, but I don't recall.
I mean, how many people on Earth remember the names of demons over 5,776 years ago? (Hint, many of them don't think their planet even existed before that)
Although, of course, they do seem to recall Lilith, and Sammael (although obviously not their true names).
And they are well over 5,776 years; although I won't say by how much because it is impolite (and incredibly painful in this case) to reveal a lady's age.
MemberWhen T-A-G adds everyone posting here to AoD Beta Demons, he will send an email, some of which may get through.
Once the link is active, clicking on the link will show a message on the home page and you will see more forums in the Forums area (eventually)
There is a delay between the link click/beta demonization and the forums appearing because the forum membership has to sync with site membership and that’s done a scheduler, but the site will tell you right away and you can download the beta, and the extra forums show up an hour or two later.
MemberYou are good again as long as the image stays there.
If you have to move it, just change the URL in your forum profile: While in forum click on your username in the upper right where it says “logged in as”
MemberWell that would be hard to do as their bodies disappear from the Planes of Orc (or Man) upon death. Thus they would be empty calories at best.
I could see lawyers causing digestion. As you know, my D’Orc friends do not like lawyers (or diplomats). While I have never met one myself, I’ve heard that they can be hard to take…
MemberHow much indigestion would one have to have to spit CoD?
Seems a bit worse than simple GERD (Gastro-Esophagal Reflux Disorder)
You know the Doom Spa has reopened and the associated torture chamber has a fully certified (14th century Earth) Surgical Theatre.
The knives are a little rusty and slightly dull. However, the good news is that being in the Abyss, no one can die on the operating table!
Now, they may wish to, but, that’s really not the surgeon’s problem.
MemberYou are in the right place, at soon to be the right time…
Assuming T-A-G ever gets off his butt and finishes. He keeps whining about needing money to eat and a roof to sleep under.
Whine whine whine.
1) who “needs” to eat? eating is what you do to your accursed master
2) who needs a roof when a cave will do just fine?
3) sleep? What? Is he living at Mount Doom where he has to compete for mana resources with a power hungry volcano?Tizzy
MemberOooh! Really? :-k
In that case I’m going to head over to (assuming they still exist) and buy T-A-G a ticket to Fiji or some place with crappy Internet–well technically that would be the Abyss, but he already refuses to visit, says it’s too hot for him. Sheesh.
Gotta do something to extend your torment! :d/
I am a demon after all, it’s what I do! o:)
MemberWhat I find annoying in fantasy TV and novels, is that no one ever talks about toilet paper, or the lack thereof.
Now, true, I am a demon and don’t generally need to use it, but it does seem like a lot of humans spend a lot of time on the toilet and there is a very good reason why left handed people are sinister. Or more precisely why sinister has a negative connotation.
You do, however, have to admit, that GoT went to pot when Tyrion killed his father. Admittedly, though, only the Hand of the King and not the king.
MemberTrust me, you would know one if you saw one, lots of mouths, suckers pseudo-pods and all sorts of things.
They are the high tech race that makes Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM), of course. :d/
Of course, I have always wondered how they make it, but I sort of think I don’t want to know.