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The Author Guy
MemberI have it in my “mental writing” it was more a question of giving people something to chew on.
The question is: Is it 1 week or 2 week release cycles?
I am amenable to either.
See discussion about Alpha 1 and next release.
The thing to understand is that I have to write it in my head, work out some details before I write it in Word. Then rewrite it after input.
I am still on a roll. Hope to make good progress this week, it’s just what to release when? This was my hesitation about Alpha 2.
I, unfortunately/fortunately keep getting bogged down by shorter term “pay outs” so to speak.
Things I can do to generate money now, vs money later. I have release dates for the book that I want to hit, but if the opportunity to earn cash now happens I feel obligated (by my stomach) to do them first. I.e. what pays soonest gets done soonest. I am a consultant, work by the hour, when people are anxious to pay me money for stuff sooner, I feel like grabbing the money while I can, even if long term, I have a bigger payout coming.
My goal, after several years and a couple different story arcs/series is to be less dependent on short term payouts, but it’s still a goal.
The Author Guy
Beta 1 is released to the wild.
Word does something different every time it makes a PDF, had all sorts of markup problems this time, and the bold red changed scene markers did not show up as red in the contents this time, but they are bold.
I suggest reading the entirety of the last several chapters to judge the flow.
I think I’ve got all changes marked earlier.
I have not done the beta_0 suggestions, will be working on those now.
Still need to resolve the Tal Gor/Jenn/Nimbus stuff. Plus all the other Post Beta 1 list.
There was a lot of fast writing as I got ideas, so look for awkward writing, inconsistencies etc. I.e. the stuff you’ve been doing all along…
The Author Guy
MemberCool, but I do have a plan and am writing on it. It takes the story a bit off course from where I planned, but should actually fit it pretty good.
The Author Guy
MemberSuch thoughts are tempting, but I find a need to diversify my activities after long stretches of doing one thing.
For example, I would love to “live” a literary life, meaning reading, writing, discussing stuff full time (and somehow make a living doing this).
However, I know that I would get “itchy” doing this and would want to program again; or do systems work. I go in cycles, sometimes a cycle/session goes for a year or two, sometimes a quarter. A lot depends on following the money–which is what consultants do, but a lot is in following my interests. For example how much consulting I take on and what type or mix. The other time would be writing or developing my own apps for fun.
The Author Guy
MemberWell the Five Siblings and the El’adasir are aware of one “sort of” prophet of Orcus, Tiss-Arog-Dale
Now, whether they truly though of him as a prophet is debatable, the El’adasir were concerned enough to issue a contrary prophecy to prep their people.
And of course, like most humans, they would probably dismiss an orc prophet as sort of ‘illegitimate” It’s part of their culture’s institutional racism. Humans and their gods, tend to look down upon most of the other races, other than elves and the Aetós, Orcs are barely civilized in most humans eyes.
The Author Guy
MemberIn this case the use of Edwyrd implies he is in his human form.
He’s going to see Vaselle and the shamans in Astlan so he is in his Edwyrd form; he changed to that form before coming to Antefalken’s suite because he had to get dressed before hand.
There is also a minor change here in Alpha-2. He borrows the balling with him from Antefalken to show all the shamans and Gastrope’ the battle.
He ends up being there for several hours having dinner, showing them the battle, getting the shamans back. It starts at Early 4th Period Doom time, Early 5th Period in Murgatroy; we next see him in chapter 121 at the end of the Council meeting Late 5th Period (Doom time) So I figure he spent about 6 earth hours in Murgatroy.
The Author Guy
MemberFixed, I hope.
Was in too much of a hurry, was trying to hurry so I could fix my spaghetti to eat while watching The Strain. [woot]
The Author Guy
MemberI should pull that out from the depths of my “library”
There are combinations. Most “spell books” are normal books with instructions, they may be magically protected, or “weather proofed” etc, but they are just books for the most part.
There are, however, true magical books inscribed with runes, on special paper, with special ink, and when reading these aloud, properly, the runes are invoked, much like they are when engraved. However, there are limits to what you can do with even special paper, particularly if the runes are to be reused.
Then of course, there are certainly runic scrolls, typically these are one time use devices created by Rune Wizards (the oldest type of wizardry), invoking/activating them consumes the scrolls materials which are the material components of the spell. Typically the ink contains whatever herbs, minerals, etc are needed for the spell.
Then of course, there are just normal scrolls. Book binding is not always feasible.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, it certainly does, only Jon Snow and Dani have any security. And that was tested with Snow.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=GameGraphix;4781]Just finished reading the new stuff.
Main issue that I have is that with all the running around that Talarius has done finding out the real info about demon creation and Tom’s creation / background…..he didn’t once question Rupert being Tom’s son…..I though that would have been one of the inconsistencies with Tom’s story that he would have focused on – with the view of trying to catch someone in a lie.[/quote]
Reworked/inserted discussion with Tom in his bedroom in the morning.
[quote]“You expect me to believe, that an untrained sixteen-year-old boy was turned into a greater demon, in some manner similar to the D’Orcing; in strange world simply proceeded to foil the plots of his wizard master and group of archdemons, luring both the Rod and Oorstemoth hundreds of leagues to Freehold.” Talarius stated more than asked.
Tom said nothing. What could he say.
“That this sixteen-year-old, newly arrived, greater demon beat me in combat that was rigged in my favor, stole mana from my god, reversed a very powerful artifact and abducted me?” Talarius semi-asked.
“Yes.” Tom said tiredly. “We have both been together for everything else, so you do not have to repeat our shared history. I agree to it all.”[color=blue]Talarius shifted in his seat. It would be nice if I could see his expression. Tom thought, that helmet made conversation quite awkward.
“So explain how a sixteen-year-old, who has only been a demon for a few quarter months has a ten or twelve-year-old son?” Talarius demanded.
Tom sighed. “That is a mystery to me as well.” Tom gave the knight a weak grin. “When Lenamare first summoned me, Rupert was a student, an orphaned student at his school. He knew his father was a powerful demon, for whatever reason, he decided that I was his father come to reclaim him.”
Tom shook his head, shifting uncomfortably. “In the battle with Oorstemoth, on the ship, he was badly wounded, we thought dead. However, I took him to my quarters where he regenerated into his demon form for the first time, and he looked like a small version of me. He told me his story about being an orphaned half demon and how happy he was that I, his father, had come for him.”
Tom rubbed the bridge of his nose. “By that point we were so close that I didn’t have the heart, to break his heart. My plan was to give him some time, distance from his pain, and eventually explain things to him.” Tom closed his eyes for a moment, before reopening them. “But, unfortunately, the longer a lie goes on, the harder it is to break it. I just keep putting the discussion I do not want to have, off.”
Talarius shook his helmeted head, and was silent for some time before finally speaking. “I am to believe all of this?” Talarius asked tiredly.
Tom shook his head. “Talarius, if I were the super manipulative demon prince that you think I am, and I were lying to you; would I make up something so insanely unbelievable?” [/color]“Be quite!” Talarius suddenly shouted staring down at his sword. Apparently the two could communicate telepathically.
Talarius turned back to face Tom, he then rose from his chair. “I am going to get some fresh air, clear my thoughts.” The knight turned on his heel and proceeded to leave the suite.
Tom hadn’t even made it out of his suite yet this morning, and already it felt like a very long day.
[/quote]The Author Guy
MemberFor alpha at least sticking to PDF and epub in zip. However, I now have changed how you tell what is new and a diff document.
Might go word for Beta, which will be next release.
The Author Guy
I suspect there could be very big Trumpexit from the US.
Rumors have it that both Canada and Mexico are looking into building border walls to keep Americans from overflowing the borders. :d/
The problem really is that the sort of turmoil Trump could cause is not going to be limited to just the US, there’s Russia and the middle east, there’s China; he’s already ticked off half the planet’s leaders. Only people that like him are Putin and Netanyahu.
People are still in shock. I don’t even think the people that voted for Trump thought he would actually win. For most, it was a protest vote against HRC. It is very much like people in Britain googling “what is brexit” the day after they voted for it. OK, maybe not that bad, but from reading a lot of anti-HRC sites, progressive sites, Green Party sites, left wing sites, for all their hatred of HRC, they assumed she was going to win and that it was her they would be fighting with of the coming years. None of them seriously thought Trump would win.
And I know there are a lot of mainstream/old school Republicans, including ones in office, who are now scared because “they own this crazy” and are going to have to govern and come through on promises that are just not realistic.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=fallen_one_84;5814]That’s the part that made me think he was banging Lilith.
[/quote]I cannot argue with that! =d>
Like I mentioned in another post, I am going to have to go back and read everything again from a “story” point of view and not in choppy bits and pieces that you do when editing. In particular Book 2. While Book 1 is much older, I’ve read that thing start to finish so many times that it’s only the age of the memories. With Book 2, the beta process twirled stuff around so much that I don’t remember what ended up being there and what did not.
Also going to read on my kindle instead of PC to get a better reader experience to see if there are things that could be done better in processing.
The Author Guy
MemberDivine/Magical Runes.
Not a language per, but a point worth noting in the book. I.e. something Tom should as the librarian about.
The Author Guy
MemberAnd that is what is freaking Tom out.
Even if he is Orcus reborn, it’s rather questionable to have memories just surfacing as if out of a coma or something.
Shirley Maclaine needed years of hypnosis and therapy to recall her past lives.
More seriously, the Nyjyr Ennead spend lots of time and effort on pulling back past lives for their mortal followers on Uropia.