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MemberI don’t personally believe that the god’s created anything. I have no idea what they are so I will throw out a new theory passed on your comment. Planes of men have all five elements with the element of man at its core. Therefore God’s could be Elementals of men. As sentient beings we have some influence over them as the element of man seems to be primarily composed of animus, conscience/sentience (higher conscience), spirit/soul(not sure if same or seperate). A god’s like it when people feel a single strong emotion as they recieve more mana this way. The element of man draws mana as do the gods and higher conscience beings refine mana. This would mean that the plane would form first and the gods shortly thereafter. They would have influence on the early world, but they would only happen to have been formed first.
I believe based on what was said in story that elemental exist, but people understand the element of man the least. If the gods were elementals of man, then it would stand to reason, as they would be the pinnacle of sentience, that they would try to keep those under their dominion from recognizing this. Man elementals must exist as do other elementals, but their are no true elemental plane of man. The closest to a plane of man would be the spiritual planes, thus each elemental would try to shape its own territory to expand their influence.
This however leads us with a small dilemma. If these elementals create these territories, they must have come from another place. THey would also likely have some clue to their origin in their territory to connect them with their origins as it were as elementals are most comfortable in their original domain. Simply put they come from the River Styx. It is in all spirtual planes and serves the purpose of transporting a person’s soul, and thus their animus to them. This is something purely of the element of man traveling without mana, so it must mean the the river is purely composed of the element of man. Nobody knows what the river truly is, but they know it isn’t water. The abyss could then serve as its mouth and the various elementals could then form various branches to this river.
The Styx would follow the properties of gathering attracting mana and other elements, and would explain why these location are so mysterious and why it is so hard to find these places. Not sure how Concordenax fits into things though. Regardless elementals of man will be intelligent, will likely be able to use magic, and will likely be a step above the other elementals in terms of power. They will likely range from highly rational, to highly emotional, or both. Regardless if Man elementals are the gods it should be that much of a shock.
MemberWell as opposed to saying the connection is broken it would be better to say the Abyss blocks the connection. The reason, as it was told to me, humans hate the Abyss other than the demons, landscape, and the fact that it is hell, is because any human that dies in the Abyss does not move on to their original afterlife. They just seem to disappear. So it would be better to say the Abyss is a pit from which no soul can escape without aid from a body. The place is freaky and their is something up with it.
MemberIt has been noted that demons and angels are similar, but created in different ways. A demon by a wizard, and an angel by a god. So could it be that demons are just crude copies of Angels. If so it would explain why they dislike the ugly, twisted imitations of themselves. It would be like Frankenstein, but weaker and inferior to you in every way, but similar enough that you might feel uncomfortable. Some humans hate the idea of identical, or improved humans created by other humans, so Angels/ Gods might hate the idea of ugly, weaker, crudely made demons made by humans that just happen to resemble Angels. It goes against many of their ideals and could allow humans to glean more information about the origins of the celestial and divine than they might like.
MemberTom will be caught in a web of lies that those around him told. For some reason everybody think most of what he says is a lie. A ploy to lull them into a false sense of security. He will be so confused and use improvisation to work his way out of many situations. Also could he use his linkamancy to complete unbind or reverse his blackbar so that he will control the wizard, or so that a wizard won’t be able to bind him even with his true name. Sounds like valuable knowledge that can make him wealthy and not on a demonic hitlist. Even if disliked people will tolerate you for benefits and the possibility of being unbound or in control of a wizard sounds like something a demon might value.
Also even without a link to Astlan a demon with enough astramancy or spaciomancy would be able to travel to Astlan even without a proper connection, so demons could still visit. Tom clearly has some skill as he could hijack a summons, so he could expand on that, and Len can obviously do it with ease. Tom displays signs of being either a genius, prodigious, or really desperate mana wielder. You can do what you believe you can and panic tends to either make you reach for more or shatter you. Tom is proactive and goes further when pressured. For some reason I think people will question his true age because of his skills, actions, and Rupert. He should probably just steal the book at some point just because I want to know what it says. It will then either give him great power, or he will just burn it to solve the problem. I really want to read the beta and I am currently thinking of 3 main progressions in my head with various deviations. The book was really addictive. You have great ideas Tizzy.
MemberThe next edition should feature Tom’s initial summoning as he stares at his soul stares at his new body. It is a very important step in the book and I think it would look better than Tom being summoned into a tent. Anybody else have a scene they think might look better?
MemberPeople gather animus from experience and even when consuming external animus their basic personality as intact as their body allows. So an individual personality likely has some form of core, or soul which all the other animus then clings to. I mostly think this is the case as all the elements have various forms. Fire also has electricity and seems to encompass energy, Air seems to be gases and voids, Water holds sway over liquids, and Earth holds sway over solid.
All other associated magics with these elements are likely powered in part by belief unless used as a medium. This leads one to conclude that element of Man is composed of various different sub-elements. I am not entirely sure what they would be, but the most basic and simple would be animus, sentience/conscience, spirit, and soul. Man draws mana to itself and then uses the mana to draw in the other elements. I don’t know why, but the the elements seem to mostly stick to themselves unless mana is us present. From what I have read mana is needed to allow interaction between the elements and is needed as a glue between them. Not sure exactly what it is.
Higher mana levels just allows for more interaction between the elements. Animus draws mana and it is harder, but possible to do the reverse. Pure elemental planes likely have no mana as it appears between two. Any plane with two or more elements needs some mana. Not sure what determines how much mana is present, but from the discussion between demons in the first novel it seems that most realities have little mana now. I like to think that this means that the mana concentrates around a certain something, or it is being drawn somewhere.
Their is likely a finite amount of whatever the elements and mana are composed of to power the realities. This means that eventually, some realities will collapse. My guess is that low mana realities might be less important realities. I believe it was mentioned that minor differences were simply lost and consolidated to prevent infinite realities in this universe. Then it stands to reason that some of the realities which continued might go on for some time before they to dissolved as it were. Our theories state that our universe will eventually not have enough energy to sustain itself, so higher mana level might allow a reality to persist for a longer period of time. Thus the low mana realities might be doomed realities. We are off topic, but I just gave you a lot to be distracted by, so feel free to elaborate as you choose.
MemberWomen have more than one hole, but let’s not dwell on that thought. Besides, Tizzy is great with demonic children, whom admittedly in short supply, but they probably make up at least 1-2 percent of the demonic population at any given time. Also, I know god’s protect the soul’s of their followers, but why don’t demons ever drag humans to the abyss and force them to endure the binding ritual so that they will become level one demons? No protection and it seems like something fun to do.
MemberI know some demonic offspring only kept a few demonic traits so are their any groups of people that just happen to have demonic traits among the human/sentient population in large numbers. Like a gathering of freaks, outcast, and misfits.
MemberThe god’s population is limited by the number of their followers. A person may only give them so much power and the old gods likely wouldn’t want to share with the younger. So an increase in mortals would give the immortals more power, which would in turn support a larger population of immortals. But, to many mortals without the fear of god would be bad as they would then seek out how to surpass the gods and would not supplement their power. An atheistic ideology is what they must prevent so that they can maintain power, as a god without any followers is no god.
MemberHumans think that demons are trying to corrupt them and overthrow the gods, so why not do it. Go agnostics. The gods only grow more powerful as time passes by, while demons grow less slowly by comparison, so either spread a plague/ global cataclysm that will ravage the population, or kill the gods now and forever sunder their boundless faith. If a god is killed their faith will be shaken, and if all are killed any new god will forever hold a kernel of doubt within their followers. They will be shown to have limitations and demons will be able to take their place as the masters of man. The god’s will no longer protect the names of their followers and we can summon the souls of mortals in any form we desire. We can rule the mortals forever from the abyss as their existence on Astlan will turn into a living hell, and then into purgatory once more as people adapt.
MemberAll the stories say that good always manages to win in the end and that evil is vanquished. Quite frankly if I am a demon I want to win said conflict. In reality their is more apathy and evil exhibited than good. People like good things that happen to them, but wish for evil on their enemies and competition. People also rarely help others at even a tenth of all times they could. Clearly evil should be more powerful, but everybody likes to thing their the good guy. Quite frankly I believe a true doomsday should lack hope for good and should simply give way totally to power. Their is more evil so we should win. No need for traitors as our conditions will improve without gods and quite frankly they can’t be trusted. Why leave somebody who will turn on you eventually alive when you can side with somebody who might simply ignore if you make yourself less threatening. (Demons act differently on a case to case basis)
MemberWhere do you keep things. You have no clothing, and have exhibited no magic talent beyond what is normal for a demon of your caliber. So where would you possibly store a mirror without tarnishing its surface?
MemberYou could, but you don’t. It’s a miracle you can consistently remember your name. You would likely forget your items somewhere and later be surprised when questioned later as to what happened to your equipment. This is based off of past history and what is found in the novels, and discussions.
MemberCould somebody be both a demon and a god?