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  • in reply to: Plot Threads #9887

    That is a VERY good question, and probably one reason there are so few!

    Here are the ones in the Courts and who they are “loyal” to.

    [url=]Antefalken’s Unofficial Guide To The Court of Princes[/url]

    One might think their liege lord would be trustworthy enough, I wouldn’t, but they might. Actually if you are a good servant that’s likely safe, because your power feeds their power (traditional feudal sort of thing)

    Of course, the unaligned princes are a problem, not sure what they would do.

    And of course, Lilith and Sam have real problems. Who can they trust?

    I suppose I could volunteer to help them! Because who is more trustworthy than me? I can’t think of anyone.

    in reply to: Saints #9940


    Very good question.

    One certainly should think there would at least be an orc or elf saint.

    Or others.


    I think this bears further investigation.

    T-A-G obviously doesn’t know since what he knows he gets from me….but I don’t know either…but then I am only about a book ahead of the rest of you guys in terms of real events. I am going to do some research with my contacts in Tierhallen and see what’s up, or if there are some that might be getting involved.

    Thanks for the question, I gotta find out if these guys are resting on their laurels or what….

    in reply to: Wizards and Demons #9634

    Again, I think I’d know if I was that leathery trouble maker…

    But more importantly, you can ask people who’ve seen me and the Concordenax together in the same room.

    I would, of course say, Orcus, but his memory is even worse than mine at the moment.

    :-$ Arg-nargoloth! He’s definitely been in the same room, as has Darg Krallnom and so many more.

    Also, you mentioned gods before current gods–did I mention them in a spoiler? Don’t recall now, that’s a slight problem with my pipe, it does tend to cause a bit of forgetfulness. Anyway, that, of course, gets to the heart of the issue, now doesn’t? That’s what caused this entire mess! Or at least half, or a third, or maybe a quarter, but that is what caused a lot of problems that eventually led us to where we are now. That previous generation of gods, or rather the previous previous gods–or maybe they are the previous previous previous previous previous previous previous gods.

    The most recent previous generation is, of course, safely locked away in Tartarus holding up planets, getting their livers plucked out repeatedly, etc etc.

    in reply to: Lenamare’s teleportation Trap #9666

    Lenamare triggered it on teleportation spells, i.e. detecting them.

    A portal is a gateway, like a runic gateway, saintly gateway etc.

    So, I would think not as configured, however, he could probably adjust the triggers. The big question would be are all these portals/gates close enough in terms of energy signature–or whatever the trigger mechanism is to detect them and spring the trap.

    I’m not a wizard, so have no clue.

    As for skew space, it’s a twisting of the localverse that changes the flow of time. It’s not a different universe, it’s more like a warping of the localverse and is generally tied to a physical location/item etc.

    As for the other questions…

    [SPOILER]This will be coming up again in Book 4 and beyond in much more detail. :-k [/SPOILER]

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9476


    Just be sure to read the warnings attached. Beta-tization can induce disorientation and a distrust of reality in people, once some people see bunch of alternative futures in Astlan and the Abyss, they start to wonder if their own world is equally unstable.

    I.e. will someone they know well, suddenly get written out of the plot and have never existed?

    Same problem with time travel actually, that’s why there are strict rules for using time travel with the World Gates.

    in reply to: Tom/Orcus Memory Flashes #9597

    If you want food for fodder, remember my pal Boggy? In book 1 he thought Tom seemed oddly well composed for a 16 year old, given the situation.

    I have to take his word for it, I haven’t been 16 since….hmm….was I ever 16? I don’t know, I’ve just been well composed, stable and reliably self-possessed for as long as I can remember.

    But Book 4 really starts to put the peddle to the metal on this issue.

    in reply to: Beta CoA:ITW #8901

    I believe that is mentioned here on the website.

    Will have to check to see if the section on intelligent arcane devices has been posted.

    “Sentient Arcane Devices” are of two types, AI’s and then devices with spirit’s attached (using anima jars).

    Ruiden has a soul, you can see it if you look. However, his rather bright mana aura tends to obscure it, so you might not have noticed it.

    One of the reason’s it’s nice to quench a new blade in Newborn’s blood is to vacuum up the soul into the sword so you have an intelligent sword etc. Not saying that’s how Ruiden was made…wasn’t there at the time, but it is common.

    You can also just collect a lot of animus and let it gradually form sentience over time and ingestion of mana. Best way to know which is if the devices goes for thoussand years before suddenly talking or indicating sentience, or if it’s starts bitching at you very shortly after it’s made (if an adult soul is used). Those tend to be very cranky. If they were newborns, you usually notice sentience after a hundred or two years.

    There is a being called the Mobius Magi that has been (or will be mentioned, don’t recall which) mentioned. And he/it is a crown at various times–including a crown that wears himself–or a himself that wears the crown…or something. He will show up in Seas of Astlan, assuming that series (the adventures of Captain Asmeth) gets written. T-A-G is so freaking slow!

    in reply to: The Music of Doooooom! #9254


    Took me forever to get to it, was stuck in the Wilds of Eton…again…Internet not great there. Albeit better than home. I wish we had satellite Internet in the Abyss, but, while most tech works, satellites aren’t that reliable…takes them forever to orbit an infinite plane…for some reason.

    Loved the first pass of these, going to have to do again once I get home, although without dialup, I am stuck with my damn dialup AOL connection, it’s going to be most of the night or more to download…

    But first pass tells me this is more than worth the wait.

    Thinking to loop them about 100,000 times so I get a good night’s sleep for once!

    in reply to: The Oubliette #9670

    Actually, the clients don’t open the Oubliette, we open the Oubliette for them.

    What the Oubliette does, how to restrain the prisoners etc. That’s all in the training protocols that people have been going to school for. But by definition, an Oubliette is a deep dark hole into which one throws ones enemies and from which there is no escape. Meaning, inside the Oubliette, you don’t plane hop out without the keys. It’s a transdimensional space. Tartarus itself is just in the Abyss. But they should be locked up/secured by that time.

    Different types of beings have different protocols, tools and mechanisms. Sometimes we have to craft new ones. Thing of the D’Orcs as being like marshals.

    By and large, it’s almost always a custom job that requires some cooperation on the part of the client. E.g. with Olympians, it often involves getting people very drunk and passing out.

    So, the apprehension is always more of a custom tailored job. And much like a major sting operation, there are years to decades to centuries of planning and scoping things out depending on the client and the target.

    So…it’s a bit more complicated than just having the Oubliette swallow someone…you could…but you really want them incapacitated to some extent, or at least a well thought out plan to deal with them when the hit the bottom.

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9525

    That’s him! I remembered someone mentioning him in one of the books. He’s real big on a lot of the low-mana Earths.


    Well, according to Sam, it’s more egg then chicken…

    Worlds/Earths where he is really big are low on mana. This is because his priests spend all possible time converting people, conducting worship services and sucking up all the mana–and yet never return any–very stingy about healing and other support services.

    Even crazier, he creates splinter religions that pretend to compete with each other, this competition spurs the priests to hoover up even more mana.

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9523

    I’ve read that series. I believe that’s the Demiurge. [/quote]
    Do you mean
    [quote=Yoroshiku Sanzuke;8156]
    (God as in the one-and-only big guy up stairs)
    is the Demi-Urge, or do you mean the Exorcist D’Vampire?

    It’s really not that hard to tell if someone is the Demi-Urge, at least if you run into him in person. He generally always looks the same.

    Old white human male, with a seriously disproportionately large head (go figure), with even bigger “bushy” hair and beard that appear to be perpetually on fire.

    In fact, on first sight, many people confuse him for a burning bush.

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9441

    T-A-G continues to be ridiculously slow in writing, whining about needing this “day job” to eat and put shelter over his head, oh, and get this “sleep”

    I have had numerous petitions to slip him a cookie and have Gastrope’ or Vaselle summon him to Astlan so he wouldn’t need to eat and could write 20 hours per day.

    However, as I’ve pointed out, in the Abyss, we only have AOL dialup (It is a place of torture after all). So that makes uploading the books and all the various interactions with the artist/editor etc very difficult and slow. Plus he uses something called Google and Wikipedia a lot, and those can be very slow down here.

    Checking in on your old account.


    in reply to: Too far gone #9806

    I will say that we get a lot more of the backstory of what went on with Sentir Fallon and his relationship to Tiernon in Book 4 and why they have been more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    I bring in Torean because his forces along with Tiernon’s were central in the campaign to conquer and wipe out the worshipers of the Nyjyr Ennead, Which is also something the two gods are rather oblivious to. And it’s related in the spaghetti sort of way all divine machinations are…

    The thing about these plots is that they go on for thousands of years and sometimes it gets very hard to see the forest for all the trees. When you have multiple intersecting conspiracies that are working for thousands of years, it’s very hard to spot them until they strike at you.

    To be fair, that’s exactly how we at Doom were caught off guard four thousand years ago. So, in that sense, we are not in a good position to throw stones at Tiernon or Torean’s houses.

    in reply to: Yay, it’s back! #9771

    It was Lilith, she attacked our Data Center and had it under siege for several hours, no traffic in or out.

    However, we prevailed and forced her army into retreat!

    in reply to: Plot Threads #9883


    Well, I can hint that there is more going on than meets the eye in Etterdam.

    If you are looking for climactic events, I might suggest looking there, although in part that’s because that is where they last occurred, but as we shall see in Book IV, Etterdam has lots of questions.


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