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I am very lovable and Maou has spent too much time on the Internets…
And one of these days Bess will realize she’s in love with me.
She’s just playing hard to get.
Also, remember, Gastrope’, Jenn, Maelen, Edwyrd and Rupert all swore they were my friends! Remember? They can’t go back on that!!!!!
There aren’t many demon wizards, and you can’t just drag a human physically to the abyss, you have to discorporate them, keep their animus around and cast all the spells to make a new body.
Exador would be the only person I know capable of this…and why bother, there are already more demons than we know what to do with.
of course, maybe he did that…he did somehow come up with a 1000 demons to stick inside the Council Palace.
And he managed that while living in Astlan for the last thousand plus years…
MemberYes, that was my point, it would make you fundamentally something/someone else.
It would be a major schism. Obviously there are legends of people having “revelations” and completely changing, although usually this is due to divine intervention. I am, of course, thinking of a Pharisee on the road to somewhere…did a dramatic 180. Changed his name, dropped an S and added a P.
However, I’ve never seen it happen.
[quote]As for gods seeing other god’s agents as demons. That bids the question, how could a god (or anyone) tell its a demon? And if a god can mistake other entities as demons, does that mean, these entities and demons are basically the same? Could you even say that these gods are demons themselves?[/quote]
To be absolutely clear: I am NOT saying this. I would NEVER say this, and if anyone says I said this, they are a LIAR and their pants are on FIRE.
Gods are supreme beings of unimaginable might, way beyond the comprehension of mortals, demons and avatars….unimpeachable and unarguable. Forever and ever amen.
I am standing away from the lightning rods in this forum!!!!
MemberIt is action packed.
There are a few more things going on this next time around. First book was a bit tame…
More demons, more avatars, more wizards, more gods, more magic, more trouble…
MemberI am not sure exactly what “series” you are talking about…
But I do know of something very similar that happened in reality.
This guy I once knew, Rand…had almost the exact same thing happen to him…
However, I have no idea what mana corruption would be, there isn’t an anti-mana.
HOWEVER, Tom does mention the fact that the mana from Tiernon is extra pure, concentrated almost.
So, one might assume that gods filter the mana, or there is some sort of mana filtration system on the stuff going into the pool. (This is actually the Illuminary System as described in Book II)
So…I would think, even if one could figure out how to contaminate said mana pool, the deity or his/her avatars could just refilter it.
Or, maybe use it as is, sort of like bad gasoline. Some engines might get choked up on it, others could run on it…
MemberI have no idea what Maou said in that last post, it’s really wide and written in invisible ink apparently.
having had Oorstemothian airships pursue me, I can attest it’s not fun.
If Maou doesn’t watch out, next thing you know Maou will be surrounded by a bunch of warring wizards in a palace full of demons surrounded by armies…
MemberI can remember my name! It’s….
Hey…wait a minute! Is this a trick to get me to reveal my true name?
Not going to work…
MemberNow you are starting to sound like some of the Evicons.
The Evicons are a demon faction that always want to wage full scale battle.
But the short answer is: The Eternal Conflict.
Yes, yes to all you’ve said. It’s just not that easy. It’s quite complicated, and demons can’t win by brute force, the gods are too powerful.
Also, realize there are MANY battlefields, Astlan is just one.
On some planes the Eternal Conflict is much more heated and active.
MemberI am going to stand far far away from you and wear rubber boots!
However, in this story,
Evil wins!!!!!!!! Tizzy
MemberFrom my mirror.
I snapshotted it during my travels on other planes. See how it’s got my name and address on it down in the lower left?
What you think I don’t take a mirror along to take pictures when I travel?
MemberI don’t know if you’ve realized it, but I have four arms, and two backs I can carry 4 suitcases and two backpacks….
MemberWell, I’m not really sure who is summoning the dragon demons, since they aren’t very chatty.
I have no idea how long they’ve been in Astlan, naturally, I first encountered them in the Abyss, by the time I found out about them being in Astlan they’d already integrated.
Most of what I know about them is from talking to other, normal, demons.
I would guess the dragon names are probably hard to pronounce since a dragon’s mouth and throat is much different…although rumor has it that some dragons in Astlan can talk so…who knows.
I would assume that if a wizard doesn’t have a mechanism to address the pronunciation, that wizard is currently dragon dung.
MemberAnd why do you think I don’t have any mini-Tizzies?
MemberI’m not annoying!
I am lovable and friendly and kind hearted!
Plus, I can provide twice the fun!
MemberWell, I don’t know about every eventuality, nor do I know much of anything about the gods but…
Your basic assumption about gods vs demons is basically true; as far as I understand things. However, I would assume that gods have a tremendous amount of personal mana storage capacity on their own, god pools are just super mana pools into which they pour the excess that they can’t use right away; plus it’s a reserve that more than one person can draw on.
I assume that avatars also have pretty good reserves. Plus the ability to pull on the god pool.
Ever notice how the “good guys” seem to win in all the stories. My bet is because the avatars cheat and use god power vs their own power and can thus win in an otherwise well matched up duel. I.e. to succeed as a demon, you have to be more powerful than the same level avatar…
Again, just might thoughts on the issue.
Tom’s trick is a huge concern for deities, it could be particularly devastating for lesser gods with fewer followers. however, for the major religions like the Etonian’s…well they are diversified and I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have emergency agreements in place or could get help from their fellow pantheon members in the face of such an attack.
Yes, cutting off the supply line is always a critical tactic in any combat situation.