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  • in reply to: Tom’s power level #2937

    Yeah, I thought of mentioning that, along with Gravity’s Rainbow on sort of the other side of things…but I felt they were both a bit lightweight/breezy reading and thus didn’t qualify.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2939

    That was one of the best travelographies I’ve ever read!

    And I gotta tell you, when I visited, it was even better than in the book. Had a total blast!

    in reply to: Perception #3193

    Can’t really argue…others find it that way.

    in reply to: Character Back Story #3231

    Just looking out for people. Don’t want them snookered.

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3252

    Yes, this is true…the second part of your post though, about Tom.

    Dragons are horrible evil vile creature and spawn of alien darkness and all things horrible.

    So there’s a big difference between them and demons.

    Plus we don’t always eat humans, in fact we don’t do it that much. Sometimes we play with them, like a baby plays with spaghetti…actually the aftermath looks about the same….

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3286

    Interpretation? I think I’m generally quite clear and concise. Not sure what there is to interpret. If I say that I’m going to go have a lunch buffet of virgins if I can’t stay by your side, then I pretty much mean it.

    Now, I suppose the interpretation would be “female virgins” but I’m not picky. I’ll happily eat virgins of either sex. They are so tasty.

    The only untasty virgin I found was this little square rectangle virgin (it even used the word virgin in it’s title/honorific and had it painted on it “Virgin Mobile”) so I tried to eat this Mobile virgin, but it was really crunchy and nasty. Plus so small that it didn’t fill me up. I then saw this really giant metal sausage with wings that said it was also a Virgin, but it was too big to fit in my mouth so I didn’t even try to eat it.

    in reply to: Tom’s tongue #3288

    If things are setup correctly, everything should favor me.

    Virgin Coconut Oil?

    Hmm, don’t know. I tried virgin Olive Oil, but her two suitors–that big brute like guy and the skinny sailor with the huge forearms got really upset.

    The big brute guy was pretty easy to put down, but the skinny guy popped open a can of green stuff and gulped it down. He then proceeded to beat me up pretty badly.

    And then there was their friend, just sitting their munching on a big plate of hamburgers and watching me get beat up!

    So virgin Oils? Not so sure about

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1999

    It probably depends on how the genetics play out, how elfish is the person? That would effect the rate at which the animus leaves the body.

    Plus, Elves typically do dissipate, but that’s not an apriori requirement. It’s just someone or something needs to grab their animus pretty fast. So with the right preparations, one could move on to an after life. For all I know, and I don’t, there may be elvish religions that have an after life.

    Why I say this? Elven liches. You don’t see many of them, relatively speaking. But I’ve heard of at least one. Somehow that elf necromancer managed to contain her animus after death and get it through the liching process.

    in reply to: True Names #2480

    Well…humans do have true names, but may not know it…

    It seems to me that the more magical a race is, the more it is concerned with True Names. Is this because they realize the overall import, or is it because True Names have more affect on someone, the more magical they are?

    Don’t know. Never tried binding and elf. But then I can’t bind anyone or things so it’s sort of moot.

    in reply to: Typos #2871

    He will, and beta readers for content/consistency etc. He’s just not there yet. What a lazy slowpoke.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3066

    Tears…not sweat, he has to appear moved by emotional things, weepy weepy.

    He’s actually pretty good looking by human standards, other than the wings and ok, the hooves…but I point out that Satyrs have zero problems getting the ladies so it’s really just the wings. He’s also a bard, they are really good at raking in the groupies.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3067

    Yes, the thread is ETA of next book.

    But T-A-G is so incredibly slow we’ve moved on to other things in the thread.

    However, there is hope that spring will bring great things….for one thing he’s planning on using a real editor and that can add a lot of time…plus there will be the beta reader program…depending on how all that goes and what changes there are…it could go longer, I fear.

    I have to go rescue Tom now, so I will have to answer the other forum posts that are outstanding tomorrow…

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3069

    Ahh, yes, you need to understand demonese.

    If the object of the verb is a demon, I mean that in the way most favorable to me, IF i WERE THE OBJECT/DEMON myself

    If the object of the verb is a non-demon (human/elf/dwarf/etc), I mean that in the way most favorable to ME THE ACTOR UPON THE OBJECT/HUMAN/ETC, and thus the LEAST favorable way to the object of the verb.

    in reply to: Fall Is Coming #3171

    It is interesting how T-A-G seems to be timing book releases to GoT seasons.

    in reply to: Perception #3191

    I suspect it’s a combination of both.

    lower demons would grovel and only peripherally note the oddness although maybe later think more on it.

    The really powerful ones would just think it’s a chosen fashion statement/affectation. They do stuff like that all the time.

    Remember Ramses changing a bunch of his servants to look like demonic Greek creatures etc?

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