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MemberTell me about it!
Going past July is bad. Bare minimum of 1 month for Beta, last time it ended up being more like 3. However, I don’t think that circumstance will repeat this time. It does not have “Book 2” challenges, being Book 3. Probably need at least 2 months for Editor & formatting, would squeeze an Oct 1 release, 1 yr anniversary. However, that seems very optimistic. In particular since there is no way to know Editor’s schedule given there is no fixed time for Beta to end….
MemberI am simply speaking in generalities, and advising who it is safe to compare to a politician. I understood the point, just wanted to ensure your safety.
Although to be fair, the splattering part was thinking about humans doing it. Not sure it is overly productive, and in fact, it may be counterproductive to try and aplat a Gelatinous Cube, since they could just reform, assuming they didn’t cling to you and try to consume you.
Now, this would be bad for an orc. So they should not try this. It would be interesting to see if a D’Orc regenerated faster than a cube could dissolve him/her.
Hmm…same is true for demons.
Please do not go enlist with Lilith!!!!! This could be a truly hellish torture! Eternal consumption!
As for mana pools…yes…this has been something vexing demons for some time. it is essentially what sets demons and gods apart (and gods and avatars) who has and who controls a god pool? And then there are Pantheon Pools of course…
If a demon could make a god pool, would he or she not be a god? Of course, there is that whole worshiper business. If one didn’t want to hassle with that, one would have to figure out some other mechanism for charging one’s “god pool” or “demon pool” as the case may be.
One tricky fact however is that most god pools seem to reside in the outer planes (or so we all believe) where there are no real gems. Only refleca gems…not sure how effective a refleca gem would be…
MemberHmm, ghoulash??? Think you forgot the space. :-$
I think your going to see a lot of ghoul ash in book 3. Hint Hint.
MemberThat could be fun. Get Tom in here, get him audience feed back.
I was a bit miffed by T-A-G’s writing in book 2. His description (or rather the description he forced Tom & Antefalken to give to Damien) completely trivialized my very important discussion in the forums with Rosver about urban architecture in the Courts. He made them imply that they thought I was crazy. I am sure they don’t feel that way.
But yes, having the Internet in one’s head is tiring. That why I wear the tin foil hat. Odd that they call in tin foil when it’s aluminum and not tin. But it keeps Zuckerberg’s damn messenger messages from invading my sleep at Mount Doom.
That is the nice part about Doom. I get to shut off all those stupid voices yelling at me and texting me and posting on my mental timeline. Do you know what it’s like to have some old socialist nagging at you in the back of your mind for $27 like ten times a day? Frustrating!
Of course when I wake up, I’m bombarded by the huge queue that accumulated overnight.
Of course, the best thing is probably my ability to stay in contact with my vast circle of Nigerian princes and lawyers who are working to get me a fortune. At some point my ship is going to come in and I’ll be rich!
MemberImplants for the Internet????
Who needs those, you don’t see me with any implants do you? It just comes into my head naturally. Sometimes I put aluminium foil on my head to try to keep it out, I assume that is what people call a firewall, however, I don’t get the fire part. It’s aluminum.
Of course what is interesting is that in most of the high tech world, traditional technological communication is limited by the speed of light, so you basically have to warp or jump to get your message to someone.
Which is why so many people use Shamans because they can transcend the speed of light via the astral plane. That is what Trig Bioblast does. He’s basically a communications officer.
Of course, you can create magical artifacts that do this, for example the crystals used by the Destiny and others in the Star Gate “Universe”
Hmm, maybe that’s how I can talk to the internet, I am mind swapping with a computer…hmm…let me check something…yep…”Pentium Inside” I got a Pentium I!!!! That sounds fancy, I bet its real fast!
MemberMmmh, well, now that you mention it, Denubians do like to wheel and deal, and they love to sue.8-[
Is it possible that The Donald(TM) himself might be a Denubian Demon(TM). [confused] Forget Mr. Fluffy, this could be really bad! (for you)
That would explain a lot. If that is the case, it may mean the Denubians are planning to acquire your planet! [scared]
In which case the people of your world will long for the days when they only thought he was a Putin Puppet!
Hmm, I may need to raise my prices, I am thinking I’m going to have a lot of people wanting product on your planet–trust me the Abyss is going to look like Tierhallon once the Denubians are done with it!
MemberSounds like you ate an Oorstemothian.
Nasty taste, but far better than a Knight Rampant. I refer to Talarius as the Tuna Can. I’ve found their armor to be sort of like a space suit and thus you might have had difficulty getting the food out of the can in order to eat it.
Thanks for the great description!
I wonder if anyone will notice the missing crew member?
MemberLast time we made people sign up in [color=red]Blood.[/color]
Wonder if we should do that again?
I am afraid though that would cause problems for GelCube since I don’t think gelatinous cubes have any blood?
Maybe it could spit some out of one of its dinners?
MemberA lot of this is what Tom needs to figure out.
1) What was it that Orcus and Tartarvardenennead were really up to.?
2) What exactly was Orcus role in the multiverse? And what will his be?Things that are not yet questions for Tom but will be:
3) Why did Net/Storm Lords/Lilith/Sentir Fallon all join up to kill Orcus? (This will start to become clearer to the readers in alpha 1 and in this book)
4) Who is the Dark Apostle? And who is this god of his? (see alpha 1) How does that god play into things? I.e. who is the other player in the Net/Storm Lords/Lilith/Sentir Fallon group?
5) How does Exador fit into all of this? Ramses? Bess?
6) How do the Lords of Chaos fit into this? What exactly is Lilith’s relationship with them?Upcoming question for Talarius and Tom
7) What caused the corruption of the Church in Astlan?
8) Why did they try to exterminate the Nyjyr Ennead?The answers to all the “upcoming” questions are related.
We will not get answers to these in this book, we will simply start asking the questions.
Mikey’s theory would be consistent with what I know of the Demon Lord Trump. Pretty sure the reason he likes to ‘erect tall buildings’ as a compensation mechanism for something. Not quite sure what, but something.
One thing that I also notice is that Demon Lord Trump likes to ‘tag’ buildings with his name. Lesser demons go to jail for this.
Back to the topic, one huge advantage that less than gigantic forms have is that they can fit through doors. (see book 3)
On most planes there are biological limits to how big a being can get and be stable/functionary without magical support. Therefore there are maximum sizes that ‘people’ build buildings and doors. Same with caves/caverns, interestingly enough. So a critical point is that if you want to get in doors, being huge can be a real disadvantage.
Not sure if you noticed, but no one has ever found evidence for a brontosaurus house, so pretty sure they were stuck outside.
Of course, then there are dragons. They can be very big and live in big caves, but I do know the real estate market, at least in the Abyss, for such caves is rather scarce. However, they are surprisingly flexible and squishy and can fit down corridors much smaller than you would think they can, as long as there is room to spread their wings deep inside.
MemberI leave it to your putrid imaginations.
Want a toke?
MemberClawing great!
Falling for 10 days, now that’s a very deep hole you fell into. It doesn’t even take that long to fall an infinite distance in….ooops, can’t say that without spoiling a major plot point for book 3.
MemberFortunately, today, ketchup, hot sauce, bbq sauce, mustard are all just slightly different forms of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
I’ve decided to simply smother all my dinners with creamed corn, so much simpler. Plus the dinners find the creamed corn very nourishing as their last meal. Never eat a dinner with an empty stomach!
MemberSure will zap you!
MemberEvil Plots??????? [-x
[size=6][color=red][b]GOOD[/b] Plots!!!!!!!![/color][/size] :d/