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  • in reply to: Volume I Audio Book Release Date #8999

    And since you don’t have eyes?

    How did you ever read the books?

    The audio editions should be the only way you can read the books….

    Or can you extrude eyes on gooey stalks?

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9498

    All of the above. I will personally email everyone who’s out their name on the list. And do it from my normal account, not the website. My normal account doesn’t bounce to anyone.

    I will also post a link in the beta forums, and put a box on front page of site and maybe have T-A-G say something on FB.

    in reply to: magic vs tech planes #9661

    Well, again, it’s the physical laws of the plane, where it is located relative to the various polarization forces (see the Appendices of Book III).

    And it can be what the gods are doing.

    But the multiverse is unbelievably big, and there are sets of laws for some parts of it that are incompatible with “life as we know it” that doesn’t mean there isn’t life there, but the rules are so far off, it is hard even for an immortal to figure out how to get there safely.

    I.e. there are planes where gods must wear special “gear” to exist in those planes. And there are others where they can’t. That being said, there is a spectrum of immortals such that some can wiggle into planes others cannot and vice versa.

    Think about it like habitable zones around a star. There are certain habitable regions in the multiverse where what we understand life exists, and that region runs a very large gamut in multiple dimensions.

    E.g. Entropy vs Order. The more entropy, the more magic, until the point “life as we know it” cannot exist, and the more Order, the less magic, more technology you need up until there is so much order “life as we know it” cannot exist. The vast majority of the “habitable” planes like on the spectrum between those two ends (and there are of course, other polarizations as well)

    And a point of matter–pardon the pun–when I say life, I mean material life, in the material planes. TheAbyss, TheOuterplanes, the Intermediate Planes, those exist outside the material plane, so gods can roam pretty freely with their own set of rules. However, different parts of the Outer Planes reflect different parts of the material planes so there is some variation–but this is because immortals want that region of the Outer Planes to reflect different parts of the material planes (hence refleca–btw)

    Yada yada the answer is, it varies.

    But on top of this, the action of various gods can affect these planes and they can do things that make a world (at least small parts of it) appear more or less entropic.

    In the case of your Earth, that “planet” is overrun by mana hoovering priests, so that just makes what was a tough sell for magic, a “very tough sell”

    Before the Catholic Church overwhelmed Europe there was a lot more mana there, and in particular shamans, druids, animages could do some interesting stuff. Now there just isn’t as much “free” mana laying around, except at certain hidden/remote locations.

    There is a reason mystics and monks like to build temples in extremely remote regions of your planet–there is likely to be more mana there. yes it was generated by flora and fauna, not by humans–so there is less than there could be, but still no priests going around sucking it up.

    But, if you can bring your own mana–like a powerful off world priest with strong links to a willing god in the Outer Planes you can heal people, and all your other normal priestly spells.

    So a Priest of Tiernon on Earth could operate normally–at least in terms of spending mana to do spells–worship would be harder since there aren’t any worshipers there to harvest mana from. So, could the Church Tiernon make a move–yes, if Tiernon wanted to spend the effort and take the chance of sparking a war with the pantheons that think they “own” the planet.

    This is basically what happened to the Nyjyr Ennead. They were pushed out and their worshipers killed or assimilated (on multiple worlds) They were not helped by that nincompoop Pharoah that lost all the slaves to a certain super deity on the planet. Quite the irony he ends up being an archdemon.

    in reply to: Talarius’s Loyalty #8785

    Yes, there was that mention in the tavern over drinks.

    He was not particularly amused.

    However, he will be seeing a much bigger world in Book 4 that should expand his horizons and perhaps cause him to climb the corporate ladder.

    Of course, as many will note, that in order to really climb the corporate ladders you sometimes have to leap to a new ladder, climb, leap again and maybe eventually end up back on the same ladder, far further up than you could have ever gotten by climbing the original ladder–in business, this is how you hop above those ahead of you on your ladder. You hop to a higher position somewhere else, climb a bit, and then hop even higher than your current position to the next ladder.

    That’s how you become a CEO.

    Oh, sorry, I forget that many of you living in magic localverses may not know what a “CEO” is: “[b][color=red]C[/color][/b]ompletely [b][color=red]E[/color][/b]vil [b][color=red]O[/color][/b]verlord”

    in reply to: Wild Speculation: Imprints #9582

    Ah, the Rosencrantzes and Guildensterns…

    Yeah, you ever see Travelers? That Netflix show where Will Truman [of Will and Grace] (and thousands of others) gets their mind overridden by people from the future?

    Yeah, it’s not quite that thorough. There are some glitches with it. I’ve known a number of them. I have to say, not really a fan of the process. I feel it’s a bit unethical. Some poor sap gets demonized and then overwritten. Ugh.

    However, if that were the case for Tom, he wouldn’t remember much of his past, except as nightmares/dreams. He’s sort of experiencing the reverse of that…more like “Tom” was imprinted on Orcus….or Tom’s past life memory is stored on bio-floppy disks that are slow to load.

    And there are a few other possibilities that I could mention after you overhear certain things in Book IV but…

    Now, don’t tell them, because I really like both Tom and Rupert, but both are bit ugly to be my children…no offense…but you have to admit they are missing some limbs–clearly off putting. Reggie on the other hand, is mildly attractive, he’s only partially debilitated, missing a pair of legs, but fine on the arm front.

    in reply to: Beta CoA:ITW #8899

    Assuming you have animus (or antimus), and are sentient–and you do [u][i]seem[/i][/u] to be sentient…then you have a soul.

    The only way you can be sentient and not have a soul is if you an A.I. so, mabye a plant based AI could still fit the bill of having animus, but no soul, but that’s about it.

    in reply to: Wizards and Demons #9638

    Ooh, there is excruciating detail in OOA on this very issue, both in the appendix and in discussions, and in book 4 where they cross over.

    The key to keep in mind however, and I admit this was confusing, I said Gormegast Galactic Light Year meaning the localverse, we call the localverse Gormegast, which, of course is kind of dumb, because we also refer to the Visteroth localverse, and they are both the same localverse, just different galaxies, millions and millions of “Earth” light years apart.

    And it’s also wrong because the Galactic Year and the Galactic Light Year was defined by, us, the Doompire and we use it pretty consistently everywhere where we had space empires, although you are correct in that the speed of light can be different, the GY (pronouced Geee) is not. But the speed of light is completely wacky in many places.

    Anyway Gormegast is the “home planet”/capital of the Gormegast Horde Eternal which controls the Antilles Cluster. In the cluster time is measured either in planetary terms or galactic terms. Obviously planetary times change from planet to planet, however the Galactic Units are consistent and independent of planet.

    A GY is basically 2.5 Astlan/CoC years or 2.85 Earth Years

    The speed of light is pretty close in both Gormegast and Earth, we only have theoretical measurements for the Abyss, and we’re not even sure that’s accurate, as for Astlan, there are some big error bars on the measurements due to the very different physics.

    But coming down to it 1 GLY=1.143859649 Earth parsecs or 1 GLY=2.693e13 Earth km

    in reply to: Volume I Audio Book Release Date #8998


    If you put head phones “on” won’t you end up eating them and then pooping out the inorganic parts, which might be the entire thing?

    Or are they inorganic ones that take long enough to get through you that you can listen as you try and fail to digest? I assume you are picking up the vibrations from the headphones as you also don’t actually have ears.

    in reply to: Abyssal qualities #8803

    Oh, and it was a Chaos Maelstrom.

    in reply to: The Music of Doooooom! #9257

    [quote=Derek;7889]What I imagine a the music of orcs sounds like.


    Hmm, good thing that orcs and D’Orcs don’t like lawyers because pretty sure they stole their song from Orcish lore. The lyrics are pretty much spot on with their “standards” Particularly the part about if humans come by, how they’ll kill them.



    in reply to: Too far gone #9809

    Many possibilities, of course I don’t know for sure since I wasn’t in the room.

    But what I get from the discussions you’ve read (that I dictated to T-A-G, of course)

    [list][*] Tiernon wanted Orkus off the plane to prevent widespread destruction
    [*] One way would be to slay him locally, force him back to Doom, like what happened to Rupert when Talarius killed him.
    [*] Or just inflict too many losses on the D’Orcs have them all retreat
    [*] I am sure he did not expect Sentir Fallon to actually be able to permanently kill Orcus. I suspect it was presented as sort of an accident by Sentir Fallon “I found a power weapon that I thought could slay his material body and send him back to The Abyss, but it did more. My bad.

    But that is pure speculation since I was neither in Etterdam nor Tierhallon.

    in reply to: Abyssal qualities #8802

    Ohh, I love that!

    However, I think Dis Pater might want to use that one!

    Or maybe his battle cry might be something like

    Feel my Dis-Gust ;
    Prepare to face my Dis-Dain
    and be Dis-Mayed
    as I send you into Dis-Array!

    in reply to: Orcus-Concord of Consiliation #9296

    No, that’s prophecies that need a god, or a shepherd or something.

    No one knows how the PC works, except, of course, the gods.

    However, given that gods tend to be extremely paranoid and have very few true friends, I can’t see any of them putting themselves at the mercy of one of their fellow scheming narcissistic friends. A wife, or close family member perhaps, but there are plenty of gods who trust such individuals even less.

    If I were to guess, most gods that choose the timing of their PC set things up in advance. Only if it’s unplanned might you need assistance from someone else.

    Actually, there is a rather enlightening, if not clearly obvious, discussion of the PC in book 4 with Tom and an old friend of mine, who finally shows up. Apparently, we was on a very long journey, to the west, or something.

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9371

    I have to admit, I am very impressed by their ability to group teleport while singing and dancing.

    That requires a lot of skill, even if the teleportation is being done by someone behind the camera, many people experience disorientation immediately after teleporting, but the fellows just keep on groovin.

    Betting they are archdemons with that much skill.

    in reply to: Abyss Food Needs #9342

    Good question.

    It is an experiment I happen to be working on at this very moment.

    There are some interesting differences between “live” people and demons in the Abyss.

    For example: while both will “live” after falling a half league out of the sky…the “live” people still get pretty squishy smooshed and have to regenerate before they can get up and walk around again. And so…of course…you have to stand and watch them slowly regenerate to make sure no nastiness comes along and slurps their puddly self up out of the indentation they made in the ground. Tedious.

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