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MemberAre we going to meet some of these gods in book two?
MemberStill, did any demons tried it though? I also wonder if Tom would try doing it as he seems to be very interested in it lately. He doesn’t seem to be like other demons in this things.
MemberWell, things are getting ridiculous here. Spaceships! LOL.
We should have start asking some more other things like:
>Why don’t they steal some biological weapons? They could exterminate the Astlan population with those.
>How about nuclear bombs? They are very great weapons. It might even be able to permamently kill demons.
>I would love to have some of those light sabers. Demons could have “acquire” some of those. Including the sound effects!
>How about robots?
If demons and wizzards could just go ‘anywhere’ they could almost just get anything. Why is it not happening here?
MemberWell, the demons seems to be doing it often as Tizzy stated. Escalators, pianos, cars, modern clothing, drinks, etc. If so, it should not be not that entirely hard. If one can go to a world with such technologies before, they could still go back again.
So what is stoping Wizards and demons from doing just that?
I was afraid that would happen too. I kinda like the Dragon Knight series by Gordon Dickson but he died before the last book of the series was published. Author Existence Failure is a fan’s worst nightmare.
As for robots… well, why not? It would at least be an object of curiosity to the curious.
MemberTizzy, that makes sense. That is what I got from the book too. Though it is pretty bad for the level 1 demons.
It was just a joke! Well you do react to it beautifuly. Maou though remains so unruffled. He is made of solid stuff.
Hmmm. If the god here are like Greek and Roman gods, then acts of vengence from gods isn’t really foreign. Being a subject of their wrath isn’t a great thing to be.
MemberNow you are just being mean.
MemberIs that what Lenamare is really trying to do? Would have been interesting.
That was what I thought. They changed the spell, multiple times. That should have a side effect. All those different mana overlaying on each other.
MemberOh well. Well be awaiting.
There are other books to read though and other stuff to do!
MemberTrue Names has actully pop up in many fantasy books but is not fleshed out. The nature of true name here is just almost illogical. For one thing, our names are actually limited. There are actually many people who share the same name throughout the times. But there have to be infinite number of True Names. If you only have a small set of alphabets (or syllabaries or pictograms) then you would easily run out of practical combinations (a hundred syllable name anyone?). There has to be some sort of loop hole.
And of course I had talked to Tizzy about those ‘unpronouncable names’ and the rather large available phonemes that isn’t all used by any given language. I had often laughed at foreigners when they spoke other language wrong. They just very funny.
Hah! Better not really talk much about this true name thing. We would not be able to get anywhere.
MemberActualy, demons doesn’t seem to grow. The book seem to say so. The ability of their demon bodies is fixed.
There is actually lots of possibilities why.
First, I revise your question. Instead of asking why the gods haven’t destroyed the demons. Ask the reverese. Why would they destroy the demons?
Obviously, the situation here is very different from angel-and-devil situation in the bible. From what could be taken from the book, demons and gods are essentially two diffrent species that are just more powerful than humans. Here, to the gods, demons are just a major annoyance, but since the demons doesn’t really have harmed any of the gods before. Demons, to the gods, is a nuisance but pose little threat, so it seems. But when a demon kills a god, now that is a different scenario altogether.
They get tortured?
MemberWell, Lenamare just say that you are a liar. Is all you said true?
Also, maybe Tom will kill a god?………… Why am I thinking that?
MemberThat is why I add the “I guess” part in my statement. There aren’t really much of reliable source about demons here.
Go Tizzy! Go Tizzy!
[quote]My prior statement was that due to the sheer magnitude of their lives that most demons will eventually reach the full potential of their talents and thus level off in power.[/quote]
That doesn’t mean they would be super strong and powerful. As the book had said, only a few numbers of demons could actually manipulate mana and so do magic. If it is as the book says, only the most powerful leverl 4 and level 5 and 6 demons could do magic. Based on the numbers given by the book, the number of these mana manipulating demons is just in two digits, maybe somewhere around 60. That is way very few.
[quote]Success leads to genius and failure leads to insanity.[/quote]
Ow! Did you really just say that? Maybe I had to pull up some quotes to illustrate the realationship between success and failure:
“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”
“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
[quote]By Astlanian standards Tom is abnormal or insane, and thus now could be the peak of his innovation.[/quote]
Huh? I just can’t any sense out of this statement. I think it means, the hospital of mentaly insane is a place of great innovation?
[quote]Most consider him a madman, but despite pissing off many demons stronger than himself he is still alive. Demons aren’t that lucky and I lack faith in coincidence. This leads one to conclude that Tizzy has some atypical skills so as to be still alive to this day. [/quote]
First, demons are immortal, they are very very difficult to kill. Demons staying alive is actually less surprising than demons being dead. Staying alive is what immortals are best known for, being dead… not so much.
As for coincidence, that may be true in real life but this is a book, it thrives in it. And the atypical skill, or more appropriately ability, your talking about is the skill of regenerating back even if you cut Tizzy to millions of pieces. A thing which every demons is capable of.
Memberso Tizzy. This story probably is the author’s original invention and not dictated by you?