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MemberIt was a small hand mirror, there are limits on what I could do with exposure without washing it out.
I doubt these fellows will show up in this book, possibly in a short story/side story…
CG work? Don’t understand the term. Calibrated Glasswork? Captured Glassscape?
it’s simply a mirror image I captured when traveling the outer realms years ago.
MemberSorry didn’t see this sooner…that stupid “Active Topics” box stopped working for some reason so it’s harder to see the updates…I need to get that fixed.
These are all very good questions.
However, I don’t really know. My only real experience is with the demonic ones. I’ve never actually met one of the Astlanian ones.
Of course, haven’t really talked to any of the demon ones, they tend to eat first, ask questions later….
MemberYes, I like real world, non-fiction myself. Biographies and historical novels.
That’s why I think DoA:ITA is so good. It’s all real world, true events that I have witnessed myself and transcribed to the author. This way people can be assured that it’s completely factual and accurate. They have my word.
for some strange reason Amazon insisted on filing it as fantasy. It’s extremely annoying.
MemberYes…of course fan works would also give discussion points.
There are various gallery features built into the site…the forums have albums but also all users have storage space and can, in theory upload images and there should be some standard way(s) of showing them….
Really need to explore that….
The forum’s albums are easy enough with the “photo” button at the top of the screen and then the double picture thing in the editor toolbar lets you pick an item from the album.
MemberActually in the case of cars, earlier unaerodynamic vehicles could go just as fast or faster than modern ones.
They just used a lot more fuel to do so. By the late 1920’s land speed records were being set at over 200 mph. Although admittedly these cars were actually rather cigar shaped and thus aerodynamic. In the 30’s they got up over 300 mph.
In the 60’s 70’s there were a lot of very fast, very ugly and boxy vehicles…
Actually I didn’t say there was a max or minimum…although I think the minimum would be zero.
I would hypothesize, however as far as a maximum, at some point the demon would have to cross over into the god range….and thus not be a demon anymore…so there is probably some inflection point when one goes from demon to god…
Assuming such a thing is possible…which, frankly, I rather doubt, you need a lot of worshipers for that and I don’t know the demigod thing then gets confusing…
Well, Talarius thing could be relatively precise to a limit, at which point the mercury blows the top off. It probably has to have limits.
Again, it is divinely based…I’d guess a god would know more about how this stuff works, after all, they go out of their way to figure out how to maximize mana and animus etc…
MemberNargh…had a post was trying to screw with uploading an image and using the forum albums and lost the damn text.
Long and short of what I’d said.
I am not a necromancer, this is way beyond my pay grade.
However, I don’t think it’s that simple. First souls are animus collections, I think you’d run a serious risk of ending up with both souls leaking and getting dissipated into nature.
If you could merge, then you have the question of will they mix or are they water and oil?
Next you’d have to integrate the consciousness of the individuals, this would be a battle of wills and it’s not clear that the instigator would win.
I think, that if you were to do this, it would be safer to use the biological animus manipulation engines built into the later races like humans. E.g. do a physical merge of the two bodies, then biologically assimilate the two entities which would be far safer. However there is still the question of who comes out supreme.
This then, led me to remember my travels on other planes, where in one instance, I ran into this rather unpleasant race in deep space.
Tall skinny grey skinned guys with big heads and tentacles hanging off their jaw. With these tentacles they’d consume the brains (virtually I think) feeding on the brain emanations: emotions, thoughts, memories any thing intense…they liked to stimulate the brains to induce strong reactions that they could feast on. Eventually they’d consume the entire consciousness of the victim, and then assimilate it into themselves.
I am not sure what happened to the brain dead bodies and any remaining animus…I don’t know if they later ate those or what, or if there was any ‘soul’ left.
And being a potential ‘dinner guest’ I didn’t feel like inquiring too deeply.
So…really a complex question.
here is a Mirror Image I snapped while on the bridge of their ship. The place was really dark, and I didn’t feel comfortable using the mirrors flash spell, since they seemed to like the dark and I didn’t want to be rude.
MemberYep…he’s screwed…eventually.
It actually depends on the nature of the magic item and how it works. This varies a bit more with religious artifacts than with wizard artifacts.
Well, Tom would of course defend him, because he’s Tom’s treasure.
If you win a prize at a carnival and later someone comes and tries to take it from you, wouldn’t you defend it?
I am sure Tom will want to keep his toy to play with. I certainly would.
So, yes, there are going to be lots of people that want Talarius, for a wide variety of reasons. However, there are also going to be a lot of people (demons) interested in Tom and what he seems to know how to do.
He’s going to get a LOT of unwanted attention.
MemberEverything you are saying is Greek to me.
The Astlanians don’t speak English, it’s been translated by me in reciting to the author.
Their English is about as good as their Latin, which you can see from the book is pretty odd.
There is actually away to spell Tom’s real name in Astlanian…but between accent and common usage it was mainly just a stupid screw up that they didn’t catch.
And that, my friend, is what we demons live for. Mistakes! Remember the (in)famous saying:
[b]To err is human, to take advantage of err is demon![/b]
Memberyeah that would be freaky.
however, about the only people “outside the walls” were the Rod and the Oorstemothians. Both were prepared, ready, and more than just a little unbalanced as it was.
if you must know, most of the inhabitants of the city ran up to the walls and used whatever means they could to try and see through the pentacles (which were colored and obscuring things), hoping to witness a mass slaughter of the besiegers. (OK…the guys inside the wall are also more than just a little unbalanced as well).
The majority of the freak out is over what Tom did and the kidnapping of Talarius/comeuppance of the Rod.
As a consequence, there are currently bootleg mirror recordings being sold of the battle…
And Vaselle was on the wall watching, (after pursuing his demon Estrebrius making a beeline over it) and then later bought a mirror recording and played it over and over again throughout the night.
I think there might be some other humans…it’s very hard to tell over the Internet. I do know there’s been a problem with various demons posing as humans and trolling for dates…I’ve refrained from asking what happens to those that answer.___
As for love…it’s hard to say…Tom’s been a bit preocupied with getting his footing (or hooving).
Plus he’s a single teenage father…I hear MTV is thinking of offering him a series…I suppose they’ll demand he have some romantic drama…
However, while I don’t know about Tom, I do know some other characters are feeling romantic in book 2. And no, thank the gods, I don’t mean L&J.
Of course, Antefalken will be getting “romantic” but I am sure nothing serious, so that doesn’t count either.
MemberFan Art and Fan Stories are all good things.
He’s trying to think of the best way for people to upload stuff.
The Council of Wizardry Tumblr is one possible mechanism, particularly for art.
Stories–could be done in a forum with each story being a topic, or each author…or maybe come up with better module.
Summoning from an Earth, at this point in their timelines is very hard…see the topic on…oh shit…that’s not a topic, that’s book 2.
Well, for a spoiler scroll down:
Incubae and Succubae are very useful when it comes to demonic infiltration of low mana worlds. (hint they are the only beings capable of extradimensional sex–from the Astral Plane to the Planes of Men–very hard to defend against dream sex, particularly for virgins)
MemberAerodynamic is a relative term. I think the history of the automated mobile transport on the Earths demonstrates this.
I am sure there is a scale for it.
And the big thing to remember is that the demon scale is very unscientific, for the most part. It’s based on human(oid) observation/belief/lots of crazy shit.
I talk about this in some other posts, great skill and luck can often defeat raw power, particularly if it’s badly used.
And so the scale is pretty inexact. At least as far as [i]Wizards[/i] are concerned. They are the only ones, I really deal with. I don’t like the priestly types.
And on that point: Talarius’ mirror seems to give something more exact and detailed. However, I have no idea how that thing works to be honest. it’s a Holy Artifact. Divinely Inspired or some such hand waving B.S. “We have to take it on [i]faith![/i]” bleh…
So I have no idea how it interprets what it sees, whether it is just animus level, mana level, mana potential storage, skill, luck, whatever?
I also have no idea of its accuracy. I wonder what it would see when it looked at me? :-k
MemberWell, it’s kind of like your True Name and your Calling Name in the Abyss….my true name isn’t Tizzy, or even Tisdale for that matter.
Actually, my “username” is Tisdale and my Display Name is Tizzy…and OK…I really don’t have a clue, I’m just babbling.
It is not however a bug. It’s a “feature” and in this case, I think it really is a feature.
The software for this site is DNN which is used by lots of different people for different reasons.
I suspect that people want to log in with a username that they remember or is based on a name, like first initial lastname tperkinje for example.
However, he might want is display name to be Tom, or maybe “Demon Boy” or something like that.
It seems you should be able to change your username, as long as your email stays constant…or maybe they make username the constant so you can update your email address.
So, if you can’t do it, let me know what you want it to be and I’ll see if I can update it.
MemberI don’t see why not…at least for the really big ones.
Some of us can’t even change shape.
MemberOnly living/sentient things have distinct true names. The true name is tied to self identity.
non-sentient living things have names associated with them that can be used to manipulate them, thaumaturgists use these, I believe. Not really sure.
There are also various words for commanding and controlling elements, but I don’t know much about that.
It’s rather complicated, and I’m not a wizard. A wizard would be better able to explain this.
MemberOK, and some people in reviews said that the Astlanian’s are paranoid…JMBT is therefore obviously a wizard from Astlan since JMBT is more paranoid than most of them….
As far as I know, Tom never changed his name. From what I (told the author) know, Jehenna misspelled his name on the ring.
His full name is Thomas Edward Perkinje at least based on what he told Lenamare. of course one could ask, does anyone on Earth really know their true name?
And it seems to me that trying to get your true name changed would be even harder than trying to change your name at the DMV.
This, of course, ties in with the discussion of an afterlife and reincarnation.
Clearly, for reincarnation and afterlifes to work, the religious types need a handle to manage the soul’s itinerary. I doubt they use UPS or FedEx tracking numbers, so they need something which would be the true name. So in that case the true name would travel with the soul.
Now, how a father/mother would know this…and also everyone one has a family name, but you keep getting born into another family name each time you reincarnate. (Unless you are Exador but he’s faking it)
So eventually, you’d have one seriously long name.
Works fine for new soul births though. No baggage there.