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That would make him subordinate to her, right now he feels he’s equal…[SPOILER]although, again, this specific point is brought up by Lilith at one point, as in “why do I have to deal with flunkies?”[/SPOILER]
MemberYou would be amazed how easy it is to get mortals to sell their souls to us as is.
We also have a really great highway called the Styx.
Remember, we only want the highest quality souls.
Or at least most of us. I note that a certain archdemon currently ruling one of the Earths, is only surrounding himself with the lickspittlest of slaves and sycophants who would not be worth torturing for more than a decade or so.
OK, so, the one that looks like a “Backbench Batman Villain” might be fun to torture. But that’s about it.
MemberHe’s an icubus…of course!
Pretty sure Reggie was straight when I so—-ack–ahem–first met him. Yeah, first met him in the Abyss. Yeah, that’s it. Never ever saw him before that, so this is pure speculation on my part.
But, being an Incubus, he’ll try to procreate with anyone, anything. Really tremendous sex drive.
I do sort of feel bad for those little amoeba’s…and you’d have to be a real masochist to mate with a jelly fish but…
MemberHe’s an auteur! Not a porn producer!
He mainly balls for his own memory to write ballads.
I, on the other hand, have no such artistic illusions, if I can make some scratch balling balling, I am in for it.
MemberYeah, that would be…
OK, you now have me thinking impure thoughts about a Titan.
Not good…
MemberEveryone posting here will get an email letting them know when betas are getting ready and where the link to beta-tize is.
I like the idea of a Knowledge Book Demon! =d>
Although for some poor sap’s sake, I hope Lilith never hears about this idea or she’ll start making them! First summon them with a circle of people convinced the new demon is (has the form of) a book. In particular, if the person is like a librarian or an author, it should be really easy.
It would really suck to be a book, trapped on a shelf, or worse yet, used as a doorstop!
And then, random people come along and fondle your pages…
Hmm, well depending on who is doing the fondling, that could be kind of kinky! :d/
Interesting question, I suspect–no, I am sure–it depends on what treaties and agreements they have with a particular god’s church.
I am sure all of that is covered in details for all religious organizations they have contracts with.
I would have to believe that if the god, or his/her church did not have an agreement in place, that could be prosecutable.
Wonder if that was part of the motivation for the flying cigar tube? Go arrest offending deities and their agents?
Actually, there is some discussion on this matter, in book 4, in terms of where they can legally pursue a suspect.
For example, they can go to Nysegard because there is no single entity whose sovereign borders they’d be invading.But one of the Outer Planes? Hmm, that could be a diplomatic sovereignty issue.
MemberWhy does everyone always assume that I am crazy?
I think one of the defining characteristics of psychosis is not realizing you are crazy.
Did you ever stop and think that maybe everyone else is crazy and I am the only person in the multiverse who is truly sane?
MemberFunny you should call me a something-god.
There’s people in COA:ITW that have such a title for me, but it’s not demon-god.
But you know, for demons, being called any sort of “god” is disrespectful, because we have nothing but contempt for the gods. Narcissistic showboaters is what they are…except for Phaestus, and Orcus (he’s an honorary Demon Prince after all)
And Loki, who is not so much a god as an adopted god child.
And my buddy with the stick, he’s a King, not a god, although immortal of course. And he does hang out with and torment a number of gods…
MemberSee (a little) more an Anima Jars [url=]in the library[/url]
For a shaman, animajars are not uncommon, given that they work with spirits all the time.
But generally, there are those on the lookout for great warriors heading into battle so there was usually someone around paying attention.
And, even if you missed the moment of death, a strong shaman could summon the spirit back if they get there soon enough, say within a few hours to a day or maybe more depending on the individual. Obviously the sooner the better, and best is not dead yet, but mortally wounded. But you work with what you got.
As they say, you go into the afterlife with the Soul you have, not the Soul you want. I.e. ready or not to die, you die when you die and your current state of “grace” determines what happens to you.
Yes, the god business means providing an afterlife and other benefits in exchange for mana and other sacrifices/behavior.
We definitely don’t want to allow everyone to become a D’Orc. Not everyone can handle it. You really don’t want to be stuck in a volcano with a bunch of depressed suicidal immortals. Although I guess that was what was going on at Mount Doom while things were shut down.
MemberWell, I am not sure exactly what T-A-G is doing with beta demons, but was pretty sure that once you click on his link, you are slain where you sit, your soul sucked into a beta demon body,your astral cord severed, you are then put in a deep dark hole with tiny print manuscripts and a very small pencil to use to mark things up.
I am sure it sounds very homey to you!
MemberHee Hee Hee
I am very fiendish, as I’ve said…. :d/
Actually, T-A-G has sworn that Rupert is not the result of time travel.
But, of course, that’s only because that’s what I told him.
Sometimes, he seems as confused by what I tell him as everyone else I talk to.
I need someone to speak Tizzish.
MemberOk, this is not good…
I swore I wrote a very pithy reply, but do not see it…where did it go? It was so amazingly elegant, yet now gone.
Seriously? Where did that last post go?
I think I am getting weed addled at this point.