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  • in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8237

    So…at some point we need to move this thread over to a new forum under the Fan Fiction category called “Slash”


    I highly encourage fan fic and slash etc.

    Ooh how about Trevin+Jehenna slash? Trehenna?

    Lenamare + Exador =Lenador?

    in reply to: In regards to mana generation #6178

    Orcs love headbutting each other, so D’Orcs must as well, and we make it an aerial game in 3D!

    It’ll be a lot more fun to watch than 3D Chess. Take that Mr. Spock! It’d be like an aerial demolition derby with a football! The QuarterD’Orc can pass up or down to his receiver!

    in reply to: Talarius’s Loyalty #8693

    >5- ROFLMAO.


    in reply to: Talarius’s Loyalty #8761

    More likely they’d turn all the lumberjacks into trees!

    If anyone survives, they can slaughter their former colleagues! Justice will be served!

    in reply to: Balance #8125

    I don’t do windows, floors, ceilings, walls, carpets or dishes.

    in reply to: Sci-Fi worlds #8400

    Yes, but it is one word, The Doomstar, and in the case of Gormegast is is on a large moon/dwarf planet about the same size as Pluto in your star system.

    However, the volcano is huge, and there is no audience chamber in it, rather it is the propulsion device. Because of its size, it looks like one of Robert Heinlein’s [url=]torchships[/url], only made out of rocks.

    When fully powered with elemental portals, it moves very much like a torchship as well. It is heavily armed and has shields. And of course, an aethereal drive for FTL travel.

    At last contact it was orbiting a large gas giant.

    in reply to: Talarius’s Loyalty #8734

    Well, not sure how familiar you are with swords, I’m not a fan of them, I prefer claws myself…however, last time I checked, swords, or at least the one’s I’ve met, don’t have any “equipment” that can be used for reproduction.

    Just saying, have you ever seen a sword with a forge hanging from its hilt? Or an anvil? Or hammer/mallet. What about a bucket of water? Does that mean there are four genders of swords?


    Anyway, as far as I can tell, swords only reproduce asexually.

    Now, demons can also reproduce asexually (thanks to those damn meddling wizards), however, we (most of us) do have the equipment so that we could reproduce sexually. But I have not seen that on swords. Now, to be fair, I didn’t feel like getting close enough to Ruiden, the “Autonomous Demon Slaying Flying Glaive” to look between his/her blades so I can’t be sure about that form.

    I think it was just the metallic monotone of his/her voice that led people to assume Ruiden is a “he” but, technically, I think he’s an “it.” Also, swords tend to be slightly phallic in nature and poetry, so he…seems to fit.

    I would imagine that any love would be platonic between two swords.

    And this is fine, since being metal artifacts, they live forever, and trust me, any “marriage” that lasts forever is definitely platonic after a certain point in time.

    in reply to: The Concordenax #9071

    [quote=Zahn Corso;7245]My apologies Tizzy, as for how hard it is to get a job as a demon, was that in regards to willing jobs or unwilling. Cause those can be 2 very different answers.

    Yes Tizzy, you’re very pretty for your age.[/quote]

    Touchy as they say in France.

    Paying job. Slave labor is all too common, I am talking about paying jobs so one can afford a cup of Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) now and then.

    Thank you! At last some love!

    in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8262

    Yeah, well, not sure Lilith is a good idea, remember, Antefalken, “Tom’s Bro” was dating her. And you know the Bro Code.

    One of these days, Tom is going to have to sit Rupert down and tell the story of “How I met your mother.”

    Now of course, being a djinn, Tamarin’s plan (as it is with most young djinn) is to experience all material sensations, and do so with her master. However, he has been, to date, otherwise occupied.

    On the other hand, Vaselle is Tom’s Warlock (familiar and Tom can possess him). I’m thinking maybe T-A-G can do a “Demons After Dark” or maybe “50 Shades of Red” and get really kinky in the spin off series.

    Of course, I still want to see the spinoff where we get over the distraction of “Unlife” and get to the real “EVIL” —SparklyLife! I want to see the Force of Doom engaged in all out Unholy War to eradicate all the SparklyLife, you know–sparkly vampires, fluffy werewolves and such. [cursing]

    [angry] They are an abomination before me! [blush] Ooops…getting a bit carried away…

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8457

    Ah, hah! So this core stuff comes from a Chinese tradition!

    That makes so much more sense, because it was just odd how it just seemed to show up out of no where in the kindleverse.

    Oooh, Kindleverse!! A subset of the multiverse that only exists in the deepest regions of the Amazon!

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8446

    [url=]Ancient Ruins[/url] now on Kindle Countdown in US (presumably UK too)….by today for $0.99

    in reply to: In regards to mana generation #6187

    Hmm, not sure where that would be, Limbo and Purgatory are very high traffic zones.

    The elemental planes have no visitors since they don’t support life, mortal or immortal….

    in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8230

    See my note @24 on the Singkun thread. This same topic comes up there. Trevin, Gastrope’, Tom in a literal ‘Devils Threesome’

    That would be an incredibly awkward scene! Not sure which of the 50 shades of grey Gastrope’ would turn at the thought.

    in reply to: Singkun #8136

    OK…true, but if Singkun shows up and teaches Tom how to wax his car, then you could argue the wish is for Tom!

    in reply to: Beta CoA:ITW #8807

    So here starts the list!

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