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  • in reply to: Demon power ups #1834

    I wish I’m immortal like you that way I could accomplish the task of making 10,000 post… wait… of course! I could just make a script or program that posts for me. Using that method, 10,000 posts or more is a piece of cake. *evil laugh*

    Need is something that you can’t do without. It is something essential. Humans needs water, food and air, without any of them humans tends to die. Well, in a way, need and wants have become interchangable nowdays but I take a strickier vew of things.

    From what I can see, gods don’t need worshipers for survival and function. They are powerful being by themselves. Having worshipers do have an added advantage that makes them rather desirable to acquire.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1966


    It sounds all slapdash to me. And I really cringed about the interior decoration.

    And haven’t any of them broke down because of wear and heat? Many things aren’t really designed to be seated by scaly, thorny and horny beings. It is a lot like a cat using your curtains as a scratch post. The curtains won’t survive. Those metal chairs probably create scratchy noises when you sit on them.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2278

    A retaliation from the gods can’t be good. Remember the mythologies? The gods rather gives overly harsh acts for petty insults.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2282

    Astlan gods seems to be different from Greek/Roman gods but still their wrath is horrible to experience. The Christian God for example has moments of extreme ruthlessness. Greek/Roman gods more so. Just even being a focus of their interest portends bad things. I even think that people gives offerings to these gods so that they wont attract attention.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2284

    Well, Tom is a thief, but I think he wont be getting into a prison. I think, when he comes back to the surface, the gods would rain lightning endlessly at him, hit him with a meteor, detonate a nuclear bomb, and burry him in a mountain of stinking socks.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2288

    Oh! It seems book 2 would be soooo boring.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3037

    @The Author Guy:

    I haven’t really read much anthologies becuase I always end up feeling that I wasted money on it as I will not always like all of its contents. I always end up liking only 2 or 3 of the stories an just skip everything else. It feels to me like the authors is trying to make us pay for the stories we won’t like.

    And for those worlds where many authors write… don’t really like them either. Maybe I just keep ending choosing those horrible ones but previous experiences do influence selection, and now I tend to avoid them. I seen the Thieves World but it is obvious what this kind of work is and I have never bought and read one. Maybe I give it a try next time.

    As for stories… Have you read books that doesn’t seem to be telling a story at all? Those are the worst.


    On being sane in insane places… I feel sorry for you.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3039

    Well, at least you now have Tom and Rupert and me. You are not alone anymore.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3041

    Eeep!! Don’t call it that! To think demons would use a word like that. It makes me shiver.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1824

    The Author Guy do seem to no frequent here. Maybe he is busy writing.

    Yes we are friends.

    Why haven’t you make that much friends in that many years?

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3033

    That is a possibility. I can’t remember a very big difference in writing styles in the series though. Or maybe there are but was not observant enough at those times?

    I’m not against very long series as long, as each part is good, but most serries that run very long do tend to deteriorate in quality.

    in reply to: Oorstemothian Search Warrant #3207

    Still zero. There is a very big bug here. Have fun finding that.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1960

    That as T-A-G says is debatable.

    I would like to visit your cave but caution says otherwise. The things I know about the Abyss really doesn’t make it a great place for me to be.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1962

    Where did you get those. I thought you can’t make gates. Did you steal them from other demons?

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3029

    I haven’t followed Piers so I can’t say. Don’t even know the last book he has writen.

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