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MemberWhat I’ve been telling people: If you don’t want to vote for Hilary, but think Trump is worse then vote Green. If you don’t want to vote for Trump, but think Hilary is worse then vote Libertarian.
Member[quote=The Author Guy;5802]I had been planning on bringing the other siblings in, not sure why I did not think to do it here, they were always sort of off in the distance as a looming threat….[/quote]
Speaking of the Olympian family. Orcus is a god the underworld. So is Hades. Did Orcus ever intern? Could you imagine young Orcus prior to Mt. Doom? Angsty god with authority issues?
MemberThe saint replied grinning. [color=red]”[/color]However, while we do not need to sleep, we—particularly, those with a wide number of Illuminaries—cannot be on duty twenty hours a day, four-hundred days per year.”
Missing [color=red]”[/color]
Teragdor is low-magitech. He is a travelling priest with what I assume is a basic but not sophisticated church education.
Stevos’s explanation is complex. Imagine trying to explain a computer program to a 14th century [u]rural[/u] priest.
Maybe this?
“A divine daemon?” Teragdor shook his head. “A demon that works for gods?”Stevos grinned again. “No, in this case a daemon is a magical construct that carries out certain tasks on behalf of its owner. [color=red]Each of Tiernon’s avatars uses these assistants to manage their primary link to the god pool and, if needed, the pantheon pool[/color]. It is also something that allows [color=red]us[/color] to ‘hang up our links’ so to speak so that we do not have to manage all of them, all of the time.”
Teragdor had never thought of such a concept. “It holds links for you, that’s very odd.”
“Actually, there are a number of Holy Artifacts that can do this, wizards can also construct such devices. Each avatar is very closely linked, bound in fact, to our HALO, it’s part of the canonization process. It can [color=red]perform[/color] tasks for us such as [color=red]refining[/color] the mana in Illumination streams so that we don’t have to do it manually.” Stevos [color=red]explained[/color].
“So what about when someone does a ritual that requires your permission?” Teragdor asked.
“[color=red]We are able to instruct it who is authorized for what prayers and to alert me if something critical happens[/color]. We can pre-approve certain rituals and mana expenditures for specific Illuminaries [color=red]and the HALO grants permission[/color]. If it is something that requires evaluation, or is beyond the pre-approved limit [color=red]then[/color] [color=red]it notifies me[/color] immediately. [color=red]I review[/color] and approve or deny the request.” Stevos grinned, “as you can imagine this can sometimes occur during inconvenient times, such as when I decide to sleep for a while.”
“What about normal prayers from priests or worshipers.” Teragdor asked.
“There is a prayer queue in the HALO. [color=red]Certain[/color] key words, certain people can trigger alerts and the prayer will be routed to me immediately, but all others are recorded with great detail as to emotional state and thought process. All the information I would need to judge the prayer.” Stevos said. “The HALO also allows me to research the combined wisdom of Tierhallon, particularly in the context of the prayer, and the prayee. So I can more properly judge the situation.”
“Wow. That sound impressive!” Teragdor exclaimed.
“It is quite wondrous,” Stevos nodded. “It also helps me [color=red]to connect[/color] with other avatars. [color=red]I can[/color] [color=red]pass along[/color] prayers, requests, and decisions to others above me or beside me. For example, if a situation requires the assistance of another saint, I can quickly share information from my HALO to their HALO and get them up to speed very quickly.”
Member“It’s just the next [color=red]run[/color] up on the Holy Ladder of Success!” –> [color=red]rung[/color]
Member[quote=The Author Guy;5786]
Not sure he’s banging Lilith, he’s gone over the Dark Side, but not quite that dark….[laugh]
[/quote]I recall that happening in Book 2 as well, but I cannot find the scene now that I search.
Member[quote=The Author Guy;5786]We are going to explore the whole Exador/Sentir Fallon thing more in the next book.I see Sentir Fallon getting quite a bit of make up time and background motivation, he is clearly a conflicted character which always makes great drama.[/quote]
In book 2:
Sentir Fallon sighed as he opened the door to his suite. He had been in a meeting for the last two hours discussing the questionable tactics of the Rod in Astlan as well as on a few other planes. It appeared that numerous branches had started to show signs of overzealousness in the pursuit of justice and righteousness.He had to admit, he had been suspecting as much for some time now. What had not been clear was the level to which these overzealous attitudes had apparently crept into standard dogma. To be honest, however, he was not convinced that it was quite as bad as some others believed. He willed the light on in his resting chamber and entered, heading directly to his master wardrobe to get out of his vestments in order to take a relaxing shower.
[/quote]This implies that he did not willingly use a demon nor did he know Exador was a demon. There is a limit to denial.
MemberTo be a patsy implies a third-party is using him. Who is the third party? The Lords of Chaos? How did they even manipulate things to get Sentir to work alongside Lilith in the first place, although they do have a line to Lilith, but still…
MemberThat reminds, you need to fix the baron(es) vs. baron(ess) bit when meeting w/ Lilith.
Member[quote=The Author Guy;5765][quote=Mikey;5761]If he were to mention a potential decapitation incident to someone, it wouldn’t be too long until all kinds of people would be conducting experiments in that category on the school’s young pupils.[/quote]
[lol] I shudder to think what Lenamare might try? Is he going to Bind all of his students and see if it takes?[/quote]
Ah, but if he doesn’t know that the soul has to be off-plane then he’s just going to have a lot of dead students.
MemberRemove this line: [color=red]Teragdor shook his head in surprise, apparently, they had forgotten to tell Iskerus that the demon who had kidnapped Talarius was the reborn demon prince, Orcus.[/color]
Teragdor did in fact tell Iskerus that the demon that took Talarius was suspected to be Orcus.
Iskerus once more found himself staring incredulously at the half-orc. “The Greater Demon’s forces? So he is actually, as we suspected, not a Greater Demon, but one of the Arch-Demons that were infesting Freehold?”Teragdor shook his head. “Nothing that simple. We have fairly good evidence that the demon that stole our lord’s mana and abducted Talarius is the Lord of Doom.”
“Lord of Doom?” Iskerus asked. That did not sound at all auspicious.
“More precisely, the new, or perhaps returning, Lord of Mount Doom in the Abyss, the Prince of the Dead, God of the Underworld, Punisher of Broken Oaths, the long thought Dead God of the Orcs. In short, he is either the Demon Prince Orcus, or his heir. Whichever it is, he has the Wand of Orcus, has reawakened Mount Doom and commands an army of Demonic Orcs.”
Member“All of them!” Talarius grinned. “Or at least all of them that have sworn to uphold the Concord of Conciliation and the Balance.”
Talarius knows about the Concord and the Balance while Hilda nd Stevos had to be reminded? Did Stainberry teach him? Easiest to just swap Talarius for one of the D’Orc.
WHACK SMASH [color=red]went his glancing[/color] off a ghoul’s head this time. –> [color=red]went his mace glancing[/color]
Ghouls were infected, [color=red]disease mortal[/color]; –> Ghouls were infected, disease[color=red]d[/color] mortal[color=red]s[/color];
Within a matter of moments all of the runes flashed brightly and the space within the archway flashed with bright atunlight.
Overuse of flashed. Reword to: Within a matter of moments all of the runes flashed brightly and [color=red]bright atunlight poured through the gateway.[/color]
MemberIn book 2 Sentir Fallon discussed with Lilith and mentioned that EM, which the 3 of them [b][u]forged[/u][/b] had been reversed.
In book 3 Tiernon tells Torean that he questioned Sentir and that Sentir said he had found it. Tiernon also said that he was truth-detecting (or the equivalent) while asking and thus Sentir was not lying.
So, Sentir is actually able to lie to Tiernon, Tiernon’s detection is flawed, or an error to correct?
MemberProxy doesn’t quite fit the way things have been expressed for the wand. Hilda’s proxy is basically akin to Tom’s wand even if they aren’t the same thing, right?
MemberThe Citadel Command Center yes. I know it is confusing, both are called Command Center. That is where the conversation with Iskerus, Talarius, and Tom took place. Stainsberry was there with them.