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Member[quote=Tizzy;898]You do know that books were invented in the Abyss by demons to torture mortals.
We use a process called Fiction Addiction to torture people.
We get you hooked on a book, then make you wait and wait and wait for a sequel.
When you eventually get the sequel, you get it, you start reading it avidly to fix your addiction, and then a few days later (or less) you are done with it and desperately wanting the next book in the series…and so the torture begins again.
We were really successful with this torture strategy for books, and then Movies and TV Shows.
Unfortunately, things like Netflix that allow one to binge watch are putting a real hit out on us. Fortunately, once you are done binge-ing a series/season, we do get to torture you waiting for the next series/season.
Obviously GRRM has taken this torture to new heights. Perhaps he is the Concordenax?
I havent’ been on in like a month and now i find that i dodged a bullet. Your evil crazed fiction addiction had limited success on my otherwise sane mind that is totally sane by my standards…maybe not yours but yeah.
Member[quote=Tizzy;1019]Your position is basically Tom’s position.
Tom told me that was his feeling. Talarius cheated. Good guys aren’t supposed to cheat.
Now, that being said: Astlanian gods are far from omniscient, so unless Tiernon or one of his reps was watching, they won’t know about the cheating…yet.
Of course, the mortals don’t know this, and so many may conclude what you did, but experience with these folks means tells me they probably won’t reach the same conclusion. Demons are just evil to them, no matter what.
And Talarius and the Rod? Well, remember there are competing pantheons, so while clearly people who worship Etonian Gods (Tiernon and the others) think of them as good; those who worship gods of other pantheons don’t particularly see Talarius and the Rod as “good guys” that have to wear a white hat.
What is interesting is that Exador (I think in Book 1, if not then in Book 2) does notes that Talarius was pushing the bounds of what was considered good when he was Vicar General of the Rod and concludes that he (Exador) must have had an influence on the religion.
So are you saying that Talarius wasn’t suppose to cheat? Does Tiernon actually even care? I mean Tom was a demon and i’m thinking the good acts of love don’t apply to them in Tiernon’s book.
MemberWell, I’ve been gone for about 2 weeks and it seems like a lot of complicated stuff has been discussed.
Question 1:
So let me get this straight author guy, you’re saying that the difference between Animastery and modern wizardry is the way its done?
Modern Wizardry is like tech people today? a machine does a job and some tech people supervise it’s progress without too much hassle. then Animastery is like computer programming, you have to focus on every detail and concentrate on the development of the program.
One side is already predone (machines with the necessary programs) looked over by people who then send the products higher up to be processed into the next product and so forth. While one is more time consuming because it’s based on the human mind making it?
Question 2:
I assume Modern Wizardry is more adept at mass producing artifacts and mana wielders then Animastery. So shouldnt Modern Wizardy triumph over Animastery in sheer usability. The Anilords ruled Astlan for almost a thousand years right? does that mean they lost due to sheer numbers?Question 3:
since modern wizardry is based on layers of work, like a foundation does that mean it’s better for defensive purposes, while animastery is quick so does that mean it’s better for offensive purposes.Jonnyboi
Membernothing is ever enough especially when you’re in the magic business =;
my motto.
It’s not safe till it’s safe.
oh thats right, Lenamare named him tOmasedwardperkinje, but his name is tHOmasedwardperkinje.
MemberLMAO and then when people say “little edyward”, he can just morph to “Big” Tom there ain’t nothing small about him. Tom’s thingy can best even Tizzy’s double thingy too.( no offense tizzy):-&
MemberIt’ll take time for the other animages to find out about Edyward and aside from that, I thought that people who name themselves “animages” aren’t exactly popular in the mage society. I do agree that other junior animages may become bespectacled at how fast Edyward is learning diciplines or how advanced he is at his age, but i doubt that they’d come to him unless they’ve seen it for themselves as it would be hard for Ed to spread his name due to his appearance. However, since Talarius and the Vicar believed that he is either an agent of Demon Tom or is Demon Tom then his name will surely be known among the Tiernon faith after all this.
Hey Tizzy, speaking of the vicar, how does the vicar and other high priest of Tiernon view the animage edyward? I thought they believed him to be either Tom or an agent of his, but Tom wasn’t stupid enough to shapeshift to Ed and he shapeshifted to someone else.
I could see Talarius kicking low and fast into the many balls of demons. Alternatively, he could also use his hands to bash some skulls open. ](*,)Jonnyboi
MemberI don’t mind waiting for the book. :^o
I got a question for you Tizzy, if it’s not too much to ask for a hint of a spoiler.
How does the priests, the sky people on those flying ships, and the mage council respond to Tom’s possession of several High priest and a large amount of Rod members.If i remember correctly he hijacked several high priest and sucked them dry and then proceeded to subvert the Rod and make them fight amongst themselves while he wreaked Talarius.
MemberHysteria? Witch hunts?
I am guessing that there’s going to be a massive “demon scare” that causes people to turn on their neighbors.
MemberI thought the power levels of demons are suppose to be a spectrum? I believe that there isn’t any accurate way to measure a demon’s true strength. There’s the mirror but that only provides the general area.
I don’t think Tom’s a 8th order, look back at the beginning chapters when Lenamare’s school was being besiged and when Jenn was kidnapped.
Tom handled several 3rd order Demons easily, i think there’s a HUGE difference between levels, which become less as demons get stronger.(i don’t count the Demon Princes into it because i think they are exceptions, they outstrip archedemons by a lot)Tom could (with some difficulty) decimate 2 third order demons and if you look back at Bess,Exador and that other guy, remember that they said about fourth order demons during the match between Tom and Talarius?
They said that a normal fourth order wouldn’t have lasted long and that only really strong 4th orders could withstand the Rod(which Tom was perceived to be) Ramses spoke about the battle as if he considered it difficult but certainly doable, he even states that fifth order demons could definitely overcome the odds and win.Jonnyboi
MemberTwilight was a good book, but I stopped after the first book. It was a good book with great writing, it’s just that…my manhood couldnt take the radiating romance formed from the pits of a woman’s heart.
I don’t ever want to experience all that ever again.
MemberI will(dam you tizzy) admit that Lenamare is an exceedingly skilled wizard and much to my chagrin, that he is a smart man. However, even though he has given Exador a painful headache, Lenamare has had the fortune of Exador restraining his abilities in order to fit in. I mean Exador can’t pull out all the demon moves he otherwise could have employed or else his human facade would crumble.
Lenamare is strong for a human, but that’s just it…he’s only a man, a smart and lucky one perhaps, but i think that should Exador pull his full power to bear then Lenamare will ,of course, bend over for you tizzy. =)
MemberOoooo I see the timeline for the new book has taken a general direction. I like the new name, so whats this about a beta reader?
Oh and btw authorman I like your stance on RPGs, I hate RPG games that stress graphics over story.
But I was born in the 1990s so most of the RPG games I know of are like (divine divinity,diablo 2, and the associated stuff)
I love the Final Fantasies, from 5-10. FF 2 was good too. The best is from FF7-FF9 for me anyway.
MemberI was actually thinking along the lines of “Tom is only a few months old”, so he shouldn’t hate his Accursed Master as much as Boggy or, god forbid, you Tizzy.
When you add in Ramses,Bess,and Exaturd then Lenamare ain’t jack. He’s a lower player who’s a glory-ho(egomaniac) and i was thinking that Tom should put that inferior human with a superiority complex in his place.
Memberid’ sell my soul plus both my dogs to you tizzy if i can sign up for it.