Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5818]There is something that isn’t quite clear: why does Sentir care about loosing Avatars? I can’t see him being worried about their lives. Does it just look bad on his resume or something?[/quote]
He’s not completely inhuman (well, actually, he is, he’s an archon, but…) he knows these people, he works with them. If he can do something to assist the Storm Lords with no costs to people he knows, he will. In particular, you don’t want the ones you actually like to perish permanently.
Plus, the more avatar losses there are, the more people upstairs notice and the greater the likelihood that Tiernon etal will move to investigate and perhaps intercede on a larger scale, which, as we have now seen, is not good for the Storm Lords.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;4638][quote]”Really good magineering, I’d suspect.” Thrinarv said taking another drink of his ale. “Should have ordered sooner, getting pretty dry in here.” He eyeballed the bottom of his mug skeptically.
He means his mug is getting dry inside. The here is the bottom of the mug he is eyeballing.
Suggestions to rephrase more clearly?[/quote]
Current phrasing has Thrinarv making a comment about his drink and [u]then[/u] looking in his mug. Maybe try switching it around:
“Really good magineering, I’d suspect.” Thrinarv said taking another drink of his ale. He then eyeballed the bottom of his mug skeptically. “Should have ordered sooner, getting pretty dry in here.”
“Really good magineering, I’d suspect.” Thrinarv said bringing his mug up for a drink. After drinking, he lowered and tilted the mug, eyeballing the inside skeptically, “should have ordered sooner, getting pretty dry in here.”
The Author Guy
MemberTurning notifications off for now until I can get it fixed.
The Author Guy
MemberThe alpha is out, which is missing the last few chapters. About the last 20% of what the full Beta will have.
It’s available from the menu for people are signed up for the Beta program
“The Books| The Apostles of Doom Beta Book”
You should see it there.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=fallen_one_84;5729]at the start of chapter 123
Stevos should mention the AARC while he’s talking to Teragdor about saint school.
how one of the things they learn is how to use an AARC.
also how it came to that there was an avatar/archon with 150 Illuminaries some of who happened to get caught up in a major battle.
and about 2/3 were killed because he couldn’t channel and approve mana use to his priests fast enough.after that Tiernon contacted another pantheon and got plans for the AARC.
That is a great idea! It’s an ideal opportunity to introduce whatever we call it! I really like moving it there because it actually makes a ton of sense! Wow! Great idea!
Now, as to what we call it? AARC ARC Proxy Reliquary ????
The Author Guy
Member[quote=GameGraphix;4572][quote=EyeDeKay;4563]Good thing there’s no sentient Roos building large underground cities to eventually kill all the humans, right? Right?!?![/quote]
Actually, it would be the wombats doing the building – they excel at digging tunnels…..and don’t forget some type of fluid in the moats for the platypus to swim in…they can patrol for water incursions and kill anything with their poisonous spurs….
I think this could make for a great novel! “Australia Goes Under” or something like that as the very tough marsupials rise up to push the invading humans from their land!
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5541]Arch-Diocate Iskerus brought her[/quote]
Killer catch!
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;3887]Related observation: while on other hand it’s credible that they’d use Fahrenheit in hell, the forces of order would probably rather use Celsius.[/quote]
It’s Tom, being an American he thinks in Farenheit; now how it gets translated to him, I am not sure.
Celsius would make so much more sense. Given that the ambient temperature of the Abyss is around 96 to 98 degrees Celsius, it seems like a more usable scale.
The Author Guy
MemberGreat catch! Thanks! Will revise!
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5267]Also, the Inferno scenes unless it is actually going somewhere[/quote]
Well, this is where it’s going in the next book(s)
See Chapter 145: Citadel of Light: Battlements, An Hour Before Atunset
This is all part of Talarius’ storyline and coming to terms with his past actions and those of the other Knights.
The Author Guy
MemberSo thinking more on this, and it’s tied to balancing many factors, “getting down and dirty” with the battle has these key problems for me.
1) Before Doom arrives, I don’t have that many POV’s on the ground to observe down and dirty battle. I basically have Teragdor, I could add Rasmeth, and I could do Leighton soon.
2) There is a real problem when dealing with super powered combatants in mass combat. I have to make it believable, but not overwhelming (or its a Cakewalk) so I need to balance big things on both sides.
2b) What we sort of have here is symmetrical-asymetrical warfare. Both sides have some very big hitters that can do massive damage to little guys, (once Orcus shows up). Blood and guts is much easier to do for the guys in the trenches. Things like the battles for the Doomalogues are easier/going to be easier. This huge combat, with a bazillion little guys on both sides and potentially devastating hitters on both sides is much harder to believable balance.
And to be honest, that’s a lot of what’s been holding me up on getting to this point: How to deal with symmetrically-asymmetric warfare.
It is much easier to describe at a distance than up close and personal in a situation like this.
The Author Guy
MemberThat is a good question.
I know how it is handled in the Abyss. It has an absolute value function built in.
Now, the Outer Planes are reflections of the Material Planes and “created by the gods”
I.e. the gods create their own little universes in the region called “the outer planes” If the god is animus based, the outer plane will be animus based. If the god is antimus based, the plane will be antimus based.
Thus you have “good gods” and “evil gods” –sort of– you really just have animus and antimus gods. They tend to stay away from each other/do their own thing and most work to stomp out the opposing polarization when it pops up in their domains.
So basically you have these gods that create their own private planes (7 Heavens, etc) and stake out space on the Material Planes to “raise” worshipers to feed them mana.
If I were an Atheist (note the cap A–this is a term that is introduced in next Alpha) I would argue that gods and their material churches are sort of like cattle ranches or gardens in which they farm mana.
So when opposing polarity animus pops up in their garden, it’s like a very deadly weed that will consume their mana supply by stealing their animus “plants”. So they stomp it out.
Now that being said. Not all of the gods see it quite this way/this framework. This is one necromancers explanation of Unlife. That does not mean it’s 100% accurate.
The Author Guy
MemberWell, that’s an interesting question.
I think they will deduce that after finding out what’s going on at the COL.
But before that…they probably had no idea that there was a big Unlife army in Etterdam. I need to check, but I think Sentir said that the Unlife didn’t “show up” until after things were locked down, so that information would not have gotten back to Doom.
The thing is, they were fighting Net and the Alvar. You would not normally suspect the Los Alfar of working with the Unlife. That would come out of left field.
The Author Guy
MemberSure. I actually have a spreadsheet that I created with a chart.
I will post it in the library but restricted to AoD Beta readers, and you guys can give me feedback on fleshing it out/cleaning it up. Right now it’s my notes.
The Author Guy
MemberOk, now I get what you mean. Doh.