Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Member[quote=LCSpartan051;5930]Didn’t their outer planes collapse? I remember that from book 2. And their god pool is just an extra-massive mana pool.[/quote]
They shut them down on their own. Collapsed was the term used by Tiernon etal who don’t know what actually happened.
The Author Guy
MemberActually they do, it’s probably not made that evident though. This sort of thing is only mentioned in passing.
The Doomalogues are a network of powerstations forming a power grid. So once a local doomalogue gets charged to a certain level it starts contributing to the entire network.
I am not sure at what level they start contributing, I am sure that is variable and can be controlled by the D’Orcs, I suspect that in the case of Nysegard it will be a little while until it contributes simply because it has to power up all the gateways and eventually, once repaired, the runic wards and protections across the isle of doom.
If still functional, Astlan, Etterdam, Ithgard, etc should be able to contribute sooner.
The Author Guy
Got the copy back from the editor today. She’s cleaned up a lot of the head shaking, over used “of course”, “however” awkward dialogue tags etc.
I am going to work on merging that with Beta 4.
I am also adding at least one more scene (more if you remind me of what I said I’d do but haven’t). That scene is in the battle and involves Stainsberry, Meteors, D’Wargs vs Vampyrs and Thrinarv.
I am kicking myself for forgetting Thrinarv. The only priest at the Citadel with full access to his god, Hephaestus, who is over on the Isle of Doom. Duh!
Anyway, I hope to have that out early next week and get final opinions/wind up.
So prepare to speak once last time.
After that. I will prepare PDF and epub versions of the final version and post them where the betas are.
The Author Guy
MemberSee perception is everything discussion in the Beta forums.
He’s actually only a fiend, he has simply convinced everyone that he’s an archdemon and he gets away with it!
The Author Guy
MemberAdded them (The Lord of Oaths was already there without the “The”
I really like The Forgotten God!
“The Legions of the Forsaken One” is probably going to be a bit hard to fit on the cover and still be visible, or not blocking the picture.
The Patron of the Lost is a good epithet for Tommus/Orcus think I will have someone use that in the next book.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, the monkey monk will be able to help him greatly when/if he shows up.
I assume people know who the monkey monk is? Singkûn? (the phonetic spelling)
I did get hit at some point, some where, about my focus on western deities. Although I’d say Singkûn is more of a semi-deity. He is well known to be an immortal, so good enough for me.
I sort of envision the Rod of Tommus as being like Singkûn’s Rod or Thor’s Hammer, very heavy for non-owners.
The Author Guy
This speech is right after they enter the Abyss, before they attack Mount Doom.
The Author Guy
MemberGood point.
Something I realized after book 2 was in print. The demon/god language should be multiversal not universal.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, agreed you are all getting there.
At some point in the past (I think) I mentioned the use of anima jars in battle.
You had to do “last rights” on the dying orc, and the shaman would use an anima jar to capture the soul, which would then be taken to the Doomalogue after battle (typically). There would be a similar but different ritual done then, basically the last half, the “incarnating part” because you already had the soul trapped in the jar.
Also, in this scene, the weed and dancing and huge amounts of people were needed to generate mana to infuse in the new D’Orc. This ceremony (and this should be explained) is much closer to the “pre Mount Doom” method of D’Orcing.
Once Mount Doom was fully operational and there were Doomalogues, Orcus had a lot of mana on hand.
Note that Tizzy says he eventually stopped coming to the ceremonies as they got more boring/standardize with less partying…more like a church service. Tizzy likes parties.
Now as to pulling mana across planes. Tom is doing that via the Rod of Tommus which is tightly bound to Mount Doom (and thus the Doomalogues). In principle he can do this with out the Rod, but the rod is a very powerful conduit, much like the Shaman Staffs.
Eventually they will get it worked out where the Shaman Staffs can channel mana from Doom as well, with limits set by Tom and the shaman’s abilities.
BUT–> Mana across planes and the Doomalogues are VERY Important to the last 20% and in fact, the explanation for how Lilith so “easily” gummed up the works will become more evident in the last 20%.
The Author Guy
MemberIn book 2, I believe the discussion you are talking about is the one in the cave with Antefalken and Tizzy.
They are talking about generic FOE and FOE armies, speaking in Antefalken’s case from common misperception, from Tizzy’s POV? who knows?
He had warlocks and shamans but no necromancers.
I think Tom needs to ask Tizzy about this when they are discussing the Unlife to clear this up.
Good catch!
The Author Guy
MemberWell there’s a rather obvious reality gap, something got zonked in there…
Think there was a cut and paste gone wrong. Changed it to
Talarius took the pipe and clenched it between his teeth and drew in a breath, the red coals lighting as the oxygen flowed into the pipe and smoke filled his lungs. He turned to look back at the henge as the people started to chant and dance.
The Author Guy
[quote]“Fortunately, that is not something we have to deal with.” Gaius smiled allowing his obsidian-like chainmail to fade from sight; leaving him clad only in a tunic and pants.
“Indeed.” Gadius agreed allowing his own pearlescent chainmail to similarly vanish. Officially, their armor and principle weapons were kept in Bags of Safekeeping; unofficially, they had other means of storing their principle armament.
“I am not sure what we are going to say if it turns out, as Sera suggests and Bags of Safekeeping do not work in the Abyss.” Gaius said.
[/quote]The Author Guy
MemberSeems to be something in the docx for some reason.
editor reported that the TOC llinks were not working in her beta 3 docx file.
Going to need to look into this.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5215]What would happen if another localverse link was the lowest cost alternative, but the lowest cost exceeded what would be automatically handled by the fail over protocols?Would Orcus just lose his link period until manually reestablished?Seems like a design flaw.[/quote]
Not completely following here.
The link is between Orcus and a Doomalogue. The link follows the lowest energy path by default (I.e. shortest possible line/path). The link will try to find a different path if the normal shortest is broken, but there is a limit to how much mana the link has in it to follow a path. At some point, the originator of the link would need to add more power to the link to get it to try higher cost paths. Like cranking up the wattage on a radio station.
About the only way this would happen in the Etterdam situation would be if one of the other localverse planets where there was a doomalogue was in the same star system. Even then, it might not be the lowest cost, in fact would not be than the astral plane, but it might be of sufficiently low cost that it could have failed over.
He would really just have to have built a second Doomalogue on Etterdam or moon(s) or other nearby planet.
However, none of the other worlds were in the same star system.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Burien;5182]Everyone else has to suffer the presence of teenage girls, why should your favorite characters be exempt?
Seriously though, Jenn is just lacking a stable, rational adult influence in her life, and she is trying to fill that role. I’d bet if you switched her and Tom he would act very much the same as her in that situation, if maybe a little less hysterical. If every adult around you tells you demons are evil, are you going to believe a demon and a couple of teens you just met, when they tell you they aren’t. Gastrope started coming around after talking to Damien, Jenn didn’t have any such conversation. Maybe when Hilda gets back…[/quote]
Bingo! That’s what I’m going for. Very early on, when I initially thought there might be a chance for Jenn and Tom, her journey was going to be long and difficult however that journey has changed over time, I realized by the end of book 1, she was more compatible with Gastrope’ It’s still not a lock though, matters of the heart cannot be planned for like a battle.
Now, of course, Hilda’s going to have to do a bunch of thinking too. This demon/Orcus thing is new to her as well.