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MemberI assumed that demons would promote and propagate spam, provided it was not directed at them? It sounds like something they would conceive of to spread to mortal masses to pointlessly annoy them and waste their time.
MemberHow many demons are fuzzy?
Beyond that the generic humanoid demons are intimidating and repulsive (by human standards), incubi/succubi are attractive and hormone-inducing, and humans can likely think of a lot of stupid reasons to initially summon demons, so it stands to reason that the abyssal demons might have a few variations beyond rank. So what are the other types of demons in the abyss if they exist, and what types of auras and appearances might they have?
MemberHow big do humanoid demons get in the higher levels?
MemberWhy does the shadow NocandlE have 0 posts in his description???????????????????????????
MemberCan I just sacrifice some [size=1][color=yellow]male[/color][/size] virgins instead. I have plans for the pizza roles [color=cyan][size=1]and the nubile[/size][/color].
MemberBut don’t demons have an easy time returning to the abyss regardless of where they are as they are literally bound to the plane and can will themselves back unless actively bound, and this still can’t bind them if they suffer enough damage. Demons would do great in some high tech civilizations as they might people to pass off as another race with unknown tech, who would make great bankers, as nobody could find their bank and they are greater at following their interpretation of their own words. Though it’s interesting that god’s aren’t affected by native mana level, implying they are bound to their god pool, as demons are to the abyss, if anybody could figure out how to tap into abyssal power they would be nigh unstoppable, as a demon anyways. Near as I figure the abyss is an abyss that tends to suck anything that enters it to places beyond reach unable to escape.
Also how common are telepathics in the tech/magic worlds that are just right as mentioned earlier?
MemberWhere do those pipes come from?
Any way as near as I could observe Astlan is a heavily magic inclined world with somewhat stunted tech unless it can aid magic, or if it is to tedious or degrading for a mage to do the action itself. This can be seen most heavily in animagic, magic in general, and gods. How one perceives the magic heavily influences how it acts. Animagic shows how an individuals perception can shape how the manipulate the magic around them and they do get results to some extent, but collective perception shapes magic as well. Certain magics are associated with unrelated magics and this connection has come to be accepted so that now certain elemental magics influence magics outside their direct domain.
This means you could in theory link two old magics together and strengthen them through each other, but it would need to be done so that people just accept. Demons forms are created through the initial perception of their summoner and themselves. So in theory if many people believed a specific demon to be more powerful it might grow due to their magical inclination. God’s within the same pantheon also might have magics and actions they can’t perform based on the perception of their followers, and earth goddess won’t use air magics, and a fire god can’t make crops grow. God’s power within a pantheon is also roughly were the follower believe it to be. The main god is normally most powerful, and their children will be stronger than the children of the other gods.
This is why new magics are dangerous, people don’t know how truly powerful they are or how they work, so somebody could spout complete nonsense, but if it was believed for long enough it would become fact. Magic is all about perception and through its twisted image reality is changed.
MemberThe gods avoid the abyss and have their powers weakened their as even the souls of their faithful are beyond their reach once in the abyss. This means that something down their can be weaponized into weakening, imprisoning, or killing the gods. Find out what keeps the gods out and you will know their weakness for once. You might think they will smite the demon who did so, but they likely won’t. The gods fear nothing than a lack of followers, however if something could kill them they would likely fear it and wish it destroyed, but as they would never have experienced something such as this before it will likely make them uncomfortable and many might not truly understand the concept of their mortality after having lived their entire lives free of the prospect of death and fear.
MemberWill a more thorough analysis of the events which transpired within the course of history in Astlan after the completion of Tom’s story?
[quote]My prior statement was that due to the sheer magnitude of their lives that most demons will eventually reach the full potential of their talents and thus level off in power. [/quote]
I did not mean this to mean they can’t grow any stronger, I simply meant it to mean they may not grow stronger naturally anymore. Experience, study, and training will still allow them to grow further, but at this point they will generally grow at a much slower rate.
[quote]Success leads to genius and failure leads to insanity.[/quote]
Here I simply meant that most true leaps forward are made by those with fluid mindsets who can think outside of the box that the average person would view a situation from. This does however lead to those with a different view of the world as to being labeled insane as people don’t typically like people who think differently than them as much as those who think like them. These people will try new things and if successful they will be hailed as a genius, but if they fail they will be labeled as a nutjob for trying to accomplish the impossible.
[quote]By Astlanian standards Tom is abnormal or insane, and thus now could be the peak of his innovation.
Again he views things from a seperate point of view. He still lacks the perception of the world that many native Astlanians have and this alternative means of interpretation could lead to a few new aspects of magic being uncovered and could lead to a difference in how he chooses to wield said magic in a different way.[quote]Most consider him a madman, but despite pissing off many demons stronger than himself he is still alive. Demons aren’t that lucky and I lack faith in coincidence. This leads one to conclude that Tizzy has some atypical skills so as to be still alive to this day.
[/quote]While demons are immortal, they can be killed. It is the reason why many demons rarely fight somebody of a higher rank, sure they could torture you, but a more powerful demon could torture you, but a more powerful demon might permanently end a weaker demon simply due to annoyance as we might swat a fly. Demons do often stay alive for long periods of time, but they are on occasion killed by wizards, holy orders, and other demons. Demons are not true immortals. They can be killed, not be age or illness, but by spells or anything else that could destroy their manabody or soul.
The regenerative ability is well known so should one purposefully decide to kill a demon it is not impossible to overcome. As for coincidence, their is plenty in the book, however in most instances it has been used for humor, to fuel paranoia, or both. Many books have to much coincidence to be believable. This is a work of fantasy, but to have a destined coincidentally fulfill many obscure events only to have them be important later is strange. Not every one you meet will have an impact on your life later. Also proper villains would kill the heroes instead of giving them multiple multiple near death situations. Instead of letting a future threat roam free they would stab them in the face. They would not give a speech and then set them free, but simply kill them.
MemberIf you want to break somebody deprive them of all their senses, if they can survive without food give them nothing. If they need it give them something bland and tasteless. They will eventually break from a lack of stimulation. The abyss is awesome at this as their really isn’t all that much. The fact that demons can travel quickly through flight is likely the only thing that allows them to meet others and travel any significant distance to most places.
Also do demons have spaceships they stole from the future which they use to abduct people in the past. If humans had a high tech world it would stand to reason that they would have spaceships. It would then also stand to reason that demons would want one. I know for a fact that I enjoy the thought of owning an orbital space cannon.
MemberDemons exist on a continuous spectrum of power, so what happens as they grow. Do they undergo a metamorphosis when they reach a certain level of power or is their power bound to their initial shell. I really wish to know the mechanisms which will normally promote or inhibit demonic growth and to what extent they will affect it.
MemberI know that the abyss and demons are often described as having a natural affinity to fire in most instances, but shouldn’t their be some that are aligned to other elements. Humans would naturally have an affinity to different things, so does being a demon simply increase/add an affinity to fire alongside their natural affinities, or does it warp their natural affinities in their binding as their soul is warped.
MemberLike all societies demons will have a range of behaviors with most leaning towards the average and a few outliers on either end. If most demons are lazy it is likely do to their long monotonous lives as they have an abundance of time, but their would still be a small number of people who would always search for something new. Tom is at the moment an eccentric demon. Eccentrics in demon society can exist on either end of typical demon behavior in certain aspects.
Tizzy is extremely eccentric and yet he is alive. If his eccentric qualities where bad, then somebody would have killed him long ago. His continued survival indicates he has a highly beneficial quality, not sure what, but it exists. Through sheer statistical probability some who enjoy research and bettering themselves exist. The Big C who lead the demons could even be like this. Not sure really as he has been gone for quite some time now.
Ones personality is shaped by their actions, so if a person devoted years or decades to self improvement in matters martial, intellectual, and arcane, they might just continue to do so later. Demons aren’t often like this as they often go into a panic attack or hysterics after arriving. They are then often summoned frequently and tortured before they can return to the abyss and this often warps their personalities. Many of the other more powerful demons also grew up like with another powerful demon as the more powerful wizards might keep more than one, and I’m assuming when the majority of them where summoned their was a lot of power plays. Tom’s unique in the relative political and mental stability, lack of supervision, and freedom he has due to a number of factors as he often leaves the abyss despite his short time their, and likely due to the fact that he will probably find a way to reverse the link and gain control of Len in the near future.
MemberLet me change the syntax of my prior comment. Most demons behave in a manner similar to one and other and will often have similar growth curves, however some demons will depending on their personalities and natural talents grow at different speeds. My prior statement was that due to the sheer magnitude of their lives that most demons will eventually reach the full potential of their talents and thus level off in power.
Therefore a demons personality will determine how they might utilize their talents, whether they choose to study things outside their specialties, and how they might choose to combine these skills. A demons growth curve is exponential in that as they are first learning of magic and acting on their talents they grow quickly, but as they master their fields their rate of growth slows. Most demons are not innovators and would much rather steal an idea. Many older demons would likely have ingrained habits and ideas. The only ones lacking these rigid concepts would be the genius and the insane as their is a thin line. Success leads to genius and failure leads to insanity. Most beings think in a somewhat similar manner, so a new viewpoint is often needed for something entirely new, where as logic can lead one to the next step.
I was merely stating that Tom state of mind is quite different than the average demon as he adapted tot the abyss quite rapidly, has had very little torture done to him which leads to his lack of an ingrained hatred, and is trying to be a good role-model for Rupert. These behaviors lead him to be mentally quite different than a typical demon. He also has a radically different view from the humans as he lacks a conviction to himself being evil and his new body has altered some of his human instincts/ limiters. By Astlanian standards Tom is abnormal or insane, and thus now could be the peak of his innovation. Look at Tizzy. Most consider him a madman, but despite pissing off many demons stronger than himself he is still alive. Demons aren’t that lucky and I lack faith in coincidence. This leads one to conclude that Tizzy has some atypical skills so as to be still alive to this day.