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MemberAny spirit plane is bound to have some sentience, and sentience leads to divergence over time. The spiritual planes would be the hardest to recognize and the afterlife is often seen as a spiritual plane. Angels are often seen as similar to demons by heretics it stands to reason that both are spiritual beings to some extent as both tie into religion. A plane of spirit could look like anything and might shift with perception. The abyss is a natural plane as nothing maintains it and it has the Styx. The river which all must pass over to reach the afterlife. As the river of souls it could possibly have some connection to plane of spirits. It is the only thing I know of present in all afterlives in story that all must pass to move on to their believed afterlife. It is also very strange and should be questioned for appearing in all afterlives in spite of the fact that nobody has knowledge of its origins. If nobody created it then it must be natural, and therefore it must be a reflection of one of the elements. Elements are the only things that are reflected in multiple realities regardless of origin and the river shows up in as a bridge to the afterlife, so a connection to spirits as it draws them to itself. I would say more, but this is all pure speculation, so saying that the Styx is an indicator to a spiritual plane is pure speculation. The Styx is however a strange river or whatever it is. Regardless I don’t recommend drinking or swimming in the river as anything referred to as the river of the dead is likely something you don’t want to come into contact with. It’s also okay in the abyss. Again, spiritual planes have to exist, but will be influenced by perception and hard to recognize. My thought was the Abyss was Astlan’s spiritual plane and the afterlives of the god’s where merely alternate perceptions or reflections of the spirit by the people.
MemberThank you for your ideas tizzy and thank you for your hard work jerry. Word of advice, people will thank the demon who owns their soul before a human, but thanks for your work none the less.
MemberI’ve had similar thoughts, but if time flows the same in all planes of man, but the whole Rupert thing always comes up and ruins most of my thoughts. However Rupert has to have a powerful father if he is a fourth class demon despite being a half-breed. Their also has to be a relation between the two as they look to similar, so I’m going to go back to Tom’s previously mentioned deceased father who could have been a reincarnation of a more powerful demon. If so it would explain Tom’s naturally large animus as most demon’s are halfway between their parents, and since earth has so little mana his demonic traits would never manifest. Pure speculation but it does give a relative of Tom’s who died about eleven years ago, while Rupert is eleven years of age. As mentioned Rupert isn’t the 10 he appears to be, but 11. Little actual difference so his maturity can be explained by his suspicions in others and the factt that most of the Astlanians are highly paranoid, superstitious, and have yet to question the why of things as they can create effects without a through understanding in many cases. They do have a broad knowledge base, but it is heavily guarded and they bring their superstitions into everything and it often alters their perceptions of reality.
MemberDon’t ask Tizzy for spoilers, sure he does have knowledge of what’s going on, but most of what he spews are delusions and madness. I will admit that every now and then you find something of interest from him, but it is normally a passing remark. He is also very old, confused, and lucky. He has managed to live for thousands of years if he can recognize Ramses. He is intelligent as he has managed to offend many people of power and survived. Ask Jerry. Tizzy tells him things and Jerry translates it to a sane format.
Also do you grow your weed or get it from a supplier. Also do things actually grow in the abyss and if so what. I know that demons have food their and drinks that don’t boil. One last question, why hasn’t anybody made some form of demonic plant that can spread across the abyss. You could eat it, it could gather animus, and it will give demons something to fight that is only a nuisance unless further tampered with.
MemberI have no interest in your pipe after what Tom said.
Also makes sense that demons ate everything edible. They have politics for fun, and if that is the most entertaining thing around, they live in a bleak pace.
The Denubian plane sounds interesting. Also are planes at fixed locations in space, or do they float, and what keeps a plane like the Denubian plane from merging violently with a more hospitable plane or you know interacting with the nearby planes in a negative manner?
MemberSorry let me clarify what I meant. The five elements have individual elemental planes, but the element of spirit is often expressed as animus or sentience, so it a plane made from spirit would likely have sentience or strongly support it. I merely expressed the thought that the abyss was a natural plane of spirit as sentient beings are very hard to kill in the abyss and recover at improved rates. It is also easy to bring animus or spirits into the abyss and very difficult to bring other elements into it. I don’t know what the other elemental planes look like so this is all conjecture. The abyss is weird and spirit is the only element that I can think of that might actively try to bring others to itself through pure willpower. For all intents in purposes a plane of spirit could simply be a collection of sentient thoughts originally. Most sentient beings prefer to have a body to protect their spirit, hence they might over time create a new plane for themselves. This intelligence could then craft the realm so that they might interact with those planes around them. Spirit is weird and I have know idea how it would look, but each plane of spirit could act differently as they might possess sentience and would make them harder to recognize than other elemental planes that would act on set rules.
MemberI’m fairly certain that demons are some form of mana construct. Instead of a material corporeal being, they are beings of energy aka mana. This would mean that a demon’s mana pool could be likened to their physical form as weakened demons tend to become somewhat incorporeal until they regain their strength. Most powerful demons can also use magic and have minor magical abilities so it might be safe to assume that all demons have mana pools.
MemberThe planes of men are supposedly where all five elements are in balance. It then mentioned the elemental planes, but I never heard of a true plane of man. The astral plane is a plane of energy so it could just be the elements mixing together, but lacking any materialization of individual aspects and just acts as the primordial plane of chaos from which order arose that you often hear of in most mythos. That leaves us lacking an elemental plane of man, and since they are so the element is so little understood the abyss could be a natural plane of men and the divine realms could be imitations of it. It was mentioned that the Abyss was a plane on a near infinite scale, but no natural plane is normally that large, except the elemental planes, which are all listed in singular so far as in one plane of fire, water, air, and earth.
This is all mere conjecture at this point. The abyss could simply be a breeding grounds for invisible super rabbits, or a realm meant to hold an Eldritch Abomination beyond mortal comprehension. Remember nothing is truly valid until the ancient, and not senile, stoned, schizophrenic demon confirms thing over a pipe.Maou
MemberSo is it divine providence throughout all realms of men that drunkards, idiots, and madmen are protected to a disproportionate degree from their own actions and the revenge of others?
Also as long as I speak of drunks, if magic is based on belief could I trap a spirit in a beer mug as many drunks firmly believe that anything can be drowned in a beer bottle?Maou
MemberSure. I’d love to help if you have any requests. Just PM or email me.
MemberDoes it have to be a close relation? Most of my relatives live some ways away from me and I find that personally it would be easier to sacrifice random strangers. Not for moral reason’s mind you, but you only have so many relatives and it takes months to make a new one once you run out. Strangers can be found in abundance and it is much easier to hide a connection between you and your victim if they are chosen purely by chance, 8-[ not that i have experience with this sort of thing.
MemberI did find this novel somewhat refreshing. The formerly human protagonist gets over his obsession about no longer being human and killing hostile humans very quickly. He might not enjoy it, but at least he doesn’t let most of his enemies live to try and kill him again. Tal is a really nice guy, but if Tom had met him later he likely would not have tried to reason with him as he a headstrong zealot who fully believes in his mission. He hasn’t forgotten who he was, but he has changed without nearly driving himself insane.
In a lot of novel a human or formally human protagonist will choose to side with a humanity that is either actively shunning or hostile to them. Humans might have been or are currently the worst of the races and everybody else just wants revenge. Then the hero who should want the same chooses to save them, despite the fact that the world might have been better if they got knocked down a few pegs.
Don’t really hate humans, but when any other species or non-Caucasian race often in fantasy steps out of line they are swiftly crushed without remorse or a second thought. Not saying that’s always the case, but dark-skinned or nonhuman races always seem to get the short end of the stick. I have no idea where this story is going, but I hope to see lots of death and chaos and maybe progress for humans. A type IV needs the Rod’s greatest knight and 3/4 of their forces to suppress by themselves, a strong four, but still a four. Their are hundreds of IV’s and and 100+ type V+ so clearly the demons have the superior fire power, if they could stop fighting each other. They might work together to kill off all the wizards and burn off all their books that have names in them for a time, but chaos is the only true thing keeping them from overrunning the place. The book obviously has power names in it and possibly a method for controlling and suppressing type V+. Near as I can figure passed on a cryptic conversation.
The hero is not a saint and should not be shown as merciful, strong, and kind. A tolerant strong hero who removes obstacles is fine.Maou
MemberI was curious as to where some of the other races lived and what happens if their might be overlapping boundaries, say the dwarves or elves were in an area and some humans laid claim to what was around it? Also are all races territorial to the extent that they set boundaries or do some just think I’m here you’re not so this is my land? Different groups typically have different ideas on boundaries and I know some people like clear cut definitive boundaries, while other groups have some overlapping of boundaries so I wanted to know if that would play a role on the map.
Member=; o:) Have white text surrounding them.
So [color=red][size=9]The Tomatic Demon=d> [/size][/color] can access [color=white]Tier’s divineo:) power[/color] through his [color=yellow]holy arrows[-o< [/color]. If he could emulate the blessings of a [color=white]godo:)[/color] he could then steal their powers. Most[size=7][color=black] demon's[/color][/size] don't grow more powerful with age for some reason despite the increase in [color=orange][color=red]animus[/color][/color] that should occur, unless the abyss is so barren that their is nothing to pick up, and continuous[color=red] torture[/color] allows for no new experience to be picked up. If so it would explain how weaker demons don't grow. Also the soul of a person is their [color=orange]animus[/color]. Everybody seems to think that demons consume souls to grow more powerful, so why don't demons consume the souls of those they slay to acquire; additional power, animus, experience, or whatever it is inside somebody's soul and whatever benefit it might bring to a demon. Magic is based upon belief and since so many people think a demon can corrupt and consume their soul why not consume their souls? Demons are on a [size=7][color=red]c[/color][color=orange]o[/color][color=yellow]n[/color][color=olive]t[/color][color=green]i[/color][color=cyan]n[/color][color=blue]u[/color][color=darkblue]o[/color][color=indigo]u[/color][color=violet]s[/color][/size] spectrum of power so why don't more demons advance from [color=red]1[/color] to[color=orange] 2[/color], or[color=orange] 2[/color] to [color=yellow]3[/color], ...etc.Maou
MemberIf humans can be torture for centuries in the abyss it must be better for their health than i thought. I always assumed that heat, constant terror, torture, and lack of food would lead to death.
Also was the 21st school of the animage mind control, if so then is it similar to possession, extreme persuasion, or is it kinda like these are not the fugitives you are looking for, with a hand wave and an apology for disruption to innocent travelers? -