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MemberThat gets my vote!
That would probably be a question for Maelen.
However, I don’t think that would be possible, the elemental “tides” if you will, would pull you apart.
For example, wizards don’t usually combine more than two elements at a time in a given adhoc spell, typically sympathetic elements.
When they do need to use multiple elements, those are typically larger rituals involving pentacles and runes and braziers and stuff. I.e. they’ve got a lot of moving parts and they take precaution to blend things carefully.
The vast majority of Elementalists (animages) only specialize in one element. Yes they may do the others, but specialization is usually a single element.
Trying to do all four would require tremendous skill and will power.
Also remember Tom is sort of cheating. he’s a demon, demons have a natural affinity for fire (OK—yes you got me Ice demons are an exception, or so they would seem, but they are really just the inverse of fire, e.g. cold fire as we call it–the ice is a by-product created by freezing moisture out of the air)
MemberTo clear up, any energy loss due to impregnation and pregnancy is temporary.
Just like in human women, the weight gain and other changes of pregnancy are “only temporary”
OK, Temporaray with a hell of a lot of work to get back in shape for most women, or a lot of time.
Babies don’t have much animus, so yeah you do loose some of that, but your life experiences will bring you back to where you were eventually.
MemberI am not sure how you would do that.
The Abyss link is weird. There is no cord/nothing tangible that any (most) of us can see. Nothing to slice or dice or disconnect. It is a very weird link–maybe not even a link.
Remember normally astral cords/links go between two objects.
What ever binds demons to the Abyss binds them to an entire Infinite Plane that happens to fall outside the normal structure of the multiverse.
MemberHere Here! I really like Korwin’s approach to getting more demons!
I’m all in, now, someone just needs to convince Bess to give it a go with me!
It may not be as efficient, but I’m willing to put in the extra effort to get it right, if we have to have sex a million times over a few weeks, then, hell I guess I can do my part. Remember, I can do double duty! :d/
Something I will point out. Some of it is directly in the book, some you have to read between the lines.
Rupert had never seen his demon form, until on the ship.
When his demon features started emerging, he locked himself down so as not to be revealed as a demon.
This is where the confusion in his age comes from. He’s not as young as he looks. He just stopped aging when he locked his form in his pre-pudemic state.
He’s really more like 12 years old, he was country folk, his mom didn’t really keep things marked down, so even he doesn’t know exactly when his birthdate was, just a rough year.
MemberYeah, that’s very sloppy terminology, but is quite common among demons, and wizards for that matter.
Technically, bound means you have a binding link to an Accursed Master.
Boggy was a bound demon, his AM screwed up and he’s now unbound.
Demons can have multiple masters, anyone who knows your name can bind you. In conflict the stronger binding spell usually wins, caveated to the strength of the AMs.
The very first time you are bound you are incarnated, and they almost always bind you at the same time.
Lenamare mentions this and glosses over it. He was trying to summon a previously bound demon. One that had been bound/incarnated but wasn’t currently bound to him (or least I think that’s what he said)
He was surprised to find a new completely unbound/never bound demon.
So technically there are three states
Never been bound (unbound/un-incarnated)
Not currently bound, but previously bound (unbound/currently unbound)
Bound to one or more AM’s. (bound)I suppose in theory, you could have Never Been Bound Demon who has been incarnated, just not familiar with that happeing.
But in theory, a wizard could conjure and summon a previously never before bound demon, incarnate them and let them go.
Although, thinking on it, I don’t think that would work with the current spells they use. I am pretty sure all the incarnate spells have implied bindings in them, because why else would you do this?
So perhaps an Animage Summoner might be able to do this. Or a Demon Prince….
MemberYeah, that’s basically true.
However, many semi-recent demons often report more feelings of anxiety, depression and sleeplessness combined with mercurial moods, violent rage, fury, bloodlust and general desire to smash things, than they’d had in their previous life. I.e. they often report feeling like a “worse person” and then stress that the job might be getting to them.
Now, how much of this is demonic influence/instinct and how much of it comes purely from “the job”/being enslaved and imprisoned for all eternity, etc etc.
Hard to say, I suppose. Maybe they just need better anti-depressants, Abilify anyone?
MemberHmm, interesting…
2020-06-02 at 15:20 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2835Tizzy
Necromancy is raising the dead/animating the dead, infusing the souls of the departed into old corpses or constructs.
One sort of nasty, although often tolerated heresy on this front is binding souls into magic items. In particular swords seem to be a popular choice.
golems sometimes as welWhat do you mean more reliable source than Tizzy?
Clearly, being a very ancient demon, I must be one of the most knowledgeable and renowned sources of demonic knowledge in the multiverse?.
To be honest there isn’t a lot of accurate reliable information, other than me. However, the Library has texts from various scribes (some of which were in the book)
Yes, demons are often sent into battlefields.
No, can’t really fuse animus and mana, but they will stick to each other. Typically, a non-corporal being is a blob of animus surrounded by a mana body.
Well, demons [i]seem[/i] to have something like a silver cord that tether them to the abyss.
It’s not though, or not exactly. When they are summoned, one would think they’d leave a body behind in the Abyss that they could then go back to, like Astral Travel.
But their body fades from the Abyss and re materializes in Astlan.
One would think that using a Demonic Gateway would mean their physical body traveled to Astlan and thus any silver cord would go there, that’s how it would work for a human. However, it doesn’t. They are still tethered to the abyss like in a summons. And if killed they go back there.
That being said, Animage demons and Wizard Demons can actually “do astral travel/projection” and leave their body somewhere (the abyss, astlan, an outer plane) and travel to distant realms and make a second body. The two bodies are connected by a silver cord, and the astrally projected demon has a cord to his body, whereever it is. But they also that weird Abyss cord/connection.
So, if such a demon were to have a body in Astlan, leave it there and travel to say Westeros, create a body there and run around. They could zip back and forth between the bodies, the unoccupied one would just appear to sleep.
However, if the active body is destroyed, while a normal human would be pulled back to their first body, a demon goes back to the Abyss, by default, unless they can consciously force themselves to the other “stashed” body on the other plane.
This is what Lenamare thought Tom was doing. Because if Tom were on another Plane of Man, in a body there, he couldn’t be conjured (the same way Lenamare couldn’t conjure Tom when he was Edwyrd) Without a “stashed” body, the only place the demon is tethered to is the Abyss, and since given a true name, a wizard can conjure from the Abyss, the unbound demon couldn’t escape to there.
Basically you can’t conjure a spirit creature that’s in the Planes of Man from one Plane to the Other or the same. You can only conjure a spirit creature from the Heavenly Planes, the Astral Plane and the Abyss.
MemberWell…I really don’t know much about elementals.
I believe the sages over in the library (unless TAG forgot to post that section) say that there really aren’t elementals per se…it’s really weird, it’s more like there is an elemental impetus that somehow corresponds to the elementals. I.e. there aren’t “intelligent” elementals because that would require spirit or animus to create life, and thus would not be pure.
However, many philosophers and animages argue that while there is no elemental intelligence, there is a “force” or inherent nature in each of the elements. Fire is rage/destruction/cleansing rebirth for example. (See Astrology)
When you combine “spirit” the fifth element, with one of the other four, by some means, you would get an elemental.
This doesn’t happen in nature, normally.
However, the highest/greatest Animasters can transmute their physical/planes of men form into a single element as an “elemental body” Basically it’s a physical body on the Planes of Men composed of a single element and the consciousness of the Animage.
This is what Maelen refers to as a “Living Elemental” on the boat, when Tom flames up to attack the Oorstemothians.
Elementals, so to speak aren’t alive, they aren’t sentient. Only when combined with spirit do you get an elemental being. I.e. “A Living Elemental”
MemberExcuse me!
[-xI completely and utterly disagree with your first malicious, ignorant, bigoted remark that most demons are unappealing.
You are unappealing!
However, that being said, like all demons, the appearance of a ‘bai is shaped by the first summoner and the demon. And the first summoner is in particular looking for a sex demon. I can’t say much more on this without going into stuff from Book 2.
Thus they all tend to be rather good looking by Astlanian standards. They are also almost always well endowed. They often have accessories/appendages/body structure that makes them very proficient at giving pleasure (prehensile tongues, inflatable/extensible/dextrous digits (fingers/toes) etc.
They also all radiate a charm/lust/arousal/attraction aura, causing lesser beings to become quickly aroused and in love.
The more powerful demons have illusionary capabilities that make their target see their most desired lover. And different people looking at the same time, may see the demon differently.
MemberYep, I would agree with all the last several post/responses.
It’s hard to interfere with a spell (other than distracting the caster and getting him/her to screw up–definitely the best option). The spell itself is very optimized and tight, you’d definitely have to be an expert wizard and animage, and have prepared “tricks” for well known spells to be able to thwart them.
Link Mastery (animages) and Link Spells are very critical in anything requiring bindings and connections between objects and/or creatures.
In wizardry you don’t notice it as much other than for say familiar links, conjury etc, but that’s because it’s built into all the spells that need it.
Basically non-target spells don’t need links (e.g. fireball, lightning bolt—only for guidance so optional, gusts of wind, direct elemental work)
Back earlier, I don’t think I said Thaumaturgy is weak, it’s just perceived that way since it’s slow acting and not flashy. However, gravity isn’t exactly impressive either until you are Sandra Bullock floating off into outer space. Or the fact that it’s the only thing holding the universe, and the earth together.
Thaumaturgy has some real weakness in combat compared to most other disciplines (it takes a lot of time, mana and effort to generate an earthquake or summon a volcano…however if you’ve got the time and mana, about everything else starts to pale in comparison)
MemberYeah, well this is complex.
I will point you to Tom’s struggles with his demonic nature.
[b]Wrath:[/b] Fits of rage/anger/destruction,
[b]Lust: [/b] We like sex. A lot. And violent sex at that.
[b]Gluttony[/b]: We love consuming things, trying new experiences and always over doing it.
[b]Greed: [/b] We love accumulating money and treasure, and for a couple reasons: 1 to feed our Glutton and 2, keep others from getting it.
[b]Pride:[/b] We are all ego maniacs, at various levels. Of course the higher levels have more Pride/Ego where as the lower level demons have:
[b]Envy:[/b] Demons are extremely jealous of their possessions, and we always want more (see Greed and Gluttony) and we get really wrathful when others have more than us, or have something we want.
[b]Sloth:[/b] We are also fundamentally lazy. Most demons don’t feel too inclined to do much more than what we absolutely need to do to satisfy our other instincts.Tizzy
MemberWell, as for common…they are the 7 Deadly Sins after all.
All of which are ascribed to Demons by Humans. I was just restating common knowledge.
Yes, we can agree that Tom is a pretty shitty demon. He’s getting a failing grade on that front.
Rupert’s even worse.
A note on Gluttony, it’s not just food it’s over indulgence. Demons in the Courts do this a lot. Witness Boggy after killing his accursed master, this level of indulgence is not usually limited to AM slayings…if demons have the cash, they tend to drink it.
Some demons are also drug addicts, but I don’t know any personally.
And we definitely overeat when we get the chance to eat our AM’s.
Envy is mainly the purview of the lesser demons and imps, they tend to be very envious of their betters. We just haven’t seen any.
Exador and Ramses definitely have Ego’s we just haven’t seen it yet, since we’ve only had snapshots of their personalities compared to Lenamare. As you will see Lillith and Asmodeus have some Ego going for them as well.
We will see more of that in Book II
Of course, does one have a big ego, if one really is nearly a divine being in terms of power and one’s ego is simply realistic of one’s abilities?
For example, Lenamare will tell you that people only think he has a big ego because they are too dimwitted to fully understand his phenomenal skill and knowledge.
Once you meet that new, annoying, untrustworthy, disreputable, lying, scheming Incubus in Book II you’ll see Demon Lust.