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  • in reply to: Demon power ups #1779

    Sure it will be.

    In book 36!


    in reply to: Demon power ups #1781

    Well, the only people that would know his true name would be the people in the room that heard him say it. Plus anyone summoning him.

    So, Jehenna, Lenamare, Trisfelt, Elrose, Jenn and the other students. Of which one is known dead (cindered). A few students have not specifically been mentioned as having gotten to Freehold so they are still MIA. That would be the half you can’t confirm.

    After that, it would only be people who have had to be able to summon him: Rupert and me.

    At least I think. However, if I am wrong, I am sure someone will remind me. o:)

    If a demon got a human’s true name, that depends on the demon and the person. Most demons would not be able to do much with it, since most demons are not spell users/direct mana manipulators. E.g. most demons just have intrinsic magic. So the best they could do is sell it to a higher demon, if there was value in it.

    As a rule the demons that could do something with it are:

    Greater Demons (the ones that are spell users)
    Arch Demons
    Demon Prince

    Incubae and Succubae (and a few others we will get to at a later date)

    Now here is the thing. If an ArchDemon or Demon Prince even knows you [b]exist[/b], let alone knows your true name, you should probably start crapping bricks at that point. They really don’t need your true name to make you very very miserable.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1783

    One might think.

    Of course, if you are born to illiterate parents, and delivered by an illiterate midwife, this could be a problem.

    Also, not completely sure what happens if you have two non related persons that somehow have the same full name. In that case I think some extra stuff gets added and you really would have to scry for it.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1934

    Actually it sort of depends on what you mean by dimensions…but what you say is, I suspect, getting towards the truth.

    It turns out that the alternate realities are all caused by using different dimensional sets.

    There are in fact an infinite number of possible dimensions, humans/demons can only perceive/occupy/exist on so many dimensions at one time. Which combination of dimensions you occupy determines what reality you are experiencing.

    Traveling between planes is basically changing which set of dimensions you are occupying at any given time. This is string theory/quantum topology.

    My suspicion is that you are correct and there is some very “special” dimension of space time that the abyss occupies (along with some others) and demons somehow always occupy this dimension as well, even when they on various planes.

    When they are killed it’s this “extra dimensionality” that they share with the Abyss that allows them to regenerate in the abyss.

    So, yeah. I think you’ve hit on it.

    Excellent reasoning!


    in reply to: Killing Demons #1936

    [quote]Are weapons that are effective against demons also effective against other mana entities such as dragons, avatars, angels, deities, and djinn?[/quote]

    In general as a rule: presumably.

    Dragons definitely.

    Avatars/Angels/Deities: Don’t think anyone has ever lived to report on this one.

    Djinn: Depends on what you wish for. They tend to be a lot more insubstantial than the rest of us, but that’s because of their weird nature. But I’d think that anything that works trans-asterally i.e. stuff that works on ghosts, spirits, demons, etc. “should work” at least to some extent.

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2144

    Yes, definitely.

    Although I would say a majority of them are from Astlan like worlds, meaning the laws of magic are the same or similar. or at least this is true of the ones that are in the Courts and the vicinity. The Abyss is technically infinite, so who knows who or what is on the far side of the plane.

    This also all ties out to the fact that those are the only worlds Astlanian’s themselves can easily get to via the Astral plane. Worlds too far removed from them are too “skewed” if you will for them to enter with their magic.

    that being said, The Abyss and people from the Abyss (meaning demons) are not so limited.

    For quite a number of planes, the Abyss appears to function more like a normal plane. As far as we can tell. There is regular trade with the Denubian worlds for example. The Denubians have no exact belief system that corresponds to demonology. Actually, they don’t really have much in what we would call belief systems, or at least they never talk about religion. The seem to be Atheists, but it’s really hard to say. They are pretty closed mouthed across all their mouths on such issues.

    For Earth, or rather, the Earths, the connection seems to be very very similar to Astlan, in that those on an Earth that know of the Abyss, consider it pretty much the same way the Astlanian’s do. However, this is complicated by the fact that the Earths are relatively mana poor and getting back and forth between them is very difficult.

    In practice, this is where the Incubae and Succubae become handy. If a demon lord can get enough children on an Earth like world, they can potentially open up portals to let their parent through.

    For other worlds that have different rules of magic for example, we can and they can, get there, but a lot of them have belief systems such that rather than the abyss, their equivalent to demons live in an outer plane controlled by some dark god or similar.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2246

    Agreed on temperature.

    The courts are much cooler, and the Notorious Dame is essentially air conditioned (magically).

    When humans/elves/mortals get hauled before a demon prince, it’s typically in the courts, and typically at the Notorious Dame. That’s also where the most of the dungeons are (there are multiple ones, of course) the temperature has to be at least livable for the toys in the dungeon (humans/elves/etc). A good sweat is nice, expiring of heat stroke before you can rip out a single toe-nail is not useful.

    I don’t think it’s giving too much away to say that when Lillith realizes that the demon that caught Talarius and stole mana from a god is the same “Tom” demon that Antefalken’s been talking about, she will invite them for a visit/a stay. One appealing thing would be that there, Talarius would be able to get out of his armor.

    And, assuming (not saying it will happen) they go there, Lillith will probably want to corrupt Talarius/seduce him…she’d need him in peak operating form, if you will.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2250

    Well, not yet, not at the moment.

    However, I suspect you are prescient, meaning once more of them become aware of him and what he’s done, and might do, this is a very likely scenario.

    At the very least, they are going to want to take his measure and monitor him closely for any disruptiveness…but….they will also be trying to figure out who else he might already be aligned to or working with before reacting. They will be leery of a trap. For the reasons you describe about their nature.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2253


    Demons are pretty used to explosions. However, I suppose if a prefab concrete thing did explode it would scare the crap out of whoever was carrying it, and that might be good for a laugh, particularly if they guy lost a couple limbs in the process!


    If it says it was his most powerful, then it probably was, but he’s not that great at Illusions. But yes, the various “sights” can be used to see through illusions, there are caveats depending on whether the illusion is sensory or mental (sight doesn’t work on mental illusions that well). It’s a question of the level of the illusion and the person trying to see through it, plus they have to be trying to see through it. And then they need to roll a four sided die or something like that.

    Things in the Courts that are illusions, are there for the same purpose as a burning log on TV (ok, better quality than that) They aren’t there so much to “hide” something as to make something more pleasant to view. In some cases, they illusions are artwork in intent (e.g. extra cityscape art)


    Finally, thank you! Someone realizes that we demons are the Prometheai of Astlan. Teaching those ignorant louts how to do magic!

    in reply to: What do Gods get out of providing a afterlife? #2705

    Ditto. Who?

    Although, I’m not sure I’d call them “characters”…many of them are my friends after all.

    I can assure you they are multi-dimensional when you are standing next to them.

    If they seem flat, it’s that loser of a writer I hired doing a crappy job.

    in reply to: Time differences between planes #2825

    That is what the speculation is. Maou is dead on with that.

    However, no one that I know, knows for sure. Apparently, later generations still don’t like humanoid demons very much. So it’s very painful to try and ask them.

    in reply to: Time differences between planes #2827

    Well, there really aren’t too many “cities” so to speak.

    At least not “public cities”

    by which I mean, open/free cities that are large. The Courts is the largest city, since that’s where the Cofactors, Triumverate and Supreme Septat hold court.

    In fact the “Courts” are multiple courts

    The Court of Co-Factors
    The Court of the Triumvirate
    The Combined Courts of the Quintenal Cabal (a joint session of the Co-Factors and the Triumvirate)
    The Synod of the Supreme Septat

    So it’s big, huge.

    There are a few other smaller towns/cities that are public/neutral ground. None are huge, maybe a few thousand demons in the largest. And a good number of these, while technically “public” are actually groups of loosely aligned demons who group together for protection. So while “public” they aren’t necessarily friendly to outsiders.

    What other “cities” there are, are really enclaves/villas/domains/etc of various Demon Lords and Princes. These are their “private” cities in which they and their followers/henchdemons etc live. I.e. this is where they bunk their demonic hordes, their armies, etc.

    These can, however, be quite large. However, no one really officially “knows” how large any are, since this is considered sensitive information.


    From my point of view: generally.

    However, there are some religions that refer to certain Avatars of Dark Gods as being Devils. These generally reside in planes specific to that deity or pantheon.

    So, I suppose, you could say that “Devils” or more often religion specific Avatars or Demons.

    It just depends on the religion.

    But as far as manacentric beings go, you basically have the

    Dragons (Demonic Dragons)
    Avatars (light and dark)

    And maybe a few other oddballs.

    BTW. Don’t tell any of the current participants of the these books about the Djinn. Most of them don’t know about djinn yet. They are much more common in the Southern Realms of Astlan. Trevin D’Vils is probably the only current character to know about them. Of course, Lenamare will say he knows all about them, but that they are generally beneath his notice (hee hee hee…that could be fun)

    OK, and Exador, Bess and Ramses would know about them, and Boggy and I, oh, and Antefalken certainly.

    in reply to: Typos #2864

    Why do people keep saying I’m crazy or insane?

    You know I have feelings right? Jenn and Gastrope seem to be the worst culprits, but now you!

    I can assure you, I am not crazy or insane!

    I think my case is proven by the fact that I am able to magically turn my thoughts into text words on a computer network in an extremely distant plane without the use of a computer, mirror or anything else. And that by doing so I can communicate with “people” that no one in Astlan knows exists, believes exists, nor can they see, touch of feel.

    Could an insane person do all that?

    I think not.

    in reply to: Typos #2866

    See, now you know how the characters feel.

    But if I were paranoid, everyone would say I was insane! Everyone else being paranoid is just playing it safe/hedging their bets.

    It’s really hard to catch a break.

    What if I am incredibly powerful, and all that power drove me insane, you know, like what happened to my friend Smeagol? And now, being insane, I don’t remember that I am powerful nor how to use my power to crush my enemies!

    Drat. That would be depressing….

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