Forum Replies Created
I don’t quite see that, if anything I think I like it better than some of the deviant art stuff.
Also, one thing I did notice is, and it’s a bit of a concern, is that the book cover gets a lot better when it’s blown up to full size.
The real image is very large, this is a shrunk version and what most people will see in the book store is shrunk smaller yet.
But if you take it to full screen size it does, in my eye, get better.
Once released there will be a bigger version on the site. Also if you click on the image in this topic you’ll see a somewhat bigger version.
MemberLooking at again, I may be differently interpreting what you mean by polish and sketchy.
This image is a bit more detailed than some of the deviant art. And in particular, Tom is drawn with a lot more heavy lines, and is less flowing/fluid than some of his other stuff. This is intentional to give a more gut level fear quality I guess you’d call it.
MemberExcellent…buah hah! hah hah!
MemberExcellent observation! =d>
I like using Roy. T-A-G wasn’t specifically thinking of Roy when describing things. In fact he never made the exact correlation that you did, which fits quite nicely.
He should have, he did spend quite a bit of time studying astronomy and optics….
I am not so sure how much of it is Talarius bad interpretation of the mirror results and communication.
Talarius didn’t make the mirror, he’d just acquired it, and my guess is that he knew in principle how it worked. I am betting he’d never seen anything bigger than a greater demon in it. Maybe a lesser archdemon.
I would think Lenamare or Damien would have given a much more accurate/precise description of the colors the same way you do. But Talarius is basically a warrior and color subtleties are probably not his strong point.
We also have some questions about who was where at the time of the viewing.
Those questions, I think you will find get even more complicated in Book II. It all ties into the other discussions about the mirror and colors that have gone on in other threads.
MemberNeeds to be in red font, like signing in e-blood! o:)
I will be posting a link that will give people access to the beta demon role on the site.
Just click it (once it’s here) and poof…you start shape changing into a beta demon. You may want to click in the privacy of your own room, btw. Could be awkward if you do it on your phone while at the dinner table or on a bus and you start popping out of your clothes!
MemberThat’s where I’ve been leaning.
In theory the titling can be never ending…going through a billion fonts/sizes/placements/material effects…
Be sure to check out some of his other works at [url=][/url]
MemberCool. Trying to get a good blurb is tricky.
MemberI see, I am currently in Gormegast and have been in hyperspace all day and haven’t been able to be on top of things today.
Thankfully now that our ship has exited hyperspace I can get on the interdimensional Internet and deal with this crapola.
Nargh. and no I don’t mean Narg-argoloth from book II, I mean the noise of frustration one makes when being thwarted…which I secretly think is where his name comes from….
Going to quick ban and remove and will have to work on better security once I am back in the Abyss.
MemberNow that’s the sort of sale I love to make!
I think that’s a good position on the beta process for a lot of people. I think of it sort of like all the billions of cuts of Blade Runner. At some point, pick a version of the story and stick with it already!
Good news is that there isn’t too much downtime between when it comes back from the editor and when it goes on sale. Basically it comes back and T-A-G goes over the edits and approves (or disapproves) the edits and deals with the comments from the editor. Typically this is a couple days. Then it’s just formatting and testing the layout which is surprisingly painful, but a couple days, then it’s on sale.
MemberAh, you’ve met the bastard in the blue box!
He’s quite annoying stopped me from world domination a couple times. Most annoying chap!
MemberSoon. T-A-G has to get it to the Editor the beginning of July…
The goal had been June 1, but T-A-G was out of pocket the last week with graduation ceremonies and parties for family he had to attend that were 333 1/3 leagues away, and his magic carpet apparently had holes in it, so he had to take his magic wagon thing over the ground…
So he’s got one crazy weekend ahead of him and maybe a few more days. He’s in over drive to try to start it in about a week or so…
If I were not a demon, I’d ask you to pray to a deity of your choice for him, but since said deities are more likely to screw one over than help one, in my experience, I’ll simply ask you to cross your fingers and toss salt over your shoulder…
MemberIn the forum, I am not making spelling mistakes, because, since I am in the Abyss, I don’t have a keyboard or Internet connection, so my posts are just direct mental projections of my thoughts into your head.
Thus if you see a spelling mistake in a post, it is only in your head, you just ‘think’ I made a spelling mistake.
What was the math error? Did it not add up? At one time it did, but maybe it got mistranscribed?
MemberI know! Totally wicked!
Love it. Perfect to display on a shelf in the kitchen, or I suppose on a coffee table.
MemberIn terms of the traveling together, thoughts have included the battle on the ship; the campfire when Maelen discovers they are being followed by the Rod.
He’s thought of The Ripe Young Maiden’s Surprise, need to optimize the time with the most characters are there…usually it’s two or three at a time.
Member@Ziipoo: Front page of site has T-A-G’s latest announcement with what should be some pretty hard dates.
@Cali’x: Applications must now be signed in blood. (Red Font on the Internet).