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MemberWhich is why SF is so popular in some circles. I think in particular, the best examples force us to examine life from the perspective of someone completely different from ourselves, to see the outsider’s perspective.
A good writer can do this in any genre/style/literature, but SF/Fantasy provide a great excuse to get outside the box.
Personally my favorite Science Fiction/Fantasy novels include: A Farewell To Arms, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Grapes of Wrath, Catcher in the Rye, Wuthering Heights, War and Peace, and most of the great classics. These wild flights of fancy allow me to try to recapture what it means to be human, and see things from their limited, dull, mundane and short live perspective.
On the other hand True Crime novels and similar Non-Fiction novels and even historical fiction bore me. You know like Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire. Hell, everybody knows what life is like as a dragon, or a hobbit it’s pretty old hat.
That being said, there is one truly great Reality Based novelist out there who I love that completely captures the essence of the real world and bring it into it’s full glory: Franz Kafka. His realism is so intense, you feel like it’s happening to you.
MemberYou don’t really need a toilet, you know nomadic tribes didn’t have toilets…they squat and drop.
That’s what most of the 90′ tall demons do. You’ve never seen people truly run until a 90′ tall demon starts squatting over their village…
MemberAs author guy may have mentioned somewhere…
The first book took enough time to make George RR Martin impatient (if he’d been reading it)….I don’t know when Martin started GOT, but I know when I started dictating the story to the lazy author and when GoT was released….and let’s just say that Bran had not yet been born and probably the same for Joffrey….
However, the author claims he’s going to have the second book done this year…he’s shooting for the end of the year…
I’m hoping he keeps his word, because I can only start collecting payment once the book is published and it draws new users to this site, where I can collect their souls via their email addresses…
MemberYou may call it trust. I call it fear.
Fear of the Triumvirate/Quintenal Cabal and the Supreme Septat.
That’s what basically keeps the peace. However, officially, what you say is what those 13 also say. Some demons believe them, and the rest just obey or die or worse…
People who don’t particularly agree with the 13 Lords of Dread generally stay away from the Courts in their own palaces or their own smaller cities (where they are the rule of the realm)
And as for Angels, there are angel like figures in several Native American mythologies, but they are more seen as ‘spirits’ than angels…and some also have gods…
The Kabalah actually details in great great detail the nature of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic heavenly and infernal structure, over the millenia there have been an inordinate number of religious scholars describing, debating and listing these angels, demons and their relationships.
Also a lot of the traditions of djinns and early angel/demon stuff came from really old now defunct religions that most of us have never heard of…i.e. the Ancient Hebrews used to borrow supernatural beings almost as fast the Catholic church. They just turned foreign gods in to demons or angels, whereas the Catholic church mainly turned them into Saints…but sometimes Angels and demons.
MemberWell thankfully, I don’t have any.
At least I don’t think I do? Hmm, do I have secrets? Have I told myself?
I can’t think of any secrets I have. Am I keeping them a secret from me even?
MemberAll generally true…except he has no idea what his destination is.
Fortunately, plenty of others have their own destinations in mind. You know, of course ,about Lenamare’s plans (sort of), and Exador’s that’s two groups.
Plus there are the reactionary plans of Oorstemoth and the Rod. However, there are also OTHER players who, so far have either not shown up or have only made cameo appearances.And in fact it’s these other players that make that author guy nervous about the books spinning out in a Jordanesque manner. To capture their perspective accurately requires a lot of ground. The author guy needs to try to rein that in and strike a balance between completeness and comprehensibility.
MemberWell, all of those ideas are certainly worth a shot…
Not sure how you are going to get any of those spells cast while it’s clawing and munching at you, or breathing acid on you. Distracted spell casting is generally a bad thing; usually worse than distracted driving, but at least as potentially fatal.
But you are welcome to try. I might suggest bringing some bodyguards. Maybe the Abyssal equivalent of Barbarian Demons, Cleric Demons, Mercenary Demons, Thief Demons etc. A regular adventuring party that can protect the wizard trying to cast all these spells.
Here’s the real thing…dealing with a dragon is every bit the problem as dealing with a greater demon. Look at all the work the Rod had to go to to have a chance at killing Tom and his mini-demon horde. They used mana absorbing spells and all sorts of things, plus a big nasty knight. Still didn’t work (almost did).
In either event, in the Planes of Man, to perma-kill a demon, you basically have to keep it from returning to the Abyss. Over the centuries, wizards and clerics have figured out various ways to do this, if they happen to be prepared and get lucky.
It seems logical that one could do the same for dragons, certainly on the Planes of Men, and probably something in the Abyss (we just don’t know where they are fleeing too in this case, which complicates things).
The problem is, no one that I know of has ever tried. You’d have to be really committed to it, and prepared to take a lot of casualties.
I suppose some of the demon princes might know how to actually do this; maybe some have. They just aren’t telling me.
MemberAh, but the Aztec, Mayan and Zapotect etc were definitely religious ceremonies where they would cut out the human heart of the enemy on top of a giant pyramid and offer it up (and the life of the enemy) as a sacrifice to their gods.
MemberVampires do NOT sparkle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That woman didn’t know what she was talking about.
Vampires are godless, vicious, bloody, killing machines without heart, soul, compassion or remorse. .
You know “good folks” really fun to party with.
Nothing like she talked about.
MemberShe was the big question in earlier discussion…although to be fair…not sure if that was here or at [url=]Amazon[/url]
It’s not clear to anyone whether she was in the city at the time….we know that Exador and Ramses were there at various points, but until the shield goes up, they (and Bess) could be teleporting/demonic gatewaying to wherever…
MemberOK So Arean is self-demonizing it sounds like. =d>
Taking the soul…should just hurt for a few minutes, after that…you’ll feel nothing…think Dexter (Dreaming Darkly) [or Showtime series]
Beta readers who send in comments and suggestions get credits and of course a free copy of the “beta” book. (you’ll have to pay with a relative’s soul for a final finished copy)
MemberNot sure which guy in the middle.
There’s the pilot in the chiar, who’s a guy with a big head, there is a robot dude standing pretty stiff in the middle and there is the main alien with the tentacles. He’s in a space suit uniform that has a cape…
The big brain is a snack, I guess. Actually, when they feed they first grow the brain massively so it produces more electrical energy and then start sucking it out.
Below is a different angle with better lighting.
MemberWell…that Antefalken took escalators up and down in the Cathedral of the Notorious Dame and that there are cars driving around the Courts…at least I think the author guy mentioned the cars and motorcycles.
The Denubian’s are a high tech alien race, they has spaceships etc.
As for super high tech, well I did once see this demon who drove around in, believe or not, a Blue Police Box….now there was a guy who’d wiped out more than a few entire races in fits of genocidal rage….
MemberAloneness does have benefits….however some people really hate it…apparently
And this is weird…I just read about this study done at this university where they put people in room with a chair and an electrical device that would administer a very painful shock.
They were told they had to sit in the chair (staying still, not fidgeting) and simply reflect on their recent experiences or if they got bored, they could administer a shock to themselves.
Turns out that 67% of the human males, 12 of 18, gave themselves at least one shock during this period.
Whereas only 25% of woman were this crazy.
And people wonder why there is a waiting line to get in the Abyss to be tortured….
Never met a non-atheist demon, other than Anselm. Not completely sure he counts though, his god wasn’t (presumably isn’t) a normal god. His god is a being greater than anything the mind can conceive of, yada yada convoluted logic.
One presumes there might be demon gods that might try to do something but…
Basically no, as Antelfalken and I tell Talarious in book 2, humans that die in the abyss, die permanently. That’s part of why humans freak out about going to the abyss. They get cut off from their gods, the links don’t work. The abyss is basically a giant abyss into which souls sink and get extinguished.
So as far as anyone can determine, any demon that dies in the abyss, dies permanently. However, it’s very hard to kill a demon in the abyss, much harder than on the planes of men.