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MemberYep yep yep on pretty much all that.
The only teachers he would have at the moment would be Maelen and Antefalken possbily Damien (but doubtful) and of course, the greatest instructor of all time. The Mighty Me Demon!
Oh an Boggy too. We shall teach him how to torture, mutilate and eat Astlanians. How to terrify small children, even more than we do now by default.
There is a plethora of information to be gleaned about secretly hiding under a child’s bed and terrorizing it. Oddly enough, not seeing the monster under the bed is often worse than seeing it. if you see something, you can try to grasp it/encompass it/understand it. Something can’t see, but only fear is there, is left completely up to one’s imagination, and imagination is often scarier than reality.
Smaller to medium, usually they just grow bigger, wartier, scarier. At the higher levels, they pretty much stick to their older form and add more of their own choosing (e.g. shape changing–Exador/Ramses/Bess/Lillith/Asmodeus each have quite a few forms they can assume)
Wow, you’ve got me nostalgic. I haven’t terrorized a child in a long time. I think I’ll journey to an Earth and hide under some beds and be really spooky tonight!
MemberI wish…
If a demon were powerful enough, or became powerful enough they might resist. Then the wizard could try a more powerful spell.
A demon can always try to resist, whether they succeed in resisting or simply piss the wizard off and cause him/her to torture you is another question.
Yes, that was a typo. I meant Ramses place, but typed Exador’s palace.
so just read the thing again knowing I meant Ramses palace but mistyped.
Correct: Exador doesn’t spend much time in the Abyss, this comes up in Book 2, as does his Penthouse in the Courts.
His main domicile is in Astlan and has been for well over a thousand years…he may have other places for his miniions but this has never been mentioned. There is lots of talk of his human minions but not much about his demon ones, yet we know he has them, they were living in the Council Palace for a while, where they went “home to” is an interesting question. Presumably not his castle in Astlan as his humans would freak out.
I am also rooting for me to be the Overlord of the Abyss. I’m just not sure how I’m going to know if I am. I’m thinking if I start a rumor about it, maybe in a few thousand years it will become accepted knowledge and I’ll just be the defacto “secret” overlord of the abyss.
Maybe then I can get some demonesses to sleep with me.
MemberIf any demons have, they aren’t telling people.
As a rule, demons don’t even trust their own spawn very much.
But I suppose they might eventually figure out some ways of doing it.
How one create God Pools is a very closely guarded secret that only the gods know.
My suspicion is that if a demon were to figure out how to create a god pool, and have a group to share with….that demon and its friends would all sort of die the true death and people would start hearing about some new religion that was recruiting. I.e. The names have been changed to protect the formerly damned.
MemberI am the Eternal and Immutable Tisdale!
Tizzy 4 Evah!!!!!
:d/ =d> =p~ o:) :d/ =d> =p~ o:)
MemberYou do realize that if he admits to knowing this, he could be accused of Necromancy which is a capital offense!
Thankfully, most actual Necromancers have prepared self-reanimation spells for just such a situation and will come back to life as a Lich and hunt down and torment those that killed them.
Of course, most professional Necromancer hunters, etc. Like Talarius, realize this and so burn the accused at the stake.
But then, most experienced Necromancers know this, so they have prepared for this using an especially enchanted piece of valuable jewelry that they’ve given someone, so that when they die, they can possess the body of that person and take over and hunt down and torment those who killed them.
Now naturally, true professionals, again like Talarius, realize this so they then proceed to hunt down and kill all the friends and family of a suspected Necromancer….
Of course, I hate to mention this, but…the greatest Necromancers realize this so, instead of giving the jewelry to someone they know or care for they often leave it in a dungeon in a treasure chest for some unwitting Adventurer to find. They often glamour the item or otherwise enchant it to look like some other type of magic item, so the person who finds it will want to put it on, and thus become possessed by the dead necromancer’s spirit.
So, because of this, Talarius and the Rod often send out specialized expedition to raid tombs and dungeons that they suspect necromancers may have visited.
And so on.
Now you can hopefully see why Talarius was glad to get to fighting demons which are pretty simple by comparison.
MemberYou are mean, think about the poor author! Although I do have very little sympathy for the bozo transcribing my story.
If you don’t have time travel to fix all the implausibilities, mistakes and oversights in your work you end up looking like you slapped the book together in a matter of hours just to get a quick buck!
Now, of course, that’s probably true if you have such things, but you don’t want it to [i]look[/i] like it.
So my point is, Time Travel is required to fix sloppy writing. Just like dream sequences (it was all a dream!) are required when authors back themselves into a corner which they’re not smart enough to get out of plausibly otherwise (which seems to happen a lot on TV)
MemberYes, he was under a compulsion to reveal his name.
if he’d have managed to resist, they’d have used a stronger spell…thus convincing them that he was even higher powered.
The true name basically allows the caster to “pin down” the exact being he/she is interested in. They then have to “glue a link to them”
You can form links to something without a true name, but the anchor is no where near as good.
So for example if put a “remote eyes” spell on someone (like a familiar) it might work at least for a while, but to get a permanent bond that wouldn’t break easily I’d need to know the true name…at that point the link spell (for a wizard) could take hold.
Tom was good example of this, he didn’t know the names of the priests he invaded, but through sheer force he was able to overwhelm them, but they could have eventually fought it off, pushed him out, particular if he had help. But if he had know the true names of those priests, it would have taken a full blown exorcism to get him out of their bodies.
It’s effectively one way, because the person who’s name is known doesn’t know the true name of the person who knows theirs (presumably) so they have a harder time “locking on” to that person.
That being said…specifically it’s well known that just because you know the true name of a demon, doesn’t mean you can control it, any normal “sane” wizard who knows the true name of say an Archdemon would think twice about using it’s true name to compel it. Because the Archdemon is likely so much more powerful than the wizard, that it could do a two way on it. Follow the link back and use shear force to attach to someone who’s true name they don’t know, and in however short of a time that is…be very very very nasty.
This is why you start with the true name and then use mutliple wheel barrels full of the biggest spells you’ve got to back yourself up and contain/control the demon.
The true name is really just a key to making stuff “stick” or “finding someone”
Think of it as being like an encryption certificate. In terms of an SSL certificate, the true name guarantees you’ve got the right person on the other end of the spell, and like a PKE certificate, it can let you decode the person and get “inside”
MemberOne supposes this would be true on the true names–but I’m not sure I’d want to try.
Changing a true name would change its fundamental nature so it would have to be a pretty weird/wrenching/horrible event.
I supposed it could happen though.
I am not so sure on god’s seeing the agents of other gods as demons…
Clearly, if they two gods are in the same pantheon, and are enemies or diametrically opposed, then would presume, and probably assume, that said spells worked against the others.
In particular, if one god was good, the other evil.
But this is going to be a case by case basis, and how it plays out inter-pantheon is really almost too complex to say….
I would say, one should try it and find out, but inter-pantheon warfare is generally considered a VERY bad thing. Generally much worse than intra-pantheon fighting (which is quite normal).
So one moment you are bummed because you are getting too much information and it is spoiling the next book for you
And the next you want to leave because you might not be?
And they say I’m insane? o:)
This is life…this is how you find truth…you experience it, you collect information from various sources, not all of which are accurate, some of which might be deceptive, you then have to put the pieces together and figure out which ones you believe and which ones you don’t.
That’s how science works, that’s also how religion should work…that’s actually how all good stories work. (Of course, DoA being non-fiction, this isn’t applicable here but…)
That being said…this author guy is the one who’s lying. Remember, I am telling him the story, he lives in your world, not mine, nor Astlan. He’s never actually been to Astlan. So I don’t know how he thinks he knows more than I do. He’s just a guy with a hell of a lot of ego.
I wouldn’t believe anything he says.
Trust me. I am the truth, I am the way and the light! I am Tizzy!
Member[quote]If demons and wizzards could just go ‘anywhere’ they could almost just get anything. Why is it not happening here?[/quote]
Sheesh, give us some time, we’ve got at least 99 more books…we’ll get there…we’ll do this…although he’s going to need to crank up the writing speed so he doesn’t go all “Robert Jordan” on people and die before the series is complete.
Now why would want to mess with a robot, when astlan has plenty of good golem factories (shops/boutiques)
Seems like golems are much more useful in Astlan since they don’t need electricity (at least not most of the ones I’ve seen)
MemberWell to get the affect you want, demons really don’t have to do anything more than march together.
Nothing like a Demon Horde, or a Demon Army to send people screaming.
However, remember, brute force only works in certain controlled circumstances….if there are “good clerics” around a demon horde then an avatar host is likely to show up and things can get nasty.
MemberExcellent point! I feel much better now, knowing I’ll dissolve before you skin me.
Let’s see who lives in the Abyss?
1) Demons
2) Dragons
3) The Damned
4) Various Demon ‘Animals’
E.g. Nightmares (used by Hags–these were once human but transformed by a Hag to ride, and often stabled here)
Cerebus/Hades/Hell Hounds of various sorts.
5) Talarius =d>It’s not uncommon for one of the Damned to be turned into a Demon Animal sort of creature. I suspect that’s where a lot of them come from.
There are also a number of creatures that “visit” or may be living here, that aren’t exactly native. For example, sphinxes can show up here, but they aren’t native, and they usually aren’t “Dammned” Djinn can exist here, much like ‘mortals’ etc that aren’t Damned. E.g. Jenn, Gastrope’ both visitited.
I think what you are remembering are the various servants etc at Ramses’ palace, and probably in the Courts. Those were generally demons that he’d shaped changed into variants of creatures found in Astlan and places he’d been (Satyrs, Centaurs, etc) although also a coach or two in the Courts.
In the courts, you probably would see Nightmares pulling coaches, or maybe a basilisk or wyvern, gargoyle’s have no problem here, large Hell Hound etc.
Of course, using a basilisk to pull your coach is frowned upon. You think you don’t like oncoming cars with their headlights on bright? Trust me, a basilisk is much worse for oncoming traffic.
MemberYes, I would definitely agree.
Gods don’t have a lot of patience, they are not subtle, and they generally don’t work in mysterious ways.
As I’ve mentioned before, a bolt of Blue Lightning is usually the only warning you get, and even then, you’re dead.
Member@Lenamare :^o
I know you are, but what am I?
Sticks and Stones Can’t Break My Bones, and only My True Name can hurt me!
I am rubber and you are snotty goo, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!
At least I have [u][i][b]FRIENDS![/b][/i][/u]
Have you read the book? Everyone thinks you are a stuck up egotistical jerk!
Cause you are!