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Member[quote=Tizzy;7213]Hmm, so if you are a golem or other inorganic creature, you’d be safe.
How would we tell if two Gels were eating each other or having sex? Pretty sure it would look about the same.[/quote]
Actually, it pretty much is the same thing. Pseudopods aside, swapping genetic code at the molecular level takes a little digestion. That’s why Gels have to be around the same size/level. Otherwise, one just eats the other. Hard on the love life, but hey, at least you’re never hungry!
As for golems, while I can’t digest their inorganic bodies, I can dissolve them. And flesh golems? Yummy.
Member[quote=Tizzy;7216][quote=Dirk Flamberge;7214]I think you’ll find that you’re forgetting about a whole litany of super stomach creatures, like Eborsisks, The Giant Dune worms of Arakkis, The Molbol, And various swamp-based creatures.
Also you might be overrating our slimey friend here’s power and ability.[/quote]
GelCube, if you got eaten by a Dune Sandworm or any of these others, could you eat your way out?
Hmm, I don’t know. I’ve never been eaten by anything like that. I’d like to think I could, but how would I know unless I tried? Those sandworms…are they like the ones on Saturn?
Although I did have a cousin that got ate by a sharlick, sharlok…something like that. Anyway, it was this toothy hole in the ground on some desert planet or other. After he ate the insides of the thing out, some crazy cult or something kept throwing creatures in the hole, so he just hung around and ate them as they fell in. Heard he got killed when they dropped in some weird guy in armor.
MemberMy problem with this situation isn’t that he hasn’t had any desire, but that he hasn’t THOUGHT about the fact that he doesn’t have any desire. As a teenage human, sexual identity and desire becomes as much a HABIT, as it does a physiological response. Not just that you feel the desire to, say, be your own best friend, but after a certain number of weeks, it becomes a habit.
As with anything else, being busy will push the habit out of mind, but it’s still sitting back there in the back of his mind.
Once things slow down, even if he doesn’t have any actual physical desire, he should at least think about buffing the banana. Would be pretty amusing to have someone walk in on him doing the five knuckle shuffle.Gelcube
Member[quote=Coatl ;7182]Speaking of Tartarus, the book only said that the AII’s voice was a woman’s and unsettlingly familiar to Tom. Pheastus said that it was designed to sound like the person most familiar to Tom, but while that would usually mean his mother considering his age and relationship status back on Earth, the book doesn’t say that it is Tom’s mom, leaving me to assume that it’s someone from Orcus’s life. Will we get a confirmation on the owner of this voice in the next books?[/quote]
Ohhh, that’s a very good point! Completely missed that one.
MemberOh, Glorious Frabjous Day! Maybe…
MemberNah, like TAG says, there’s just been no time. I’ve noticed in my own life that “personal cube-to-cube time” usually happens when we’re not sliding around like we’ve had our pseudopods cut off. When RL gets busy, we don’t.
In one of these books, Tom’s just going to have to take a week off, and when he does…
Well, let’s just say I doubt Mount Doom will the ONLY thing to erupt.
MemberYay! We get to give you more money!
Oh frabjous day!
MemberMeh, I log on nearly every day, but nothing to say, other than
. I too am interested in progress, though. 8-[
Member[quote=The Author Guy;7031]Yeah, I agree, which why I don’t really see it either, she’s just the most obvious choice, and I say that because she actually wants to experience carnality very badly. It’s a big part of why young djinn sign up for several decades of service to a mortal.
I keep tossing girls at him, but none seem right. Jenn, Zelda, Tamarin…
Of course, for immortals, there is no huge rush to fall in love, marry and procreate. They do so for companionship and for sex as desired, but even so, when you have thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and billion years…there is time.
And that vow of “till death do us part…” is a pretty strong commitment if death never comes…[/quote]
I’m not talking about love or marriage. Not even him having sex. I just meant there’s not even any desire at all. No real passion about anything. Maybe it’s just because he’s been running around trying to do EVERYTHING at once that he hasn’t had time to even look at a pretty girl (or boy or whatever) and say in his head “Wow, she/he’s hot!” or seeing something in Doom and geeking out a little about it. It’s almost as if the job is sucking out any and all joy for anything out of him. Even when they were in the spa, it was almost as if he wasn’t enjoying it all that much. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was getting depressed. Depression can sneak up on you. :-k
MemberHA! It’s only because we see your TRUE greatness, Tizzy. We can’t imagine there’s any demon out there better, so you MUST be the Concordenax!
..if you’re not, maybe you SHOULD be. Is there an election you can buy, or will you just dazzle all the other demons with your brilliance?
MemberI didn’t say it was GOOD, just that it was one of the better ones. To be honest, the LitRPG field is littered.
Just that. Littered, like with trash.
Get it?
MemberOrdered it yesterday. Will start it as soon as I finish my current book. 🙂
MemberCrap, Amazon’s showing the price as $33.68. Dang. If I was a big audiobook fan, I’d have an audible account instead of Kindle Unlimited, I guess. 😛
MemberThat was a weird error from the forums.
MemberHa! Yeah, that can get pretty slimy, pretty fast. Backups are always a hot-button topic.