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MemberFor me, I say… who needs sex?
It just seems stupid that Demons are busy trying to make babies when they don’t need to.
But then, Rupert would not have existed. So maybe there is a positive side to this sex thing.
There is also the problem of Tom’s children being half demons. That would be especially difficult to those children as exemplified by Rupert. Rupert already expressed his desire to end his life. Well that would not be a problem, I think, if Tom behave like Antefalken, not caring about his offsprings and all. His children could kill themselves for all he cares.
You don’t have to be so graphic you know?
MemberAnd why do you let the view of others define who you are? You must be insane because others think so? You are worthless because others think so?
Or is it becuase demons are maleable to human thoughts? That prove my theory.
[quote=Tizzy;1689]So while Antfalken does sleep around, and has fathered children it doesn’t happen that much, and Antefalken is also sort of a special case, he’s got some special experience in mortal/demon back and forth that very few demons have. I suspect that makes him more fertile than most. This is something that will be told in Tales of the Demon Bard…some day. It may also help explain his clothes…and why he wears them, why they don’t burn or dry out.[/quote]
Well, that is not how I read it. Antefalken had said that he lost count of the number of his offsprings. That only happens when the number is quite big enough to lost count of.
And how would that explain the invulnerability of his clothes? That doesn’t make any sense.
MemberBut Tizzy Antefalken is wearing his clothes outside the Courts. When he meet Tom and Rupert the first time outside Tom’s cave, Antefalken is clothed.
And of course the bevarages, espcially wine and other alcoholic ones. There was one scene where you and Boggy carried a bottle of wine to Tom’s cave, and of course there is also Antefalken walking all over Abyss with a bottle of wine.
A deck of cards should not be a problem. There are heat resistant plastic, paint and inks.
My point. Who need sex?
The demons just really has no need for it. Sex is developed for procreation (because we die, and not procreating means death of the species) which demons just don’t need at all. I always find it quite ridiculous that creatures that are beyond the limitation of mortals still requires such mortal necessity as sex. You have here creatures who don’t need to eat, don’t need to drink, could not sleep nor need to, never have to excrete, and find breathing a hindrance; who are immortals and lived for eternity… but they need sex? Bullshit!… well almost. It just sounds so absurd to me.
There are gold and platinum in the Abyss?
Though, why not? As Tom had experienced, modesty seems to be non existent in demons.
And where did you get that strange image. It looks so old fashioned.
Thank god we won’t have ghost sex and such. Ridiculous!
MemberWell, the Abyss never really seems like a place for entertainment. The local residents aren’t really conductive for such.
You have a librabry? That is so weird!
There is a djinn? It was never hinted in the book and doesn’t anything about them.
MemberSo no Djinns. Oh well.
MemberWell, we are waiting. Well, I’m up to other projects these days so I have things to occupy my mind. Also been rereading the first book.
MemberThat is a great come back Korwin. Yes we all are looking forward to reading it.
I think Tizzy is making this all up.
So you just base it on rumors? Not really good sources of information.
MemberBe careful with the cover. It is the first thing people will see. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover but that is what people do.
I have some apprehensions about the minimalistic cover design:
For one, it is such a popular method nowdays that you run the risks of appearing unoriginal. Publishers have expend a great deal of forune to make their covers memorable. Many book covers are work of art.
Second, such cover design is often appear just so-so, nothing remarkable. In a field of book covers, such minimalistc design would never stand out. The present book cover might not pretty, but it sure did catch my attention when I see it. That demon and ring of fire makes me stop.
Third, it say nothing of the contents. There apear to be a sort of language in these book covers. By just looking at them, you can tell what is inside the book. (Erotic) Romances has those men showing their muscular abdomen and women showing off their legs sometimes showing the couple in a rather risque situation, or if it was more conservative, just the couple smilling happily. Children books are colorful and filled with cartoony or fun images. Dark fantasy is all grungy and dirty and dark, and often has barbarian looking guys in it. These are mostly because of people’s expectations but the point is still there, the cover speak for themselves.
One thing I want to be presented in the book cover is the humour. It is one of the greatest aspect of the book. If not that, then the fantasy.
I really don’t like to offend you but it really show in your work that it just takes a half hour to do. You don’t want to send that message to prospective readers.
Hmmm. I have been putting my work on hold because I want to see what Tom the demon looks in the new cover. I should have not been waiting isn’t it? It is also an excuse for being inadequate artit. LOL.
Really need more practice.
MemberYou know guys there have to be better ways of inflicting pain than writing books.
MemberI always think that Rupert shapeshifting to that because of his own desires is a bit boring but also a bit ilogical. Shapeshifting is seems need great concentration to keep the form. Rupert don’t need to so his demon from (a Tom look alike) is his real form since it doesn’t take much effort.
My own theory is that there might really be another demon that look like Tom who is Rupert’s father. It is a bit far fetched but it is possible. Call is coincedence but…
Though, three identical demons is very unnerving.
8. That is a good point. Verigas has enabled a lot of evil to happen (in their view anyway). That is something to see.
9. Your suspicion seems a bit outrageous, but then, what really is there. Another thing to look forward to… but the author might as well not tell us.
10. Ah! You are with the Gods-are-Demons wagon? Tizzy seems to be against that idea. Maybe because he cant stand that those bile cretures are just like him.
11. Yes! This one. There is little information to this. Still, their visions are vague. There might be little information because they don’t really have that much. Still I do look forward to the group meeting and discussing this or something.
Regarding #2 – I always thought that what Tom did is just spur-of-the-moment. He haven’t think it all through. He might actually know not what to do with him. Maybe he will just keep Talarius around even if he is a pain in the neck.
Regarding #4 – I know, this is the point I infer when I read it. And its the same, they will be extremely stressed. LOL.
@JMX @Madfox
Yes those are something to see.
My guess is that they might be inviting Tom to join their group. As I see, Tom did show some awesome stuff. The three of them is said to have difficulty in dealing with the Rod, and they stated that it will take them a lot of effort to fight them, but Tom did it almost effortlessly kick Talarius but after he become serious. Not to mention Tom is a four and Talarius is said to be more tougher that the usual Knight Rampant. That is how awesome Tom is.
Af for the book, it is a mystery till now. It might even remain a mystery in book two. What is in that damn thing anyway. Well, we might not know what is in the book but I do want to know what the wizards thought was in the book for them to go head over heels for it.
If this world is as medievalistic as presented, then no. Interior design has never become a subject of its own study in those times. It was never thought of as a separate field of study from architecture in those times. The architects also the interior designers.
Bring him to your place already. It should be more fun there than in Tom’s right?
MemberI take it. You watch them to have an excuse for drinking. Or is drinking so much drinking when you watch them.
Game of Thrones. Really interesting book. The author seem to have the obsession of inflecting agony to the readers though. He keep killing main characters back and forth.
MemberTo all who read and liked the book. I would like to know what you are looking forward to in book 2. There are probably a lot you would like to read about in the upcomming book.
For me, I’m looking forward to Tom’s interaction with Ramses, Bess and Exador. Tom has rather very limited interaction with the three demons in book 1, but yet it still is interesting. I think we will get more interesting account about it in book 2.
I’m also looking forward to reading about the Rod’s reaction to the abduction of their Knight Rhampant. It was rather a great loss of face for them.
I’m also looking forward to meeting other creatures/species in Astlan. We mostly meet humans and demons in book 1 but clearly there are many more creatures in Astlan that we are to met yet.
So what is yours? Anything you want to read about in Book 2?