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  • in reply to: Beta 2 Status #4237

    Well, would take a rest now. Need to get ready and prepare.

    Good luck by the way.

    in reply to: Oak Orcs of the Antilles #4221

    Well, you can say that the shamans has to be ‘praying’ or meditating to send mana.

    Also, Orcus could be stabbed multiple times or the blade was kept in his gut.

    Also, the amount of mana Tom used isn’t small. It is said to be equavalent to two and a half ‘Miracle’ and a Miracle is quite large by their standard.

    in reply to: Lenamare VS The Rod #4228

    Well, I think it was wellknown by the Astlanians that Tom is Lenamare’s demon, that Lenamare is the accursed master. Also given is that the Rod is desparate to save Talarius. Then shouldn’t The Rod take Lenamare to custody or something, interogate him, extract from him Tom’s name, etc.

    Then for the whole book why don’t they? Why don’t they even think about Lenamare (and Gastrope, Maelen and Jenn) when he appears to be a good source of info?

    Hilda also doesn’t seem to pursue them too. Why?

    in reply to: The Grove side plot/story – Jenn & Gastropé #4180

    Oh. That was the purpose of the Grove. It might have been an overdose though. A whole lot that Gastrope and Jenn go through is meeting these new species but nothing else. It also turn out that these characters aren’t really interesting. It was a bit of disappointment to me as I was looking forward to meeting them. It seems I expect too much.

    Their treck is also full of nothing happening. Most of what they do is just travel to one place to another, then to another and to another.

    Also, most of the scenes Gastrope and Jenn are in are full of exposition and info dump. Reading paragraph after paragraphs of nothing but descriptions (the descriptions about the ship Nimbus is particularly mind numbing) is a bit of a chore.

    If I reread this book, I’m sure to skip most of these parts.

    in reply to: The Grove side plot/story – Jenn & Gastropé #4173

    Well, for me the reasons are:

    -G and J are just travelling from point A to point B. Which means it has nothing to be excited about in terms of plot.

    -G and J are not enjoying themselves. Which means we won’t be enjoying their trip either.

    -The characters they met are not interesting. Most remains in the background. The ones G and J met isn’t really the characters I want to know more about.

    -G and J themselves aren’t very interesting. Their thoughts, their reactions and their decisions doesn’t have anything noteworthy.

    -The interactions between the characters, new and old, are not interesting. Actually they barely interact with each other. The only noteworthy interaction for me is when G and J accidentally hold hands.

    in reply to: the magic lift design flaws #4201

    I have also thought about enchanting the hoops.

    The contraction and expansion I’m most concerned of is the length of the cables. They would increase in legth when heated and decrease in length when cold. With this cable lenght, it could be up to several feet of length chages. This is actually a very familiar problem in engineering when making large structures like bridges and skyscrapers. In the case of the lift the problem would be: 1: cables would increase in length and become very loose. It would not then be able to stabilize the lift (like say the lift would twist). Or 2: the cable would contract/decrease in length and pull its supporting structures off. Either case is not really good.

    If you asked me. They should have used rails instead of cables to stabilize the lift. It is what is done in modern elevators and they had the tech for it.

    in reply to: the magic lift design flaws #4203

    Well the cables would create a great racket too. Do you know how painful it is to the ears the sound of metal scratching another? The tracks and wheels would be silent by comparison. Also, noise in high speed travel has always existed (trains for example aren’t silent). Modern technology eliminated it somewhat but they are still there.

    Rails on vertical cliffs? Just look at roller coasters. They do more than just go vertical. They loop. They corkscrew. They zigzag. And modern elevators already solve this (well skyscrapers are synonymous to vertical cliffs). Why reinvent?

    in reply to: (81.0) Issues #4118

    yes, this is not how Tom usually handles this things. He has seen more stranger things than Antefalken’s heat resistant harp and he never shows his ignorance.

    in reply to: The Grove side plot/story – Jenn & Gastropé #4168

    I think I understand what they mean. I have a hard time going through that part. I have a very strong desire to skip it.

    in reply to: (83.5) Issues #4205

    “We’ve gotten rid of the demons,…”

    -I’m not really very good in english but I think this does not sound right. Though it might be me who is wrong.

    in reply to: (83.7) Issues #4207

    “[color=red]The[/color] gave each other short kisses on each cheek and then grasped each other’s opposing elbows in greeting.”

    -“[color=blue]They[/color] gave each other short kisses on each cheek and then grasped each other’s opposing elbows in greeting.”

    in reply to: (84.2) Issues #4208

    “I’m thinking I should go into the Courts and [color=green]gauge reactions[/color].”

    – ”gauge [color=blue]the[/color] reactions.” ?

    in reply to: (84.4) Issues #4209

    “He’d first entered the seminary of Hendel as an aspirant spending a year learning the ins and outs of the religion, but when it came time to dedicate himself, [color=red]the priests had told him didn’t have the calling[/color].”

    – ”He’d first entered the seminary of Hendel as an aspirant spending a year learning the ins and outs of the religion, but when it came time to dedicate himself, the priests had told him [color=blue]that he[/color] didn’t have the calling.”

    in reply to: (85.2) Issues #4210


    “And what does Gandros [color=red]went[/color] with the good Seer?”


    “[color=red]It is not a quick trip, and the Lady Councilor is the only person to have been there and that long ago.[/color]”

    -this is bugging me. Maybe:

    “It is not a quick trip. The Lady Councilor is the only person to have been there and that was long ago.”

    in reply to: (85.3) Issues #4212

    [quote]Although, if they are being picky about who [color=red]the[/color] let back in, it might be best to not be intoxicated. Perhaps we can try it after you meet with your friend?[/quote]

    “Although, if they are being picky about who [color=blue]they[/color] let back in, it might be best to not be intoxicated. Perhaps we can try it after you meet with your friend?”

    misspelling or wrong word choice.

    [quote]I am packed[color=red];[/color] I simply need to hook up my horse and wagon.[/quote]

    “I am packed[color=blue].[/color] I simply need to hook up my horse and wagon.”

    I think a period instead of a semicolon is proper here.

    [quote]Will you hobble the animals dear?” [color=red]I’ll help Master Trisfelt with his horse and wagon.[/color][/quote]

    “Will you hobble the animals dear? I’ll help Master Trisfelt with his horse and wagon.”

    I think this sentence should be inside the quotation marks.

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