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The Author Guy
MemberYeah, I may end up going with silver or other colors or simply pure white without the decoration.
Particularly on the back. I’ll do a couple variants over the next couple weeks. Wording is very much subject to change.
The Author Guy
MemberWell….how he keeps tabs on them was revealed (to me) via the beta process.
Remember how when we discovered that Orcus’ son was Dis Pater. And remember how it was pointed out that Dis Pater was listed as one of the “Gods of the Grove”
I was, of course, surprised by this (remember I only write down what Tizzy tells me to write) so now my assumption is that Orcus used Dis Pater to keep an eye on them. So this will be a job for Rupert!
The Author Guy
MemberI could do it too it’s just time and such
And right now I’m scrambling that freaking EM forum because I moved a bunch of stuff to the wrong topic via typo
The Author Guy
MemberGood catch!
No, War Arrow is cisgendered. I suspect Talarius is a bit too uptight for a hermaphroditic mount!
The Author Guy
MemberOn the language issue:
Talarius had stopped near the mock combat to observe more closely. An older man, a human in leather armor, teaching them noticed Talarius presence and smiled as he walked over.The teacher nodded in greeting. “Welcome. I am Timeron. You came from the volcano; are you with Lord Tommus?” The man, speaking an oddly accented dialect of High Etonian, extended his hand in greeting.
Talarius blinked, surprised at the man’s friendliness. He quickly pulled off his gauntlet and shook the man’s hand. “Thank you. I am Talarius, I have come from Mount Doom. I am a guest of Lord Tommus.” He felt that was the simplest explanation that wouldn’t raise too many questions.
[/quote]Logic is going to be that they use a version of what the Astlanian’s call Etonian, but is really a language used by the priests/servants/followers of the Five Siblings.
There are different versions/dialects used for different purposes.
It makes sense that they would use it in the Citadel, and since they are all allies, one might figure they know it on Doom. My thought is that it is basically the “trade” language on Nysegard.
It is not the same “trade” as on Astlan, however. But Teragdor and Rasmuth would also know it.
The Author Guy
“It reminds me,” Tom said slowly, “of a rather twisted and stunted version of the Manhattan skyline. Is that supposed to be the Freedom Tower?”He pointed to the Enslavement Services building. “The Empire State building?” He pointed out the Evil State building.
Interesting, Antefalken thought. He knew similar names, but not the correct ones. Was he really a novice? Or had he not been here in so long that the names had changed?
The buildings did change fairly rapidly, the names not quite so fast. They had been the same for at least the last three hundred years.
“Trump Tower?” Tom asked incredulously.
Well, at least he got that one right, thought Antefalken, shuddering at the thought of its namesake Archdemon. “Almost,” he said. “Let’s head on in. I’m going to need to go to the Notorious Dame Cathedral.” Tom looked at him cock-eyed. “That I probably should do on my own. I can take you to a bar where we can meet later. In the meantime you guys can just wander around.”
The Author Guy
MemberThat’s what I’ve been saying as well.
However, my argument started falling apart (for my conservative friends) when Weld, the Libertarian VP said he was voting for Hillary…
And Johnson has flubbed quite a few questions, none of which would matter if his name was Trump.And Jill did not do herself any credibility favors with her choice of VP, a man who thinks Bernie and Cornell West are right wing enablers and sympathizers.
The Author Guy
MemberThe AII would end up being like Ruiden is (or should be) to Talarius.
On the animism of Eastern religions, this is actually very much like shamans and druids in astlan.
There are different strains of shamanism and druidism, different schools but many of them are very animistic.
And in fact, all of animus is literally animisitic. Remember, Tom can see animus in plants and animals, at least in the dark; it is weak but there. This is animism.
And in fact one might argue animages are also animistic, just far less mystical, more scientific.
I could in fact argue that much of the worldset of Astlan is animistic and that these “gods” are a group of people imposing themselves upon the world, bigger stronger manipulators of mana and animus, with incredible egos that need to be worshipped.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, his motivations are murky yet. And, I am sure, a mix of things that operate at cross purposes.
Reminder, there is another actor who we have not seen yet. He is only mentioned in relationship to a certain evaporated lich.
Sentir Fallon somehow acquired the dagger from said evaporated lich. There are questions as to how he acquired it, and what the terms were.
This is also where Exador comes back into play as Exador was working with said evaporated lich and instigated the downfall of the Nyjyr Ennead in Astlan.
Sentir Fallon was the Attendant Archon of Astlan at that time (pre-Moradel) as well as during the time of the Anilords, when so much of the Church fell under the sway of the Anilords (one of whom was Ramses) and the old Etonian Empire fell.
And very annoyingly I am looking at my “full history” in Excel and some dates that I know were there are no longer there…clearly a version control loss, going to have to go look at alternate savings I have to see where I lost those dates. I had them when I wrote the chapter with Teragdor and Stevos talking about the hierarchy.
The Author Guy
MemberThanks, will take a look.
No time to fully read.
Motto: If you have time to read, you have time to write.
Gotta say this motto is really seriously hitting my (reading) book count (which has been limited ever since I go to the “real” world, as is/was)
In my glory days (jr/sr high school) it was a book a day (budget-arally) I did quite a bit of re-reading. In college it was book/month grad school book/quarter (although I blame my re-acquired comic book addiction to 50% of that) in real world 1 to 2 books/year (unforgivable, but when you know the ending after 2 chapters…hell)
Actually that “Know the ending thing” has always driven DoA. I think we all know the “base picture” but the roadmap is seriously screwy, or so I hope. And I don’t promise the ending we all expect.
But no, Tom is not going to ditch everything and blah blah blalh…no panic, I am not that much of anarchist.
I do expect people to be able to build an end game. I just don’t want it to be a easy as some (many) books make it.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, that’s possible. Never actually thought of doing that.
I have new copies of VI.1 and VI.2 and VII.1.
To get you cost, just need to know what volume(s) you want and where it needs to be delivered [i.e. shipping cost] (and how you want it made out).
Cost/book is less than Amazon, probably with shipping included.
Just email Tizzy with the details for shipping etc. Tizzy at
The Author Guy
MemberI had been going to do it last night, but was on a writing binge and would like to cram some more new content in for Alpha 2.
Let me see how far I get tonight and what I think I can get done tomorrow/etc.
The Author Guy
MemberVery funny. I’ve seen him a couple times on Graham Norton, and I think James Cordon. I too seem to have a lot of phrases that I use that no one else does, some were family, some are things that stuck in my head from all my reading as a kid, and I just like odd catch phrases.
Now this apropos for the summer in that this is currently a huge discussion point around me as summer comes on. Pear cider made from 100% pears is called a perry. In fact we can’t pass a “pear cider” in a store without inspecting it to find out their truth in advertising. Some of them are a combination of pear and apple ciders,and called pear cider, which is OK, but others call themselves 100% pear cider, but that is a contradiction, because that’s not a cider, it’s a perry.
Anyway, just funny that you posted this, given that has been a big topic among my friends and I lately.
The Author Guy
MemberAlso, remember from last time, all the work reincarnated people have to go through as servants of the Nyjyr Ennead–they work very hard to help their reincarnated people remember past lives.
The Author Guy
MemberNow you know! How apropos!
That is about perfect. I had forgotten that song, I probably hadn’t heard it in a decade. MWRA doesn’t show up on local stages as much as say Company or Sweeny Todd which Sondheim also did with Hal Prince, among others.