Beta – Some Things and opinions

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  • #7122

    I read in another topic that Vaselle finds plans for doom warlock robes.

    so what abilities will they have.

    changing form from warlock robes to normal robes?

    links to mount doom warlock pools.

    hiding the face in shadows like sauron’s look.
    because when your warlocks are highly placed you don’t want them recognized.
    when they are working for/with you like Damien.

    face change making the face look different from what it normally looks like.

    Damien seems to be the type which used orcus’s library.
    he might have gotten some recruits to his warlocks from them.

    Orcus must have had high ranking mages working for him.

    the ballad said he had 13 greater and 13 lesser warlocks.
    don’t remember the numbers.


    Really looking forward to this actually. Biggest thing is we have never really seen what a mage can truly do when they are connected to a pool!
    How does it affect their magic? Does it just give them an endless supply or does it also help speed up certain magics?
    Not sure if I have read Beta 4 but I think it would be a good point to have him maybe look at recruiting more mages to become warlocks. A mage tailor who worked for Doom could be very handy in rebuilding Doom. Plus I am sure the more elite mages probably look down on the more non battle mages and could there for be a good recruiting opportunity!


    Yes, I actually think that’s what he’s going to do.

    I’m sure he’d like to convince Damien to hook up, but can pretty much bet he won’t. Being a warlock of a “foreign power” would probably be a conflict of interest with his seat on the Council (which is part of governing body of the Council States)

    Regular mana pools, the gems, contain a fixed amount of mana, like a battery. Nearly all magic items that have spell like affects use them, and they have to be recharged. Hence we saw Stainsberry’s staff run out of juice.

    Wizards will almost always have a personal mana pool linked to them, it’s a gem that’s usually on a pendant or ring. You can only “safely” have one linked to you at a time without risking feedback. Part of what Exador and Ramses did with the obelisks was figure out a way to have a series of mana pools, with only one linked at time. As the first pool rand dry, it was automatically disconnected and another one reconnected. This is actually an amazing piece of Wizardry that is quite revolutionary, and, if he was still hiding as a wizard, he might have released it to the world as part of his competition with Lenamare.

    Now, Vaselle, I am sure has a personal mana pool, but he’s also got his link to Tom (similar to, but stronger than) the shaman’s link. So he can pull mana from Tom, who pulls it from Mount Doom and that is basically a godpool. So it’s a crap load of mana.

    The limitation, however, is the skill of the wizard. This is a bit different then for an animage. With wizards, you don’t want to try to cast too powerful of a spell using tons of mana because you can screw it up and things go “boom” The loose term for it is “fumbling the spell” If you are going too far beyond your abilities you can get yourself and a lot of other people killed.

    The difference with an animage is that their skill limits how much they can channel and if things are too difficult the mana isn’t channeled, it can fumble but usually isn’t that big of a deal (although with certain disciplines it can be). Wizards, however, use “prepackaged recipes” that pull in all the mana upfront, if you get it wrong, at a stage after the mana is pulled in–KABOOM

    So for Vaselle, pulling on Mount Doom he could in theory do spells more powerful than he has the personal mana for but then he risks fumbling.


    Well, there is technically more to it than that; that’s just the most obvious thing. And for Vaselle, it’s one of the most obvious priestly sort of things.

    He is a familiar to Tom. Tom can completely inhabit his body and take control or share control. If Tom is willing/assisting, Vaselle can pretty much do anything Tom can do. He can literally be an “avatar” in the “divine presence on earth” sort of respect, or the James Cameron move sort of thing.

    In theory, warlocks could also figure out a way to feed mana to their masters as well.

    In popular mythology (in Astlan and elsewhere) warlock perform sacrifices to offer up mana and animus to their demon.

    It’s really just a question of time and what Tom can do, Vaselle can do and what they can learn together.

    At the moment, their mutual ignorance is the main limitation. That and Tom’s moral squeamishness.


    Huh very interesting and exciting! There is so much that Tom has to “re learn” that is now lost to get Doom back up to the power it once was.
    It’s kind of sad that Damien would say no to Tom’s offer if Tom actually made him the offer. Because he really could use a more learned Wizard on his team that could dedicate the time to go threw the Library of Doom on try to help learn what has been lost. And to be honest it shouldn’t be to hard to find a Wizard who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to go threw all the books that they have stashed there.
    Also excited to see what happens with the Orcs on Asltan and the inhabitants on the Nimbus. Pretty much at the moment their original mission is mute. So I am hoping that they stick around to make sure that peace is had and the elves do no more to jeopardize the peace. And just maybe Tom makes an appearance and maybe invites them to Doom to see what is really going on.


    Besides the current enchantress is younger than Orcus’s death.


    It appears that way. Not sure exactly how old she is, but don’t think she’s over 4K. I mean, Gastrope’ sort of thinks she looks about that old but….

    But she is definitely more attractive than any of the female liches so…


    Honestly I did not put two and two together with Dis Pater when I read that. Ha ha sometimes I get lost with all the different connections.
    I do believe though that I am going to start and re read all the current books again.
    I just finished re reading the Daniel Black series and yours is next on the list to re read. So hopefully I can put more things together. 😀

    Also side question. It seems that I did not click the link when I created this account to verify it but it also seems that Tizzy stole that email so I no longer can. Is there away to resend me a verification email?



    You are verified. I verified you. You wouldn’t be able to login again if you weren’t. Not unless you are a Russian hacker who has hacked the site!!!! Please don’t steal our emails! That could be very embarrassing!!! [blush]

    So what do you need from it?

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