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MemberThat is one of the benefits of wizardry…no…not if they know the spell.
Obviously if they are trying to cast it ad hoc from a book and you altered the words of the spell in the book or changed the ingredient.
But to do so to redirect, would require a lot of planning forethought and knowledge. It is something that someone like Lenamare could probably do as part of a long range sneaky plan (see the discussion of how he got the Book coming in volume 2)
The closest thing to a real time hack is to disrupt the casting, similar to the C.o.D. incident. That’s not directed, just deadly.
Wizards actually know a very great deal about links, they just do it quite differently than say Tom or Maelen. you could in theory try to fool them by giving them a wrong true name…and thus retarget, but a good wizard would probably detect the spell wasn’t working…
OK, now we have said this I am rethinking. Technically, Tom hijacked the summons done by Verigas, that was a ritual which is very much like a spell. So yes, I expect that Tom could hijack a wizard summoning a different demon.
They key here is that Tom is supplying is own power and is actually following an intercepted link to another demon to locate the priest/wizard on the Planes of Man. He’s using the summoning spell as a homing device, and then using the flame and continued chanting like a rope to pull himself there and punch a hole in reality and open a gate.
You notice there are two distinct ways Tom (and other demons) travel. The “fading in and out”, and the “portal” approach. Tom uses the “portal approach” when demons are summoned the wizard is using the fading in and out approach. Same thing when a demon returns to the Abyss upon death in the PoM. They fade out.
MemberAccording to the ever whiny T-A-G that has been a subject of great consternation.
In part because it has to be representative, and enticing, but not give too much away. So no Tom vs Talarius for example.
Right now the thinking is the initial summoning (e.g. circle of wizards w/Tom in the middle)
However suggestions are welcome.
MemberThis is like Buffet Day!
Welcome to the table!
MemberOk, now that is a very scary name you have!
Almost makes me fear to drink your soul.
But I think if you are still fizzy, I’ll be OK. It’s just if you are a Warm and Flat CocaCola that you’d be gross!
Of course, it’s very hard to get an Icy Cold Coke in the Abyss. About all we have are HotCocaColas and CocaColaSteam…
Ooh, CocaCola Steamon!
MemberThere is no sentience in the 5 pure Elemental Planes–that we know of–although you gotta wonder about the plane of Spirit. Remember it’s the interaction of these planes that creates mana, animus etc. So a “pure” plane isn’t going to generate life or magic on its own.
The demi-elemental planes seem to be different. There are sentient beings that live there. I think they are ‘native’ but not really sure. But certainly since they are transition zones, they have elemental mixing which could create life and magic.
MemberWell, when I ate the hearts of their defeated enemies, the did quite well.
But when they stopped feeding me hearts, I stopped helping them and so things went down hill.
Same thing with the Aztec until they slowed down on the hearts, I stayed away to punish them for a bit and then this chap from Spain came along and claimed to be me and beat the crap out of them.
BTW you know Aztecati or Aztecah means the “people of Aztlan” hmmm….interesting…well so much for that Trans Siberian-Alaskan bridge theory…you now know the truth.
MemberYou mean like Aqua Demon Hunger Force?
Hmm. That is an interesting question. However the Abyss isn’t known for having a lot of moisture…so they’d sort of be like fish flopping in a boat. 🙂
Now, there might however be demi-elementals from say from the demiplane of Mist or Steam
[color=blue][b]Steamons! [/b][/color] I like that idea a lot. :d/
MemberHmm. Normally they would gain a proper form. I supposed they could revert back if they wanted, but I think they’d be a lot bigger shadows.
Remember they have to sort of squish into only 2 dimensions… 🙂
Actually not completely true, they are more like clouds of darkness, but sort of hard to see unless they are huddled in a corner where they look like a shadow. They don’t like light at all.
They also aren’t that talkative. They obey orders but don’t say much…in fact, not sure I’ve heard one talk.
But don’t go to sleep on top of one or they’ll start sucking out your life energy.
They seem to lose that ability as an imp. But maybe if they change back to a shadow…except they wouldn’t have the energy to change their shape.
You know, I’ve never given it that much thought, but when they mature into imps they sort of coalesce into an imp. Betting none of them would want to try going back to shadow for fear of getting stuck that way again. Now if they worked their way up much bigger to a greater demon or something, then they could shift back…but probably a LOT bigger surface area.
MemberSpacing and size is important, one nice thing about traditional scene based images is that they tend to be either square or portrait which gives one extra room at the top for text.
Of course for full cover scenes this can be some awkward, non-critical drawing (e.g. sky).
That was one nice thing about covers that used inset images.
[albumimg]14[/albumimg]BTW notice that really sexy looking grayish blue fellow on the left in the first picture! Woo hoo! Love me some limbs! =p~
I think they idea is that so much tends to happen in any given book that the title has to highlight certain parts of the book, and wanting the cover to reflect that title is what the author is waiting on. Of course, to be fair, in advance of writing the book, the title is based on what readers “think” the next book is going to be about (e.g. why he wants beta demons to vote/suggest title)
I.e by the end of book 2, it looks like book 3 is going “there” so title should reflect there, whether the book gets “there” or maybe goes further, is a different question.
MemberYou are very close, you got the red font. Just need to say, in red.
I, Jonnyboi want to be a beta demon!
MemberConsider your soul eaten!
Two more meals! I am getting stuffed!
But rest assured, your souls are far more useful to me as entrees than they are to you.
As a rule, I find that having a soul really hampers one’s ability to acquire material contentment, it makes you weak and hesitant to stomp on other people when needed to get ahead.
MemberExcellent, but I’m getting rather full, do you mind if I give your soul to Boggy to eat?
He’s pretty hungry, and as a good friend, very deserving of a tasty soul.
MemberHey Shadow George…only a few more posts until you become and imp!
If T-A-G tries to give up I will poke him with a pitch fork. Odd, you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pitchfork in the Abyss?
Why are demons always pictured with pitchforks? We don’t grow a lot of hay down here. Hmm…
Books, being commercial objects tend to have a meme cycle or something…plots come in waves, usually following some huge money making wave and everyone trying to do a me too.
This is particularly true with the traditional book market where publishers, agents etc are looking for the next guaranteed money maker. Same for Books, TV, Movies etc.
Harry Potter cleaned up and then we had all these schools for wizards, monster, gods, vampires etc books.
Then sparkly vampires and cuddly werewolves made money so now all these romances with cuddly creatures of the night. I’m sorry, but I do think it says something about how they are raising their children. A girl encounters a blood soaked fanged monster chowing down on a neighbor and she falls helplessly in love with him and they run off together to make half human half vampire babies?
Seriously? In my day you avoided people with vans and candy, seems like at some point parents could warn their kids about blood sucking fiends!
That being said, I’ve met a lot of fun party loving vampires, liches and other creatures of the night. I wouldn’t want my daughter (if I had one) dating them, but they are pretty fun to party with. But that may be because I am a demon and love mayhem and mass murder. As I’ve said before, nothing beats a nice fresh Baby Buffet for Breakfast….
MemberI am actually pretty sure that was the idea of the pitchforks, to pick up/toss/transport the souls in hell.
I seem to recall that as part of the original idea.
Of course, it also makes sense, souls need to be guarded against escape, and if you are a religious peasant/surf, the closest thing you have to a weapon is a pitchfork, so that’s what you use on all those Point One Percenters from the Castle that screwed you over in life and are now damned.